Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Hangeng was the top idol in China.

And today was his birthday <3

He was walking pass the company and many wished him happy birthday.

He was called into the office by his boss.

"Hangeng-ah,happy birthday.And I have a gift for you."His boss said.

"Oh?"Hangeng spoke,surprised.

"Yes,my gift for you is that you will be the main character in a up coming movie!"His boss said.

"Omo thank you!"Hangeng exclaimed,he was very happy.


His job ended,and he headed home.

"Welcome home~"His family welcomed.

They had a feast,his father gave him a car(wow),his mom gave him designer clothes,his sister gave him new sunglasses.

"Thank you all~~~"Hangeng sang and gave them a hug and went to his room.

He laid down on his bed,waiting for a certian message.


1 new message

Heechul <3

He opened the message with a smile.

Happy birthday darls.

I miss you so much <3 I love you :D

'Finally he smsed me!'Hangeng thought and messaged back.

Miss you too darling,and thank you....

I wanna hold you now,I miss youu<3

A minute later,another reply came.

Manager hyung will kill me if I keep messaging you,since it's expensive.

Hangeng frown at the message.

Okay then...Bye I love you

Then when Hangeng is about to fall asleep,another message came.

Open the door.

Hangeng was confused.

He went and opened the door and was shocked.

There stands Heechul,

with a bow on his head.

"Saelichukkahamnida~"Heechul sang and Hangeng gave him a bone crashing hug.

"You're here!"Hangeng shouted.

"As you're birthday present~"Heechul whispered.

"Oh....I'm sure you know what I want~"Hangeng whispered back and Heechul smile,the same time Hangeng picked him up bridal style and went into the room......


Let your imagination guide you on what happen next <3


Happy Birthday HANGENG OPPA! <3 

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happy bd hannie!!
Kyoptaaaa~!!!! Heechul so cute with bow on his head. kekkee. happy birthday hangeng gege!!!!!
ErikinaDaisy #3
Awwww~ Such a sweet Hanchul bday fic~ Thank you~!