Forever In Your Eyes

Forever In Your Eyes
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I was unsure of many things, like how I was unsure of what to eat during breakfast, lunch or dinner, like how I was unsure of what to wear during my first date or how would I react if there’s a burglar in the house. But one thing’s for sure, I love her and I want to spend the rest of my life with her by my side.

She’s everything that I have ever dream. Who wouldn’t fall for her? She’s amazing in every way. She’s the most beautiful girl that I’ve ever seen. She’s cute with her not-so-long hair, tantalizing eyes, her gummy smile, her moles that’s like a constellation and her amazing personality. And whenever she her lips, ohgod, it’s really seductive and it’s such a turn on (I just have to say it because why the hell not, right?) She’s always there whenever I need her. She’s not like the others where they will only be there for you if they need you or if they want something for you. She takes care of me and everyone without bragging everything that she does.

When she got into a car accident 2 months before, that’s when I knew. I don’t want to lose her. I could never lose her. I’m done if I lost her. And that’s why I came up with a plan. I had help with my dear friends. I told them about my plan and they are really happy with it and as I recall them saying, “At last!”, “Just in time.” Etc... Hell, they are the reason why me and her are a couple. They push us to our limit to reveal our feelings to each other. At first, it’s such a mess cause we, specially me, don’t know what will happen if the she doesn’t have the same feeling. I don’t want us to be apart just because of my selfishness. But it turns out that we are just waiting for one another to confess.

So yeah, back to the plan with the gang. Actually, my original plan was to have a weekend getaway, just the two of us and the beach, but at the same time, I want our friends to be present when I pop the question. Video streaming is not an option since I want to be in a secluded beach without other people bothering us. Hence, the ‘outing-with-friends’ or what they like to call ‘cub-penguin-proposal-plan’ commence.

Thus, we are heading to Jeju and as of this moment, it’ll be an hour left ‘till we reach our destination. My penguin’s up all night because she’s too excited for us to have an out of town trip while our friends’ (namely Jeongyeon, Dahyun and Momo), munching different snacks, not minding the others (namely Nayeon, Sana, Tzuyu and Jihyo) who are in their deep sleep.

We all flew from Japan, the home country of Mina unnie. A little vacation I reasoned to her, when In fact, I just want to ask her parents for my plan. It sad that they won’t be present because of an urgent matter but oh well.

Before we land, I’d like to tell you a bit about my friends since they’re really been so supported with me ever since we all became friends. Firstly, NaJeong unnies, they are the ‘old married couple’. Always bickering every now and then. They helped me thoroughly with every decision in my life that I have to make. They’re my eommas if I can put it that way. An ostrich and a bunny is a perfect combination right? Having them both by my side and giving me strength is the best gift that God gave me. Secondly, DahMo unnies, I dubbed them as the weird couple, although they are not yet official but you can see it through their eyes that they are meant for each other. Their spontaneous thinking is what led them to one another. There’s this one time that I saw them making out at the back of the car. And oh my god, I swear, I went to the bathroom to cleanse my eyes. I never bother them again when they are together. I just hope that Momo unnie will make a move (I think Momo unnie will be the strongest within the both of them). Lastly, Jihyo unnie, Sana unnie and Tzuyu. They are all single but I have a feeling that Sana unnie is not. She’s the real definition of a flirt, thankfully, she’s not a player (I hope so). She’s flirting with every living thing that she sees. Compare to Sana unnie, Jihyo unnie is the most reserve of all. She’s my other eomma. She takes care of everybody even the older ones. I want her to be able to find her prince or princess charming because I want someone to take care of her. On the other hand, I have no idea on how to introduce Tzuyu. She’s another weird and unpredictable but I can’t pin-point why. She’s always flustered and a stuttering mess whenever we joke about her having someone.

Come to think of it, I have weird friends but I don’t want any other than them.

So back to reality, the captain of the plane told us to fastened our seatbelt because anytime soon we will be landing in our destination. I turned my body slightly so I can see my dear penguin. I gently shook her shoulder a little to wake her up. Her sleepy eyes slowly open and dear heavens, I think I fell in love with her all over again.

“Wake up Mina unnie, we’re landing soon.”

“I’m sorry I fell asleep on your shoulder.”

“No, no. It’s fine, you had a good sleep and I really want to hug you so it’s a win-win.”

I gave her a toothy smile while she blushes. Aww my penguin is so cute. I’m internally screaming my lungs out.

“Both of you, stop flirting and get off of the plane.” Tzuyu said with a poker face.

I blushed at her sudden remark and stand up abruptly so I can choke the living life out of her, fortunately (for her), Mina held my hand to stop the ruckus that’s about to happen.

“Let her be. Maybe, she’s just frustrated at something or maybe someone.” Aish, this penguin really loves that Yoda. I’ll get her someday.

We all got off from the plane and went to the arrival area. Not too many people so I think this will be a great vacation from all of us. With our hectic schedule and workload, it’s really good to unwind and relax. For me though, this is really nerve-wrecking. Time is counting down and I feel really nervous. Of course, I don’t show it so Mina unnie wouldn’t suspect anything.

On the way to the villa, we are all in awe. The place is a beauty. Everywhere you go is picturesque.

“Whoa! This place is awesome! You really have the eyes for a beauty Chaengi!” Dahyun exclaimed while messing my hair.

“I have to agree with Dahyunnie, I would love to spend the rest of my life here!” Jeong unnie said.

“Well, best place for best people, yes?” I told them as I flip my hair, feeling good that they love the place.

“Awww, group hug!” Nayeon unnie walks and spread her arms around me, the others follow suit.

“Enough of this. Let’s go to the villa so we can rest and then we can have lunch by then.” Jihyo unnie told everyone.

I actually went here two weeks ago to prepare everything. From plane tickets, to the villa, I instructed them with caution. Everything is going according to my plan. My friends are acting well and Mina unnie doesn’t have any suspicion or something. Well, that’s what I hope, I don’t want her to have a hint of any kind. Just pure vacation and excitement.

Hand in hand, we are on our way to the villa with Jihyo unnie ‘guiding’ us, one of the staff approach us. We stopped and the staff gave a bouquet to Mina unnie.

“Good morning Ms. Myoui. Someone special, wanted to give you this.”

I was internally screaming when I saw her blush, but of course I didn’t show it. I want her to think that I it wasn’t me who brought it.

“Special someone? As far as I know, I am the ONLY special someone, unless I’m wrong, Mina-ssi?” I said emphasizing the word ‘only’. I step back a little, removing our intertwined hands, putting both of hands in my waist in the process.

“Ooh~ special other than our Chaeyoungie eh? Minari, look at your cub getting jealous.” Nayeon-unnie butted in.

They’re really good these things, teasing, I mean.

“N-no! I don’t know who she’s talking about. And for your information, I only have my eyes for Chaeyoungie.” And now, it’s my turn to blush. Gosh, so whipped for this angel.

“Smooth Mina-unnie smooth~!” Dahyun exclaimed while the others laugh.

“Get the stupid flower and let’s go to the villa.” I said, acting like a jealous person.

We all continued walking until we are in our destination. NaJeong unnies and Jihyo unnie went to the concierge to get our keys while we sat diligently and patiently waiting for them.

“Okay, so we got our keys. We have four rooms. Since I think it’s already decided on our roommates. Let’s go to the rooms.”

Their staffs are really accommodating. They help us find our room. Technically, they don’t have to because I rented the whole villa, but for the sake of cub-penguin-proposal-plan, we have to ‘divide’ the rooms. I also instructed the staff in advance so they won’t spill anything.

So as we can all expect, roommates are as follows,

Nayeon-Jeongyeon in the first room.

Dahyun-Momo in the second room.

Sana-Tzuyu-Jihyo in the third room.

Mina-Chaeyeong in the last room.

When we are in front of our rooms, Jeong unnie told us to rest and meet after two hours. The moment we open our room, Mina unnie has hanging, amazed that there are rose petals on the bed. But mostly, she’s amazed on the view. Of course I did get the biggest and grandest room so Mina-unnie can still enjoy whilst being in the room.

“Whoa, Chaengie, we are very lucky to get this room. I wonder how big the others rooms are.” Mina-unnie said while randomly checking the view.

“I know right. I think Nayeon unnie got confused with the room assignments so she unfortunately didn’t pick this room.”

“I think so…”

Mina unnie started to unpack our clothes and put it in the closet provided while I sat on the foot of the bed.

“You know Mina unnie, you are going to be a great wife.” I stated and she blushes.

“I know you Chaeyoungie, you only say that because you are too lazy to arrange our things.”

“Of course not! I arrange our toothbrushes and other toiletries in the bathroom. And I only stated the truth though. You are good at cooking, cleaning and taking care of others. So, you’ll be a good, well scratch that, you’ll be a great wife.” To me, of course

“Well, I want to be a great wife so I can take care of my family in the future.” She said while smiling/dreaming, still continuing the unpacking.

“Then, I want to be in that family.”

“Of course you are! Do you really think that I can be somebody else’s wife? I will be your wife and you are going to be my wife. We are going to be a family in the future. So you better up your savings because you are so going to spoil me and other future daughter/son.”

My heart swells the moment she told me that I will be her wife and she even mention that we will have a daughter/son too! Ugh, how can I be deserving of her? She always says and make things unexpected. It really makes me fall in love deeper with her.

“Yes! I’m working harder so you won’t have to worry about our future. We’ll live happily.” I smile while imagining our future. I can’t wait to tell this to others. They will be ecstatic to know that Mina unnie visualizes her future with me.

I can’t wait to ask her the golden question. I’m still nervous even though I already know her answer. I might pass out after hearing her answer. Tzuyu assured me that everything will go well but of course, I still have to perfect everything. I want Mina-unnie to have an unforgettable night with me, with us.

After a few minutes of unpacking and clearing our things, we laid on the bed, side by side, so we can rest.


“Yes unnie?”

“Uhm…” Okay, I like where this is going

“What is it unnie?”

“I’m cold Chaeyoungie~” Her cute voice is melting me.

“Do you want me to turn off the AC? Or do you want me to get another blanket?” Teasing is fun, yes?

“Aish, never mind!” She turned her back on me and holy shhhh. SHE. IS. SO. FREAKING. CUTE.

“Mina unnie…”

“What.” Why so rude babyyyy?

“I’m cold unnie~” I gotta do more than this.

“Do you want me to turn off the AC? Or do you want me to get another blanket?” Whoaaaa, that back fire me really fast.

“I think I’m sick.” I fake a cough, let

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14 streak #1
Chapter 1: Love the fluff~!!
Natitan #2
Chapter 1: He he he i want that naughty parts to ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
saovanmai #3
Chapter 1: This fluff is soo precious thanks for writing it!