
Somewhere We Can Be Together

Taipei, Taiwan, 1979


Luhan is certain that none of what he is witnessing now is true because him, standing at the center stage, is far from his reality. Everything is just so surreal. Even though he had come to admit that he might just be dreaming, he continued singing his heart out. The audience loved his voice, shouting praises and cheers and for that one moment, Luhan felt like he achieved something his heart is yearning for. He is performing on the stage for the people and his heart swelled in joy. Perhaps, he could indulge himself in the ephemeral happiness for a while.


After passionately singing a song, Luhan scanned through the crowd. Their faces were a blur, but their applause is enough for him to know that they have appreciated his performance. He felt contented at that. But from the sea of indistinct faces was a soft smile he could clearly see.



"Luhan," he heard someone calling his name, "Luhan!"


The voice woke him up from his sleep. Luhan bat his eyes open, yawning sleepily. He whipped his head on both his sides, trying to get back on his senses. He was met with the face of an annoyed manager who has been trying to wake him up from his nap for a minute now.


"The show will start in a few but here you are, dozing off." Luhan sheepishly grinned at the lady.

"Apologies, madam," he immediately stood from his seat and took his boss' bag from the couch. He's been working for the rising singer, Lilia Wong, as her assistant.

"Stay at the backstage and do your job." Lilia's manager scowled at him before she made her way out of the waiting room, shutting the door loudly. Luhan lowered his head and pouted because he hasn't had any decent sleep for a week because of Lilia's recordings but he had to do it for the money to make ends meet. Luhan dreams of becoming a singer like Lilia but there is no opportunity for him and even if a chance would come, he does not have the guts to step on the stage and to sing in front of many people. There is no assurance that they would love his voice too, so he gave up on what is impossible and accepted his fate.



The curtains opened; Lilia emerged on the stairs over the stage as she soulfully sang a ballad song. Luhan hummed to the song from his spot behind the wall dividing the main stage from the back, imagining what will it feel like to sing the way Lilia does. The young lady, despite being on the same age as Luhan, is shining with her confidence, charm and her power to allure everyone with her voice.


He then suddenly remembered his dream. The applause, the stage, he smiled thinking of it. But one thing he wonders of, is the face of the man that is still vivid in his memory.




Present time


He was so eager to finish the portrait, scared that the singer's face will dissolve in his memory. Sehun drew the portrait on his pad held by a wooden stand.

He's been seeing him a lot in his dreams. He doesn't know why he kept on being transported back to where the singer is whenever he drifts to sleep but Sehun is thankful that he gets to see him often.


"You really need to stop your obsession with the pretty boy right here," Chanyeol, an intruding neighbor and a friend who won't stop bothering him till he ensures that Sehun has eaten, commented while Sehun is in the act of drawing his muse. He ignored Chanyeol and gave him the cold shoulder---like always.


Sehun hopes that Chanyeol will stop making him feel like a kid all the time cause he can handle his own life and Chanyeol is not his older brother like how he claimed himself to be. Sehun doesn't like it when he's being treated like a charity case.


"You know, when you need me, you just need to knock," Chanyeol wiggled his brows, pointing the door with his thumb, implying that he's just living on the apartment adjacent to his. Sehun is very much aware of it because they've been neighbors for years and Chanyeol doesn't need to remind him that all the time.


"Sure, in my next life."


"Meh," Chanyeol sat on the couch as he watched Sehun working on his drawing. "You're not even sure if he's real," Chanyeol whispered which Sehun unfortunately heard clearly despite it being faint. He puts the pencil down and glared at the giant who grinned at him for being caught in his words.


"Get out."


"I don't want to," Chanyeol stuck his tongue out to tease Sehun but the latter thought that it is not worth of the energy to bicker with the ‘kid’ and he just let it pass. He sighed and gazed at the unfinished portrait. He really is beautiful and Sehun can still remember his voice. There's no assurance if this person does exist but Sehun did not mind because he made him happy.


"Have you already answered the calls of Baekhyun's assistant?"


"I already told you that I am not interested," Sehun deadpanned as he picked up the pencil to continue his work.


"But!" Chanyeol stood up, "This is a once in a lifetime chance! A good company is offering you a job and you're letting it slip from your grasp!"


"I don't want it," Sehun said, eyes not leaving his art work whilst his hand is meticulously shading with the charcoal pencil to finalize the look of the portrait.


"You got the talent! You're great in both traditional and digital art and they saw that," Chanyeol frowned, "This is an opportunity that you'll miss if you’ll keep on locking yourself in here."


Chanyeol doesn't understand. They all don't understand him.


Sehun putted down his pencil, "It's easy for you to say that because you have your life planned out. You'll never understand what it's like to feel the way I do."


Unlike him, Chanyeol is not completely alone. He doesn't feel so hallow and lost like how Sehun does when he had to live by himself and for himself. He can do art, he can eat to survive, he can wake up even he doesn't feel like it but he is merely doing this routine because he is still alive and he has no choice. He can't find the purpose of doing these things. He's only living for himself after all, nothing motivational.


"I don't need you telling me this, Yeol. I don't need you at all. Just leave me alone."


Chanyeol's eyes momentarily widened and softens, hurt sliced in his orbs. Sehun felta pang of guilt because he knows Chanyeol only has good intentions, but he isn't regretting any word he said. It's the truth. He'll get tired of him soon. They are all bound to leave him anyway.


"I'll go now. I left the food cooked by mom over your kitchen counter. At least eat something," with shoulders slump, Chanyeol turned his back against Sehun, made his way out and closed the door with a soft thud.


Sehun spends most of his days inside his apartment and he could be drawing, sleeping or pondering his life which he deemed as worthless. There's nothing new with it. Evening came and Chanyeol surprisingly didn't come back to pester him as usual, since their last conversation happened.

Sehun mustered up all his strength to move since getting up from his bed is already taking up a lot of energy. Leaving his four cornered space is a hard task but he went to the Parks' to at least thank Chanyeol's mom for the delicious meal.


"Oh, Chanyeol isn't home yet, Sehunnie." It was Grandpa Park who opened the door for him and coaxed him to get inside. Sehun sat on couch in the living room and the tips of his lips curved upwards at the sight of the old couple adorably dancing to a classic Chinese song.


Grandpa and Grandma Park are incredibly enthusiastic for their age. The old man is waltzing his wife, gaining giggles from the old woman. It is heart-warming how they have the same love after all those years even one of them isn't well anymore. Chanyeol’s grandmother is suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Her memory deteriorates every day, but Grandpa Park fills her with so much love which her heart would never forget.





-- in my dreams, in my dreams I’ve met you," Grandpa Park happily sang, carefully spinning his wife and encaging her in his embrace. Grandma Park was a huge fan of Teresa Teng back in her younger years, when she was living in Taiwan and in the Mainland. Sehun has memorized Tian Mi Mi by now from hearing it almost every day because it is Grandma Park's favorite and the couple had been dancing to it every chance they have.


"Who are you again?" the old woman asked her husband and the older Park smiled at her in return.

"You love me, and I am so in love with you." Grandmother Park made a tiny gasp and smiled at the old man, "You--you, are my dumb husband."

"I am," Grandpa Park chuckled and gave his wife a kiss on her cheek.


Sehun watched them silently in awe. Chanyeol's mother came after a few minutes and Sehun thanked her for the food she prepared which Chanyeol had sent to him. Mama Park has a soft spot for Sehun and is very fond of him. She told Sehun that her son will come home late cause he'll be seeing some friends and she took the chance to invite Sehun to join them for dinner. He had a meal with a family that evening cause Mama Park won't take a no for an answer.

On his bed at night, with an unburdened and hopeful heart that he'll be seeing the singer again, Sehun peacefully drifted to sleep with a smile on his face.








He’s in a dream again. Luhan smiled fondly, letting himself be carried away with the music. The people cheered for another well-done performance. The curtains closed then he made his way to the backstage where somebody assisted him to where he should go. He has no idea where his footsteps are taking him and what will happen next but there is a strong feeling in his chest, urging him not to leave this place. He doesn't want to wake up from it yet. He wants to stay a little bit more, hold on to his dreams and be the singer he always wanted to be.


"Luhan, the valet will be waiting for you outside," he pursed his lips, wondering who the lady is but he nodded, acknowledging whatever the unknown person is telling him. The lady in the beige shirtwaist dress smiled and walked out of the room he's in, the door left open.


Luhan sighed as he stared at the mirror in front of him, analyzing his reflection. It really is him. It is his face that he is seeing but everything that's happening is just too impossible. It is overwhelming and he can't consume it all. His eyes widen when he noticed another reflection of a man standing at the doorway. He hastily stood and turned to catch a glimpse of the stranger.


"You," he muttered under his breath. It was the lad whose smile was so familiar. He was the only face from the crowd that he can clearly vision. He took a step back, wary of the stranger.

"No, I--I won't hurt you," the lad spoke in a different language, "Please, don't be scared."


He's Korean just like his late mother. A strange feeling is building up in his chest at the sight of the tall man. He furrowed his brows, wondering why he keep on seeing this person in his dreams.


"You're," the lad cautiously took steps closer to him as if he doesn't want Luhan to freak out. With the lad closer, his height towering over him, his doe eyes gazed at the stranger's dark brown orbs. "You're dazzling."


The taller was standing too close to him and it is making him feel uneasy, but in a way that there were fluttering at the pit of his stomach. He's getting flustered that he pushed the guy and ran out of the room.



He woke up with a raising heartbeat, his cheeks warm and pink. Luhan clutched his chest to tame the pounding on his chest.



"He said I am dazzling," Luhan told Lilia once when they were inside the car. Unbeknownst to many, they share a good relationship as friends, albeit Luhan being her assistant. He gets to tell the singer everything and Lilia entrusts him with her secrets too.


Warmth crept on Luhan's cheeks when Lilia laughed at his story.


"You are so adorable, darling," Lilia giggled, "Do you actually know this man? You might have already seen him before."


He has pondered it countless of times already, trying to recall when he has seen the lad, but he doesn't remember meeting him before. He lightly shook his head. The chauffeur went inside the car and started the engine. In the duration of the ride to Lilia's house, Luhan can't get the stranger out of his head.


He can still remember his smile, his brown eyes, his voice and the way he said that he is bedazzled with Luhan with utmost sincerity in his pair of glassy eyes. The fluttering in his stomach comes back, Luhan huffed at the sensation.




He chaffered with the old lady at the market in hopes that he would be able to buy the pork meat at a lower price. The old lady fortunately sold him the portion, taking into consideration that Luhan is a regular customer.


"Thank you, nai nai," he grinned at the old lady with a bow and walked his way to his humble abode, happily humming a song because he'll finally have a nice meal after weeks. His house is nothing but small but at least it makes him feel less alone when there's nobody waiting for him at home. He opened the window and savored the calmness of the night, letting the cool breeze delicately hit his skin.


He gazed at the sky, darkness illuminating the vast clouds. He giggled because the stars are plenty tonight, twinkling prettily above. The stars are indeed dazzling. A smile unknowingly played on his lips as he remembered the lad from his dream, but it soon faltered and is replaced with a pout.


"Mom, were you the one who sent him in my dream? Because he speaks Korean too!" Luhan tilted his head up, thinking that his late mother could hear him from above, "He listens to me when I'm singing, and he smiled at me too! I haven't seen such a good-looking lad. My heart is pounding fast," he placed a hand over his chest.

"Am I sick, mom?" Luhan stuck his lower lip out, "You should be here to take care of me. I miss you a lot," he choked back his tears, knowing that his mom never liked seeing him upset. His mom told him before that the stars could hear our thoughts and when the time comes that she is up there, which she already is, she will know if something is going on in her baby’s head.


Luhan wiped the tears b in his eyes with the back of his hand. Words can't describe what he truly yearns for but if the stars are listening tonight, they'll know.


He doesn't want to be alone anymore.




It was the same stage again, except that the concert hall is void of any people. There was no instrumental music meddling with his voice, it was just him standing at the center. Creases started forming on Luhan's forehead.


He heaved a sigh as he continued singing, oblivious of his lone listener. Luhan gasped, stopping when his eyes caught a glimpse of the familiar tall lad.


"Why did you stop?" Luhan pursed his lips when the stranger talked. The man walked closer to the stage, tilting his head up to face Luhan who is standing over the platform. A smile appeared on his stoic face, the weird fluttering in his tummy came back and he tried to conceal it as much as he can.


"It is you again." he said, speaking on the same language which he believes the stranger  would understand. The tall lad ascended to the stage through the wooden stairs. Luhan kept a safe distance between them because he's afraid that the stranger might hear the fast thumping of his heart, it felt like it'll leap out of his chest any time.


"Why am I always seeing you here?" Luhan asked. The stranger was staring straight on his eyes, he tried to shift his gaze elsewhere to avoid it. He cleared his throat to break the silence when the stranger didn't answer back for a few moments.


"I have no idea. But--" the tall lad blinked his eyes, "I am glad, no, I'm beyond happy that I saw you again."


Luhan found himself walking along the meadow of flowers, the cool breeze sending shivers down his spine. He was being followed by the same man. Ignoring the presence of the other, he sat down on a spot and shut his eyes to feel the air. The lad plopped beside him.

Luhan opened his eyes only to see the guy gazing at him. Flustered, he diverted his attention to the poppies surrounding them.


"May I ask you favor?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"If we see each other again next time, can you--uhm, could you please stop following me?" Luhan almost regret saying it when he saw the pained expression on the man’s face. It wasn't his intention to make it sound harsh. He doesn't want to be rude.

"No, it is just that," he furrowed his brows, the foreign sensations are still making him confused. "My heart is beating erratically, and I am tad uneasy about it and I think you are the reason why and I don't want you to be responsible for this--"

"Sehun," the guy cuts him off from his rambling.


"I'm Sehun and I will take responsibility for the quickened heart beat," the lad chuckled, his eyes forming into crescents.




Luhan stifled a smile. He tried saying it and the name rolled perfectly on his tongue.





Seeing Sehun in his dreams led to a blooming friendship which Luhan didn't expect. The lad is a thoughtful gentleman, accompanying him on his walks along the fields, listening to his songs and his stories on how his day went. For a short-stolen moment in his dreams, he found solace in Sehun’s presence. Luhan is waking up a lot happier the past few days, relieved, as if it’s like a huge baggage has been lifted from weighing on his chest.


"I noticed a unusual glow in you. Does this certain person in your dreams has something to do with it?" Luhan jolted at Lilia's voice. He's in the process of writing a song in his booklet, scribbling lyrics and blocking some unfitting words with thick lines. He's waiting for Lilia to finish her recording at the waiting room.

"Oh," a blush tinted his cheeks, "I---" he lowered his head and nibbled his lower lip. He got startled, not because he's worried that he's been caught writing but because Lilia might notice that he's been thinking about Sehun all this time.


Lilia sat across Luhan and peeked at his song booklet. She opened it a bit wider to take proper look at the piece.


"You're pretty inspired, aren't you? You're coming up with such touching words right here." Luhan slowly raised his head up. Seeing a positive reaction etched at Lilia's face, he's confident that he can finish such a heartfelt master piece.




Sehun would be there at the front seat every time he sings in his dreams, but he surprisingly cannot spot the lad from the audience. The music faded and Luhan stops singing, unable to focus when he cannot see those familiar pair of eyes. He kept on scanning each area anxiously but there was no hint of Sehun anywhere.


The people started booing, Luhan's tears are threatening to fall. He opened his mouth to continue but the lump forming in his throat restricted him from emitting a sound. He sobbed, tears now streaming down his cheeks.


"Sehun," he muttered, "Sehun."


The people stood in disdain, leaving the concert hall in a haste.



He went to the meadow with hopes of finding a certain person right there and he wasn't disappointed. He saw Sehun's back from where he is standing, his head tilted up, viewing the stars over the dark sky whilst his hands are tucked inside his pockets.


Relief washes over him, and a smile soon tugs his lips. Luhan jugged closer to the guy, panting to catch his breath.


"Am I already late?" Sehun whipped his head, eyes softening as he saw Luhan.


"Does it still matter? You’re here now."



They lay over the meadow as the moon light shines on them. They watched the stars in awe, resting beside each other.


"I thought I won't see you again."


"I know we’ll meet again. I've been praying for that every night. I pray that the universe would be kind enough to me and let our fates collide once more." Luhan pouted. Sehun was so sure of them meeting again while he worries every time that he might not see him.


Luhan glanced at Sehun, the latter was staring intently at the sky.


"Can you tell me about yourself?"


Sehun turned his head on his side, "About me?"


Luhan nodded, "Mm, only if you don't mind."


"No, I don't. Well, I've been living alone for years now when my parents separated and remarried. They went on with their lives and they just...forget me. I resigned on my last job because I—I don’t know. I’m just so tired of it. I also do art and--yeah. That's all. My life's uneventful. Till you came." Luhan's little smile dropped.

"I feel sorry. I know how it feels since my mom passed away," Luhan shifted his gaze to the sky, "Sometimes, it gets lonely, but I do not have a choice but to keep going. Mom wants me to be happy so I will try my best to be one. So, thank you."


"What for?"


"I don't feel so alone and lonely when you're with me like this."


"Same goes with me." Sehun pointed at the moon, "Just look at that. It'll be the same moon on the next days, on the next years. We'll be looking at it on the same sky no matter where or what time we are in. We will be wishing on the same stars. We are underneath the same sky. When it gets lonely, remember that I am with you. Always."


Luhan stared at Sehun fondly. He smiled as he nodded, "I will keep that in mind."


"Can you sing for me?"


Luhan pursed his lips, shyly considering the taller's request. Sehun's lips curved upwards sweetly as he recognized the song. Luhan sings it soulfully in his own rendition. It's more emotional and slower than the original upbeat version.



As sweet as honey,


your smile is as sweet as honey



Just like the way flowers bloom in the spring breeze


In the spring breeze



I wonder where on earth,


where on earth have I seen you?



Your smile is so familiar to me


but I still cannot remember where



Ah, in my dreams



"Don't forget me. When you wake up, please, don't forget me."





He bit his lower lip, anxiety running down in his veins. Luhan is so sure that he placed it inside his bag, where will it go? He searched everywhere for his song booklet, but it was of no avail. He wrote the songs in there with the thoughts of Sehun. Luhan is supposed to sing it for him but now, it's gone.


"Don't stress yourself over it. You can always make new ones, better songs than that."

Luhan shook his head, "But it is dear to me. It's the first song I've written."


Lilia told him that it is no use in being upset over it because it won't change the fact that it is already missing. Luhan thought she meant well. Luhan believed her. He trusted her with almost everything.


He's naive, Lilia always says. Luhan's oblivious most of the time, easily believing every word Lilia tells him. Perhaps, it's the reason why she took advantage of it. Luhan had no idea how cruel the world is. The people you trusted the most could betray you unknowingly. That's what exactly Lilia did.


The song Luhan has written had been stolen. Lilia claimed it to be hers and recorded it as her new single. Luhan felt so betrayed but he didn't do anything about it. The rift went on for days, both ignored each other. Lilia finally apologized after some time and Luhan accepted it. They are friends after all. He continued his job as her assistant, but things changed between them. When he thought everything is fine now that they reconciled, Lilia showed him her true colors. She treated Luhan so badly at work, blaming him for making her feel guilty about the whole incident. Lilia coerced Luhan to not speak a word about him writing the song because it'll badly affect her. The lies continued when Lilia complained to her manager and falsely accused Luhan of harassing her. It all went downhill from there.


Luhan is naive and oblivious. He doesn't understand why people had to be so cruel.



The manager was seething in anger, her palm landing harshly on Luhan's cheek.


"Don't ever show your face in here anymore! You are fired!"

"I-I didn't sent threats to her. I c-can never do that," Luhan cried, stuttering as tears continuously streamed down on his face. Lilia lied. He never blackmailed her. He doesn't understand why she had to accuse him of something he didn't do. He thought they are friends.

"I'll sue you for what you did. I'm gonna call the cops!" Luhan aggressively shook his head in fear. He didn't do anything wrong. He doesn't want to go to jail.

"Please, don't call the police. I'll j-just leave," he kneeled and begged, hands tightly clasped together. He grew agitated in every second because he's terrified on what he might face.


Lilia came to make him stand. Luhan can't find the strength in his knees and he almost fell. He's still sobbing and the tears won't stop.


"We won't call the police and I won't sue you. Just leave and never come back." Luhan wiped the tears with his clenched fists. He nodded with a promise that he won't spill anything about his song which Lilia has stolen. He was slowly making his way towards the door to leave when Lilia stopped him.

"Your song is not that good anyway. You're pathetic for liking a man!" Lilia scoffed, "You've gone insane! What made you think that this Sehun does exist? You're delusional! Psycho!"

"That's not true," Luhan croacked, "Sehun is alive. H-he is real."

"Nobody loves you, Luhan. Get it into your thick skull."

"That's not true!" he hastily left Lilia's place and made a run outside. The skies are dark and it's raining. Luhan was terribly shaking as he stepped inside his house. He sobbed in grief, in pain. He crouched at the corner and let the tears fall.

"Sehun," he muttered his name like a mantra. What if he's fooling himself all along? He can't stand the possibility that Sehun might not be real.

"Please," he begged. In that gloomy night where there were no stars that'll shine on his darkest, Luhan cried himself to sleep.






Present time


Everybody leaves, he got used to it, but it doesn't mean it hurts less every time it happens. Sehun tried to divert his attention to anything so he won't remember what he dreamed of last night. What happened to Luhan? He thought they're doing well. Why did he suddenly tell him that he doesn't want to see Sehun anymore? Luhan asked him to stay away.


Sehun was so elated when he finally learned his name. Why is that his happiness is always short lived as if it’s like he doesn't have the right to be happy? He can't lose Luhan. He doesn't want to lose him, and it hurts.


"Come on, pal, don't be so hard on yourself. It's not your fault. Nothing's wrong with you," Sehun grumbled when Chanyeol annoyingly cooed.

"You're not helping."

"I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to this tiny beauty," Chanyeol is leaning near the withering daisy, "You can do this, sunshine. Hold on a bit more."


They are at Mama Park's flower shop to help her sort the newly delivered flowers.


"None of the things you say can keep it alive. It has withered. You cannot do anything 'bout it."

"Woah," Chanyeol quirked a brow at him, "You okay, jan?"

"You're starting to get really annoying." Sehun clicked his tongue and huffed.

"What did I do?"

"Nothing. Your presence annoys me."

"Figures." Chanyeol shrugged, "How 'bout you try to talk to Luhan again?"


Sehun was taken aback. He didn't expect Chanyeol to address Luhan by his name. Sure, he told Chanyeol about Luhan and how they learned each other's names but Sehun is surprised to hear him saying Luhan's name casually.


"Do you believe me now when I say Luhan exists?"

"I don't think you'll ever stop liking him whether I believe you or not. So, go on. Anyway, the heart wants what it wants."


As much as he wanted to, Sehun unfortunately didn't dream of Luhan on the past nights. He wakes up without any recollection of his dream but he's sure that Luhan isn't in it. He wants to see him again. Sehun misses his pair of expressive doe eyes, his long lashes and his cute button nose. He misses that voice, that endearing laughter and that smile which can rival the sun with its brightness. He misses Luhan, his muse, his dearest.





"Lu?" it really is him. He's singing at the stage like the first time he saw him. He's still ethereal as ever, always taking Sehun's breath away. At least he can still see him even from afar. Sehun is sitting farther from the stage now but it didn't stop him from admiring the apple of his eye.


He's contented, even if it's the closest he could get to Luhan. If he asked Sehun to stay away from him, he'll respect his decision.


The performance was through and the audience applauded gleefully. Sehun sighed, stopping himself from walking towards Luhan. He shouldn't show himself to him per his request. He stood to leave. The crowd mysteriously diminishes on his every step, a reminder that all the things that he's been seeing is a part of his illusion, a dream.


Sehun kept on walking, not knowing where to go. His feet led him to the same meadow where he always finds himself in. He inhaled the sweet scent of flowers filling his nostrils.



Luhan ran towards him and panted to catch his breath. What is he doing here? Sehun thought Luhan doesn't want to hear from him anymore. He kept mum, waiting for Luhan to recompose himself. Sehun stared at him and he frowns, noticing a gloomy mood from the other. Luhan has always been like a ray of sunshine, bright and warm but now there is no evidence of that glow on his face.


"Am I already late?"


It doesn't matter cause I'll keep on waiting till you come back, Sehun wanted to say.


"I am so sorry," Luhan bit his lower lip and averted his gaze to the ground, tears falling from his eyes, "Things had been rough. Lilia, my best friend, s-she betrayed me."

"I am so lost. I don't know what to do anymore. I feel so alone, Sehun. I am scared that Lilia might be right. Are you even real?" Luhan's sniffed, his voice breaking as he sobs, "Please don't be a mere illusion. I don't want to wake up if you're not going to be there. Don't leave me. Please stay. I am so scared."


Sehun pulled him for a hug, encaging him in his warm embrace. His cries were like a hard stab in his chest and it hurts more that Sehun cannot do anything to take his pain away.


"I am sorry I wasn't there, but I am here now, Lu. I am here. This is real and you are not alone," he shushed and caressed his back to console his dearest.

"I thought I'm gonna lose you, it hurts so bad. Don't go away. Don't go somewhere I cannot be with you. I'm sorry, Sehun. Please don't g-" Luhan's eyes widened we he felt soft lips pressed on his.


Sehun kissed him.


"I'm not going anywhere. I am in love with you, you have me. Please, stop crying," he said and reconnected their lips. Luhan responded to his kisses and he shut his eyes to feel the moment.


"I love you too."


It really felt so surreal now that they're close like this. Sehun wished for the moment to stop, he doesn't want to wake up. For the longest time, when he thought he couldn't feel that way any longer, he could say that now, he is indeed happy.


"I wanted to sing it for you that badly," Luhan pouted, gaining a chuckle from Sehun. They are walking around the park, hands linked together.

"Forget it. If it'll only remind you of those bad things that happened, I don't want you to sing it for me. Do songs that'll remind you of what makes you happy, of what inspires you."


The pout on Luhan's face didn't leave and Sehun laughed at him. Luhan's adorableness has no extent.


"I'll kiss that pout away." Luhan immediately pursed his lips and covered it with his hand. Sehun scoffed, "Let's see till when you can hold yourself back from pouting."

"Try me." Sehun raised a brow, smirking at the challenge Luhan raised. They took their time strolling cause now that they're together, everything seems to be right. It is to perfect that Sehun is afraid that it might suddenly disappear.

"Let's meet." Sehun made up his mind.

"But, aren't we always meeting every time we dream?"

"No, I mean, personally. In real life. I want to see you. I want to be with you."

"But," Luhan blinked, "Is it possible?"

"It is. I'll find you. Korea isn't that far from Taiwan anyway. I'll book the earliest flight to Taipei and--" Luhan shushed him with his pointing finger and his brows furrowed.

"I want to. But I am scared, Sehunnie. How are we going to find each other?"

"I will find you. On the 20th of April, I'll be at the places where we always meet." He held Luhan's hand and planted a small kiss on it. Luhan smiled in return with a nod.


He cannot wait to see him and he'll be looking forward to it.


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noemimart #1
Chapter 2: Very nice story. Broke my heart
xiaolin98 #2
Chapter 2: God!! It is so beautiful. So beautiful that I don't want to stop reading. You write a really god story..
Chapter 2: what a beautiful story
Seluphile #4
Chapter 2: I don't usually give comments whether I love the fic or not but THIS ONE IS SO BEAUTIFUL. Like what was written in the fic, it's a Sweet Alyssum. Everything aboyt this fic is just so beautiful! From Luhan living in the past, meeting and falling in love with Sehun from the present time. The tragic story of Luhan, grandma park being Min Jung and finally, Sehun meeting Luhan in the meadow but this time, Sehun was the one to assure Luhan that "He's just in time"
Chapter 2: OH MY GODIVISJCJUSHS i have no words this was so beautiful??!?!?!? everything from the beginning till the end kept me hooked and i teared up with luhan's story mdjcjsj you are a blessing to this shipdom for writing this masterpiece and as much as others would ask for a sequel i still do appreciate the open ending because fckin finally they have a chance to be with each other ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ im crying on my bed at freaking 2 am in the morning
Chapter 2: An epilogue juseyooooo~!! Pretty please authomin T.T
It been a while for me to read a touchy story and it is hunhan :')
Happy hunhan month!!
Evafangirl #7
Chapter 2: This is a masterpiece!! I would really love to see an epilogue/ the present time more. It is beautifully written . You have done a great job !! Continue working on more please
naimiestrella #8
Chapter 2: Oh my freaking god!!!!!!! It is Lu!!!!!!-!
deerhun794 #9
Chapter 2: This is so beuatiful ㅠㅠ poor luhannie :(