
Summer job

A few days passed by, Daesung was in class. He was taking notes from the current lesson. After the class finished, it was a break for him. He walked around the corridor, smiling softly, head in the clouds. Eventually, his boyfriend Sam wandered by. Daesung was sitting by the fountain, reading a book. Sam smirked and walked slowly to him. He quickly took the book out of Daesung's hands, smiling widely.

"Hey Dae." He said.

Daesung smiled.

"Hi Sam." He replied, grabbing the book back.

"Aw come on, you're really just gonna continue reading even though I'm here? Why don't we get some food or...other things." Sam said, smirking and wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

Daesung blushed, smiling slowly.

"W-well..I..I have to study." He said, quietly.

"Study?" Same replied, sitting next to Daesung.

"Even if I do...this?" Sam whispered, gently kissing Daesung's neck.

Sam slowly ran his hand along Daesung's leg, up to his thigh, trailing back down to his knee and kissing and nibbling Daesung's neck softly. Daesung gulped, nervously. He whimpered softly.

"What's the matter baby?" Sam whispered.

"T-theres...people...i-i don't want them to stare.." he muttered.

Sam smirked standing up and stretching a hand out.

"Well then? Let's get out of here." He said winking.

Daesung nodded, following obidiently. The second they got to the study hall, Sam forcefully pushed Daesung against the wall, kissing and biting his full lips while rubbing Daesung's through his pants. Daesung felt his face light up red, he moaned softly, surrendering into Sam's silent commands. Quickly, Sam stopped.

"Let me see this beautiful sight." He said.

Daesung stared at him, slightly concerned.

"B-but Sam we-"

"Daesung, no one is here. Therefore, you know what I want you to do." He said, with a growl to his tone.

Daesung nodded slowly, removing his clothes. While Daesung was wasn't looking, Sam quietly took photos and set his camera to video mode. He quickly placed kisses along Daesung body, reaching slowly down his pants and rubbing Daesung's member. Daesung flinched at the contact, opening his eyes. Sam smiled, covering Daesung mouth with his free hand, Daesung roughly. Loud moans escaped from Daesung's mouth, he kissed Sam longingly. Suddenly, Daesung heard a click. He stopped, looking over at Sam's phone. His eyes widened.

" Sam! What is that?" He said frantically.

Same shrugged, innocently.

"I wanted a y video." He said sarcastically.

Daesung stared at him in disbelief.

"Please delete it. What if someone sees it?" Daesung said.

Sam smiled.

"Why? Do you want someone to see it? It'd make a great video for your mom to see wouldn't it?" 

"No! Please don't send it to her!" Daesung shouted.

"Why?" Sam asked.

"Well...she doesn't know I'm gay. You know that! Please don't send it, Sam. If you love me, you won't send it." Daesung pleaded.

Sam laughed mischievously.

"Who said I loved you?" He stated.

Daesung froze, staring is disbelief.

"W-what? You said y-"

"Oh you actually thought I was being serious when I said I loved you? Daesung no. I could do so much better than you. But I'll tell you what, you give me $500 by tomorrow morning and I won't send the video. If you fail to do so, your mother and the whole school will know your secret."

Daesung was in tears by this point. Why would anyone do such a horrible thing to him? Sam laughed, walking out the door, leaving Daesung alone.  Daesung sat against the wall, crying and thinking of what to do and how to get the money. After school, Daesung stopped by the shop, hoping Youngbae was there. Youngbae was ringing up a customer. Daesung stood in line behind the customer, waiting patiently. After Youngbae was finished, his face lit up when he saw Daesung.

"Oh hey you. You're back. You don't start for a few more days though, right?" Youngbae asked.

Daesung nodded.

Youngbae cocked his head.

" okay? What's wrong?" 

"I need to talk to private." He whispered.

Youngbae nodded, looking more concerned. He told his grandmother he was taking a break and left. Daesung explained the whole situation to Youngbae. 

"Does that bother you?" Daesung asked.

"Are you kidding? Of course it bothers me!" Youngbae shouted.

Daesung started crying, expecting Youngbae to say he bothered him.

"Nobody should treat you that way! We need to get you the money! We'll ask Grandma. She'll-"

"No!" Daesung begged, grabbing Youngbae's arm.

"What? Why?" Youngbae stared at him curiously.

"I...she doesn't need to know..." Daesung answered.

"Look I..I have $200. I just need $300. I could take a loan out. Could you come with me?" Daesung asked.

Youngbae smiled softly. He grabbed a pen and his check book from his bag.

"$500 right? Youngbae asked.

Daesung stared, shocked. He sighed.

" don't have to do this." He said as tears started to fall again.

Youngbae gently wiped the tears from Daesung's eyes, shushing him slowly.

"Don't cry Dae. It's alright. What you should do is tell your mom too before the video gets out. That way, it won't be a surprise to her. And yes. I have to pay this for you." 

"B-but...why?" Daesung asked, sniffling.

"Because, I need to make sure you are taken care of. You'll help us out a lot this summer, I'm more then happy to help you."


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Yay! an update! I've missed this story!!!
Chapter 13: wow ...........moving in together........sundae <3
Chapter 12: My heart can't handle too much cuteness..........ah
i love you .............
Chapter 9: omg..............its so cute.......waiting for next update
Chapter 8: This story is adorable, I love it. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Chapter 6: omg I am in love with this fic ...please update
Chapter 5: Omfg thank you, thank you~~~ you've made my day.
Chapter 3: Ohh i love this story~~~ definitely looking forward to it!♡