Part 2

Goodbye My Friend (Love?)


Onew’s gaze matches yours as he peers down into your wide, unblinking eyes. Your heartbeat suddenly quickens to match your surprise. What was he doing? He takes a deep shuddering breath before he finally starts to speak.


“I like you. I like you a lot. Not just as a best friend, but as something more.” He looks away, embarrassed. “When I blew out the candles, I wished that you would accept my confession, if you can even call this a confession. I wished that you would be my girlfriend.”


You gape at him, shocked and unsure of what to say. You had never seen this side of your best friend; he had always just been your bubbly sidekick with overflowing affection for chicken and a habit of tripping. Your heartbeat pounds mercilessly as your mouth drifts open and closed, words not forming no matter how hard you try to speak.


“What do you say?” He watches you hopefully with his eager eyes and unsure smile. You bite your lip and nod tentatively.


“Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend.” He lets out something reminiscent of a war whoop and you laugh as he swings you around. “Yah, put me down pabo!” He ignores your cries and simply tightens his arms around you, burying his face in your hair. You smile as he laughs, the sound sweet and joyful.


“Thank you for making my wish come true, ______.” You bite your lip lightly and smile, nodding once.


“It’s the least I could do.” He smiles back and hesitates for a moment before gently closing the distance between you, pressing your lips together with a softness you didn’t know he possessed. You melt in his arms, the feeling of being pressed this close to him too exhilarating. Your knees almost cave and he breaks away from your kiss. He picks you up, sitting you down on the table, and cages you against him with his strong arms.


“Now where were we?” He says, and you’re like butter again.


Months pass and you’re the happiest you’ve ever been; you can honestly say that you’re in love with Onew. He’s the perfect boyfriend. Everything you ever loved about him as a best friend is enhanced a thousand times over now; it’s almost too much to take in at one time.


You don’t regret granting his wish; not one bit. It was the best decision of your life.


You spend the day getting ready for a date with Onew. He was going to take you to the park and then dinner later on. You’re so excited you can barely sit still; it’s as if it was your first date all over again.


He picks you up at around four and walks with you to the large park on the outskirts of the city. It’s a beautiful day and you’re with the person you love the most, but there’s something wrong. You can’t quite place your finger on it, but something is bothering Onew greatly.


You notice it in his little absentminded bouts of silence; he was usually always chatty and smiling, talking to you nonstop and impressing you with imitating the ducks in the pond. But today, he’s quiet; there’s something uneasy about him.


It shows even more when the two of you sit down to dinner. There’s obviously something heavy on his mind and you frown as you try to decipher it. The two of you eat with scattered conversation until you finally bring it up.


“What’s the matter? You’ve seemed upset all evening. Did I do something wrong?” He shakes his head quickly.


“No, of course not. It’s just…” He looks away and sighs. You furrow your eyebrows at him in frustration.


“Just tell me, please.” He finally meets your eyes, his expression full of pain.


“I’m moving away in a week. To America.”

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baek-yeols #2
whow, nice!!! onew was just sooo cute! loved it!
i love this TT^TT u r now officially ranked #1 in my favoriteauthor's list ^^ i mean, when i read ur stories, i can actually feel the pain, and other emotional things:3 i feel the same when reading "Letter's To Kyuhyun". really... you are just amazing... please keep writing (^u^)<「 <3 」
uwwwwaaahhhh~ Such a nice story! ^^
No ONEW DON'T leave her
LOL "I hope it's chicken..." xDD
Oooohhh, I sense a love confession coming up soon! o3o hehe~
Can't wait for the first chapter! :D