
Hey guys!

i want to first say sorry to my subscribers for being gone for so long. After about 3 years? I finally decide to come back hopefully with new ideas to write and show you guys! I thought of creating a new account but I realized this account was where I started so I want to keep it. I’m not sure who is still reading my posts but i just want to notify those who have been following up with me. Let me know in the comment

 if you’re still reading fanfics and if you guys want me to write a story! I’m happy to be back and I hope to get support from you guys! 



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lxstjuliet #1
Omggggggggg hi!! This is MaRISSA. I can't believe I was able to log back into this account and find this post of yours. I haven't been able to find you anywhere. T-T This has honestly made me very happy to see active again!!