crying skies


Nayeon was wet. Wet and cold.

Nayeon didn't mean to lock herself out of her house it just...happened. With no one home and the rain pouring she had only one choice left. Nayeon slowly turned her head towards the home that stood next to hers. The house stood tall and daunting. She loved the Jungs like family, well, except for one.

Jung Jaehyun, her neighbor for as long as she could remember, was a handsome boy. Not even Nayeon could deny that. Despite growing up with him, she had never thought twice about his looks. However, that was beginning to change. Sh noticed things now, mush to her dismay. It wasn't like she liked him, she just admired his looks, that's all. But Nayeon was a stupid, stupid girl that couldn't help but blush and turn away when his eyes were even close to being in her direction.

The two weren't close anymore, and Nayeon was so hurt by the fact that he ditched her for new friends that she put on a cold front. The relationship between the two was an odd one, despite living right next door to one another they walked to school separately and no longer acknowledged each other as friends. The two bickered and ignored each others presence when they had to. Nayeon blamed Jaehyun for all of this, had he not given her up for new friends then they wouldn't have shut him out like she did.

The short girl let out a small groan, Jaehyun would have see her in such a vulnerable state. He would never let this go and she knew it. As much as she would like to go to the neighbors on the other side of her house she knew they were out of town for the week.

How convenient, she thought. She looked up at the crying sky and laughed ruefully, the universe really liked to play with her didn't it.

Nayeon took a deep breath and trudged slowly over to the Jung's home. When she got to the door she took one last look at her soaked school uniform and sighed. It was now or never.

She shakily pressed the doorbell. When she heard footsteps she silently thanked Jeno for having a stay at home mom. Had Nayeon's mother not been working then she wouldn't be in this situation.

"Oh dear what happened to you?" Nayeon was snapped out of her thoughts. She looked up to see a concerned woman opening the door.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Jung but it started raining and I didn't and I didn't have an umbrella and I left my house key inside and-" she began to ramble, quite embarassed about the situation.

"Oh honey, come inside you're going to catch a cold," Mrs. Jung ushered the poor girl inside. "You know Jaehyun should be home soon too, I hope he remembered his umbrella today."

The girl nearly nearly froze on the spot, Jaehyun would be home soon. Jaehyun would be seeing her all soaking wet in her school uniform soon. She knew it was going to happen but hearing it come out Mrs. Jung's mouth made it all so real.

"I don't want to intrude, I just need to be out of the rain until my parents get home," Nayeon said softly, her face turning red despite being so cold.

"Oh dear don't worry about it, it's no trouble at all! Here let me get you a towel."

Mrs. Lee rushed to the bathroom, leaving Nayeon shaking by the door. Nayeon twiddled with her thumbs uncomfortably. It had been a long time since she had been in this house. She slowly lifted her head to look around, it was nearly the same as she remembered it. The wall color was different now, the soft blue was now a beige. She always liked the blue walls they reminded her of the sky. Ther were new pictures on the walls of their family. An old photo of Jaehyun and some of his friends brought a smile to Nayeon's face. She stood next to the small boy with her hair in a high ponytail and her hand in a peace sign. She was taller than Jaehyun at that time, only by an inch or so but she never let him forget.

"Nayeon-ah got you a towel and some clothes to change into. The shirt is Jaehyun's and the shorts are an old pair of mine." The young girl looked over to the older woman and smiled. She bowed as she took the new clothes and towel. The shirt was plain black and the shorts were jean that seemed to cut off mid thigh. They would do just fine.

It wasn't until she was changing did she realize what Mrs. Jung had said. Nayeon looked in the mirror, she was wearing Jung Jaehyuns' shirt. The shirt was quite long on her which made sense since she barely reached 158cm in height. Her face flushed and she cursed herself for being so embarassed. She wrapped up her hair in the towel and opened the bathroom door. There in front of her was none other than Jung Jaehyun. Both teenagers froze, their eyes wide.

"Is that my shirt?"

Nayeon opened to talk but no sound came out. She cursed herself for coming off like this, pathetic and flustered.

"Yeah I-uh, your mom lent it to me," she said, trying to avoid looking the boy in the eyes. God this was embarrassing.

"Why?" Jaehyun asked with a quirked eyebrow. Ok now he was starting to get on her nerves. Yeah this was an awkward situation but he didn't have to be so blunt.

"I got locked out of my house in the rain so I came here, not a big deal," Nayeon huffed out. She didn't realize she was clenching her fists until she felt her nails dig into her palm. It wasn't until then that she realized that Jaehyun was equally as soaked. His school uniform was dripping onto the wood floor and his usually bouncy brown hair laid flat against his forehead.

"Just wash it before you give it back," Jaehyun mumbled as he pushed by her to go to the bathroom. Nayeon felt the his shoulder brush against hers, the skin below the shirt burning.

Damn, she thought, why does he always have this effect on me.

She walked slowly out of the hallway to the kitchen where she presumed Mrs. Jung was. Nayeon didn't know how long she could handle being in this house, Jaehyun was getting her all worked up and he had barely spoken to her. She just prayed that her parents would get home soon. She would rather face their wrath, it would probably be a lot better than the uncomfortable feeling she had while she was here. 

"Hey, you left your uniform in here," Jaehyun called out. Nayeon whipped her head around to see a very much shirtless Jung Jaehyun in the doorway of the bathroom. She felt constrict and her face flushed deeply. Jaehyun stood confused for a second before looking down at himself and realizing that she was flustered because of his shirtless state. A playful smirk adorned his stupidly handsome face. 

"You gonna come grab it or..." he said, cocking his head to the side slightly. Nayeon gulped and and walked over to Jaehyun as calmly as possible, trying not to let him know the effect he had on her. Jaehyun held out her soaked uniform and Nayeon grabbed it gently.

"Thank you," she said firmly. As she turned around she heard a quiet chuckle and a door closing behind her. 

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Chapter 1: Pls update authornim :')