Never Okay


-_- This is my 3rd time editing the description. Well, guess what. There is no description now. Stray Kids should be enough for ya. Also, there might be a trigger warning. Don’t know. Depends on how sensitive you are. I, for one, am very sensitive. Enjoy!




‘“Naomi!” You laughed happily as the older one chased to around the park. 

“I’ll get you, y/n!” Kate said, grabbing you around the waist. 

“No! Man!” You said. Kate started tickling you.

“Wait no! Stop! No!” You managed through laughs. 

She finally stopped and moved on to Rhea. You looked around for Silny. She was sitting in the shade of a tree reading a book. 

“Hi,” you said, sitting next to her. She looked up gave you a small smile and looked down again. 

“What ya reading?” You said peaking over her shoulder.

“Ranger’s Apprentice.” You nodded. 

“Do you want to be alone?”

“No. It’s okay,” she said. There was a long silence. Silny sighed. 

“I’m so fat.” You were taken by surprise. Then you laughed.

“What!? Na. Your not fat.”

“Yes I am.”

“No. I’m fat. And ugly. Your pretty. I wish I was like you.” 

“No you don’t. Why would anyone want to be like me?” 

“Your so strong! And smart. And pretty. And athletic.”

She sighed again and set her book down, watching Naomi and Rhea chase each other around the park. 

“You’ve got me all wrong.” 

You smiled.

“No. I just know the truth. And what you need to hear.” She looked at you.

“Your so...nice, y/n.” You hung your head.

“I’ve failed so many people. I’m not nice. I’m a waste. A nothing.” She lifted your chin so you were looking at her. 

“You are wonderful.” You felt a tear roll down your cheek.

“No I’m not. Rhea’s so confident, Naomi’s so nice and cheerful, and your so strong.”

“Don’t compare yourself to others.”’


You jerked up, sweating. Silny. Rhea. Naomi. All the people who you left. All the people who...

You got out of bed and looked outside. The streets were empty. 

‘The irony. Everything’s so empty these days. Even you.’

You got back in bed and stared up at the wall. You hated this house. Every time you saw it, anything happy in you seemed to drain out. Even if it was fake. You couldn’t act happy here. 

If you were strong enough, you would have found a way to solve this already. Like Silny. You would have found a way to let go of the pain, even just for a moment. You had thought about one thing. One thing that helped others, all the time. 

You quickly through one some day cloths and created down stairs. Then stopped. 

‘No! What are you doing!?’ 

You shock your head and decided against. 

‘I’ll just go for a run.’

You got outside, the air cold with each breath. You started at a slow jog then sped up. Once you felt a tiny bit better, you looked at your watch. 5:56. Time to get ready for school.


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Chapter 2: Ooh okay, okay...pretty intriguing. Can't wait to see how the plot unfolds! <3
Chapter 1: I admire that you're organized. I haven't updated any of mines in while but I'm working on it! haha <3
Thank you! I wasn’t really sure of anyone would like it or not...
Ooh, pretty interesting! Definitely subscribing! <3