My first love

My first love(Oneshot)

 5:55 pm.

`Oh damn! He will be here in 5 minutes! I have to clean here a little, it’s such a mess.`

    I arranged  the books on shelves and  I threw the dirty cloth in the washing machine .    ` Good now is clean. Oh! My hair and what the hell I’m wearing? ` I quickly undressed myself and I got from wardrobe a pair of red skinny jeans with a black V neck shirt. I arranged my blonde hair a little and now I was ready to meet him.

      `Knock Knock~`

     ` Yay. He`s here.` I headed fast to the door and opened it.. As I opened the door he smiled me and just from a little smile I could feel my heart going crazy. It was him, my first love.

      `` Hey Minnie.`` he said still smiling~ ` Ah~ such a sweet smile`

       `` H-hey. Come in.`` I told him while he entered in the house . He took his shoes off and he headed to my room. He sat down on the floor putting his bag on the table near him. I followed him and I sat down too on the other site of the table crossing my legs. I kept glaring at him as he putted his things from the bag, on the table. His brown eyes were so big and deep… and I bet his cheeks are very soft~ And his lips…those red and delicious lips…I bet they taste sweet. ` Ah~ I want him~ I so ing want him~ Please god~ no… please Dear Santa , it’s almost Christmas , so I want him for Christmas.  I’ve been a good kid, I’ve always did my homework , I never cursed someone…directly , and all those things so please~ pretty please~  give me this person as a gift with a little red bow on his head~ Keke~.`

       `` Yah, Taemin! Are you listening?``

        `` Huh? Oh sorry Hyung , I was lost in my thoughts . Can you please repeat?`` I asked him giving him one of my silly smiles.

         `` As I said…go and take your books and let’s see what homework you have.``

          `` Oh. I forgot that you’re for tutoring. I’m going now``

           `` Aish~ For what others reasons I could be here? Minnie, Minnie…``

            `` Who knows~ Maybe to take me out on a date~ Hehe.`` I said giving him my sweetest smile.

            `` Yeah , very funny…Now show me what you don’t understand`` he said opening one of the books.

              `` I was serious you pabo…`` I murmured.

               `` You said something?``

                ``Hm? Nothing~`` I smiled . ` Woah~ this was very close. `

   I showed him some things I didn’t understood  and he started to explain me. It was so hard to concentrate on what was he saying…I just kept looking at his soft lips~

               `` Yah! Are you listening?``he yelled making me come to reality.

                `` Hah?Oh…yeah…``

                 `` What was the last thing I said?`` he asked.

                   `` Oh…umm… ` Yah! Are you listening?` hehe.``

                  `` Don’t hehe me. Please pay attention and don’t make me repeat.``

                   `` Yes Hyung!~`` I said. He started explaining again. Now I was paying attention to him. But well…it was just for a short time. I started to stare at his lips again , and all the explanations were just passing near me. ` Uff Minho-hyung~ Why don’t you love me back? I always given you hints that I love you…but…it seems it was all worthless. It won’t matter so much if you don’t love me back…but knowing that you will fall in love someday just scares me. I don’t want to lose you hyung~ But if I confess to you…would it change something? Will you tell me that you feel the same and make me happy or you will reject me…. `

                  `` And hurt me?``

                   `` Huh? `` he asked. ` Damn! I said it with loud voice? `   `` Who will hurt you?`` he asked confused.

                   `` Oh…no-one! I was just thinking about a movie and I liked this line ` Will you love me and make me happy or you will reject me and hurt me?` hehe~``

                      `` Oh…okey…Yah! What the hell are you thinking when I explain you something?!`` he yelled angrily.

                       `` Sorry Hyung! But I really can’t concentrate…``

                      `` Minnie…. Fine. I’ll leave then.``

                       `` WAH! No No! Sorry! I’ll pay attention I promise!``

                       `` Promise?``

                        `` Yeah ^-^``

            After 30 minutes~

         `` Minnie! I give up! I’ll just explain you another time. I’ve explained the same thing for 5 times , and you still don’t get it because you don’t pay attention to me! ``

         ` That’s not truth~ I paid attention….to your lips!`

           `` Sorry Minho-hyung…``

           `` It’s ok…but lately you’ve been distracted by something. You can tell me if something is bothering you….``

             ` Oh Hyung~ I really want to tell you…but my heart isn’t stronger enough to support the rejection.`

              `` Nothing is bothering me hyung, don’t worry, I’m just a little tired this days.``

                `` I see…then see you Sunday``

                `` Hah? Sunday?``

                 `` Yeah . I can’t come Friday , I’m busy. I’m sorry.``

                   `` Oh? It’s okey…``

  ` I wonder what is he gonna do Friday…`  Minho headed to the door ready to leave. Before he would walk away I grabbed his wrist making him stop walking.  I really wanted to ask him if he have a girlfriend and if he’s gonna date her…

        `` Are you maybe going on a date Friday…with your girlfriend?`` I finally asked him.

         `` Hah? Who told you I have a girlfriend?`` I was shocked. So I was right? He have a gf? I could feel my heart breaking into pieces…so this is it? My first love…

          `` Oh…no-one…I was just asking…so you really have a girlfriend?``

           `` Heh~ You’re curious? Who knows…maybe I have…maybe not.`` he smiled and waved me goodbye , leaving me dumbfounded.

             I was so hurt….so he have a girlfriend…well…how could a handsome man like him to not have one? But I want to make sure about it.


                        This is it. I’m gonna follow him and found out who is his lover.

    I went to his school ( he was older than me with an year and he was in other school) and secretly followed him home. After 15 minutes he left the house and headed to the city.

        30 minutes later~

       He was now near a fountain in the center of the park. He was waiting someone….After some minutes I saw him waving to someone. It was a girl, as I expected…My legs were trembling and I fallen on the cold ground. My eyes were teary. In that moment I just wanted to go home and lock myself in the room and cry all the night. But I continued following them. They went to lots of places. Minho smiled a lot. I never saw him smiling like that to me…

      Minho and the girl entered in a shop. I waited outside on a bank trying to stop my tears for falling down.

      ` So this is how you feel when you are heartbroken? Eh…So it’s true when people say that first love never come true…` After a long battle with my tears…I lost. Warm tears were now falling on my hot cheeks. I putted my hands on my face trying to wipe the tears and to calm down. Then, someone sat near me. I quickly raised my head to see who it was. I wished that it won’t be Minho. He was the last person I would want to see me crying. And my wish came true. It wasn’t Minho, but it really wasn’t  the best person I could let my tear fall free. It was Key. My best friend. The friend who worry  about me the most. The friend who nag as my mother…or worst. But I really love him as a friend. He is like a second mother for me and he knows that. And as I expected he had a worried face when he saw me crying.

         `` Yah Taeminnie. What’s wrong with you? Why are you crying?`` Key asked me.

          `` Hyung…I-I just didn’t know that love could hurt so much.`` I said while I tried to keep my sobs.

            `` Oh…Minho? It’s okey ,sweety. Everything will be fine. Come here and let out every feeling. `` he pulled me in a hug and I instantly started sobbing on his chest. I felt better in his arms. I know he will protect me for everything…after all he is my favorite umma. He kept whispering me that everything will be fine while he was drawing circles on my back with his fingers making me to calm down. Then we heard a yell and a man came closer to us. I raised my head from Key`s chest and I looked at the man…It was Minho. ` so he found me…but why he looks so angry? `

            `` Yah, what are you doing to him?`` he asked Key , grabbing my wrist and  pulling me away from the Key. He put one of his arms around my waist and my head on his chest. I was shocked.

              `` Minnie…why are you crying?`` he asked softly, looking at my puffy red eyes.

              `` Haha…such a question…Yah Minho!  If you want to know, it’s just your ing fault that my baby is crying! Just go to your girlfriend and leave him alone!`` Key yelled. `It seems that his y mood is on.  Great…` 

               `` Hah? My fault? What did I do?`` Minho asked confusedly looking at me. I just stayed quiet…not knowing what to say.

               `` Minnie…`` Minho wanted to tell him what’s happening here…but how could I explain him why I was crying…and why I was here….and it seems that Key will loose his temperament.

                 `` I-I was just….`` I was cut off when the girl Minho dated came near me and asked Minho it is something wrong.

                   `` Nothing is wrong, just go ahead and I’ll come too.`` Minho said panting the girls head. ` I really it….why is he panting her head like that…he always panted my head like that…why can’t he do it just to me…just me…` I started crying again…It really was so painful to see the person you love…loving someone else. I just wanted to tell him how I was feeling, even if reject me. I don’t care. If he reject me it’s okey…the pain will disappear in time…but I don’t want to regret if I won’t tell him my feelings.

                    `` Minho…I-I love you! And it’s okey if you reject me , I know that you’re happy with your girlfriend and that’s enough for me. I just wanted you to know…how I felt those past months…I`m happy that you was my first love.`` Yeah…months…4 months…but it was a beautiful love…at last I finally know how love feels. I pushed myself away from him and I went near Key sitting on the bank. Minho, Key and the girl just couldn’t believe my words…Key was probably shocked that I really told him about my feelings and the others…well…

                     `` Minnie….you pabo…`` Minho said. He came closer to me and leaned over to me. I raised my head wanting to know why he called me pabo, only to find his lips inches away from mine. I just kept looking at his lips…I will miss those lips…and didn’t even have the change to touch them…

                       `` Who said that I had a girlfriend? She is just my sister…`` he said and the girl just nodded. ` So…just his sister?That means that…`

                        `` But I’m happy that you told me about your feelings…it’s good to know that it wasn’t just an one-side love…but now…that I know that you feel the same as me…I’ll make sure to never make you cry again`` he said…closing the gap between us with a kiss. I widened my eyes in shock….It was just a small kiss , but I felt so happy and all my pain went away…

                         I shook my head wanting to make sure that I wasn’t dreaming…at he was there in front of me smiling like an angel…with his arms open. I just jumped on his arms hugging him with all my strength. He kissed me again…and again and again making me fly from happiness.

               `` So this is the boy Oppa was talking…eh~ he looks so cute , exactly like Oppa said.`` the girl said to Key giggling. Me and Minho were just in our love land enjoying out kisses not bothering to listen to what they’re talking.

                `` Hah? Minho told you about Taemin?`` Key asked in amazement .

                  `` Yeah. Oppa loved Taemin for the past 4 month too. He said that he fallen in love at first sight. Isn’t it just cute?`` the girl chuckled.

                `` Really? Gosh…they’ve been loving each others all this time…they just wanted for the other to confess? Huh~ so stupid~ But I’m glad that Taemin is so happy. That’s all it matters for me.``

                 `` Hm…you love Taemin Oppa too?`` the girl asked.

                 `` Yeah, but I knew all the time that he had space in his heart just for Minho, so is alright, even if it hurts a little.`` Key said giving a honest smile.

                  `` I’m sorry for you…``the girl said.

                  `` Eh~ it’s alright . It wasn’t mean me and Taemin to be together.

In that moment someone bumped on Key , dropping a drink on his favorite skinny jeans.

                   `` Yah! What the hell!`` Key yelled.

                     `` Oh sorry…It was an accident…`` the person said.

                   `` And what the hell I’m going to do now? Take responsibility`` The Diva Key said angrily.

                     `` Oh sure. I’ll buy you some jeans so don’t be angry. But now I have to go somewhere…here take my card and contact me later. I have to leave sorry again`` the person said…leaving Key dumbfound.

                       `` Aish~ This guy…`` Key looked at the little paper on his hands….`` Jonghyun eh? Just wait and see, I’ll make you pay double for this`` Key said…smirking.

                                         Two weeks later~

            `` Minho wait me!``

            `` Hurry Minnie~ or we are gonna miss the plane.`` Minho said

              `` Taeminnie, come quickly!`` Key said.

             `` Yah…you shouldn’t make your umma wait`` Jonghyun said. Key smacked Jjong`s head earning a little cry from him.

               We all got in the plane…heading to the Jeju island as a couple. Me and Minho and Key and his lover, Jjong.

                                  ~ So…my first love became true love , and I hope  that my first would be my last love too.~


       I know it wasn't so great...but...I hope it didn't disappointed you...too much. < I love you Kawaii, my dear friend>

                            If you have time check my other fanfic~ I promise it's better than this one :  





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FreezingLove #1
Chapter 1: Taemin is so cute!!He kept loosing concentration.
This story was soo sweet!!
Chapter 1: Gah..taemin why are you so aorable?? still believing in santa...I do too so umm yeah...
anyway this was so adorable <3 Jealous tae baby is always cute <3
eventhoug I don't like I just pretended this was ontae LOL
so sweet! i like this oneshot soo much!
Ayame6 #4
I want you for christmas XD this was sooo sweet even without . but I'm a y one so finish it with a and send it to me in private ;) XD
sequel please.
SadisticSinner #6
Woah :o I didn't expect so many views and comments O.O I`m really disappointed about my story...But still, thanks for the sweet comments. I`m grateful ^-^ (Luv chu all<3)
aww soo cuuuteeee!!!!!
AAWW its cute! i love how everythings resolved at the end! minho and taemin!..soo cute^^
this is cute..> <
i love key umma and how he react meeting jjong..