One shot.

" Let my grade decides."



“This is so frustrating!” Sungyeol groaned lazily, looking at his messy desk. The untouched biology textbook which he borrowed from the school library had become his substitute pillow for the day.


Time passed quickly and unknowingly, he hadn’t done anything productive for the whole day. Instead, he had been laying his head down on his biology textbook, day dreaming about his future.


“No, I must study!” Sungyeol said to himself, persuading himself to at least revise half of his biology facts. “This is war!”


Sungyeol determined to revise everyday for his upcoming mid-year examination because of one purpose; he vowed to confess to his crush if he managed to get C for all his subjects. He had this kind of weird belief saying that his result was his future and decision.


Sungyeol shuffled lazily from the canteen to his classroom, trying to comprehend with his surrounding until one of his classmates approached him with a smack on his back. He was extremely exhausted to even care about his friend, for him, revising everyday was a torture which eaten up all his energies.


“You look weary nowadays.” His classmate said worriedly, nudging him with his elbow.


Sungyeol turned his sleepy head to look at him and explained, “I’ve been revising every day,”


   “Just for the confession things?” he asked in disbelief, widen his innocence eyes. “Come on, we thought you are just joking.”


“I’m serious Sungjong,” he answered briefly, shuffling into their class. “My result is like a messenger from the God, you know.”


Sungjong faked a shock face and patted Sungyeol’s shoulder.

“Good luck dude, I’m sure you will get C with this type of effort.” Sungjong encouraged him, walking to his seat.


Sungyeol sighed as he walked to his desk; more books and revision ahead him. He wished that he was natural genius or smart so he doesn’t need to revise every day.


“Why did it have to be C?” Sungyeol grumbled, recalling the night where he decided the whole thing.


Sungyeol was starring at his ceiling, complaining how his heart was aching after knowing that Myungsoo, the boy he had a crush on dated a girl from his classmate.


“This is stupid!” Sungyeol cried, threw his pillow into the air. “I’m sure that Myungsoo is not straight!”


Sungyeol started admired Myungsoo after he helped him in a basketball practice. From that day onwards, he had a crush on him. Everyone knew that Myungsoo was gay and wouldn’t take an interest in girl but why the hell was he dating the girl in his class?


“I can’t lose to that girl!” Sungyeol exclaimed, putting himself in a sitting position. He grabbed a piece of paper and tears them into four pieces. He wrote A,B,C,D respectively on each other the pieces and crumpled them one by one. He had done this ever since he was a child, putting his hope on his examination result because it just happened to turn out special, trustable and successful by ... coincidence.   


“Now, I swear to God that I will score all of my subjects with this grade, and then, I’ll confess to Myungsoo because God has given permission to me!” with that, Sungyeol closed his eyes and picked on of the pieces.


He opened his eyes and saw, ‘C’ … That’s how an important ‘C’ was to this young man.


Sungyeol snapped back into reality by the sudden sound from the bell.


“I must get C!” Sungyeol said confidently, quickly opened whatever textbook in front of him. “So in order to make offspring, what the is this, this is bull. Why do we need to learn this?”


“Impressive, you are quite advance because we haven’t even touch the topic yet,” his classmate, Woohyun approached.


“I know, just learning for fun.” Sungyeol denied, closing the book. “Beside, who knows that I might someday become an expert in human reproductive topic?”


The time had come … the result.


A river of nervousness loaded into Sungyeol’s nerves. He couldn’t help but feeling sick. He had been holding his result for minutes now, didn’t dare to look at it.


“Come on,” Sungjong stressed, nudging Sungyeol. “Just look at it!”


Sungyeol was surrounded by his male classmates, anticipating in knowing his results. There was some impatient expression hidden in some of his classmates.


With the pressure from his classmates, Sungyeol took a peek at his result and sighed heavily. This was not what he expected. He got a ‘B’ in biology …


“Sungyeol, Myungsoo wants to meet you!” a sudden voice intrupted them. “He said he will wait at you at the canteen.”



“Sungyeol, I love you!” Myungsoo told him in a soft voice, holding both of Sungyeol’s wrists.


Sungyeol was surprised by the sudden confession from Myungsoo and even surprised by the cheering crowd from his surroundings as if his heart was leaping to his throat and beating about one thousand pulses per second.


He then took a deep breath to calm himself down, rubbing his hand to his chest and sighed. He pulled away his hand from Myungsoo and looked at his feet.


“I’m sorry Myungsoo.” He apologized causing the loud crowd to fall into an abrupt silent.


Myungsoo’s who was filled with confident earlier turned disappointed. Was he rejecting him?


“I do have the same feeling for you but seriously, this won’t work.” Sungyeol explained, kicking the small stones on the ground. “I get a B in my biology and this proved that the God didn’t approve our relationship so to save both of us from heartaches, let’s get over each other.”


Sungyeol ran away from Myungsoo and the crowd who were dumbfounded with his naive explanation.


“Sungyeol is damn weird!” Sungjong sighed frustratingly, shaking his head in disappointment.




That's all. Comment is appreciate. Thanks for subscribing this story (:

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sequel will be coming out soon (:


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ilovekimjongina #1
super funny and cute :D
im_a_squid #2
Chapter 1: daebakkkk~~ lol :D
Neopetsislife #3
New reader here! Awesome! :D
ilabya4 #4
Chapter 1: This story is seriously funny! hahahahahahaha I thought Sungyeol had a crush on a girl but when it stated Myungsoo, I instantly burst out laughing! ^.^
ladymelon #6
Chapter 1: haha. seriously sungyeol? i'm amazed! :D
SluvJBiases #7
lol.. Yeol is weird... ><
but that was Hella funny~~!! xDD
hahaha! That was Great one^^
Faithkeeper : yup ;b kekekeke.

mateulnikmah : hehehe... thanks for reading.

dongwoohoo : thanks for reading.

saranghaelloveyou : thanks for reading , I never thought of it but I will try (:

kim-hanna : thanks ... hehehe. his belief is just too great to resist cos he is weird :b