Sing Me to Sleep

Sing Me to Sleep
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For: jikookieforlife on Wattpad for winning second place in OTPA


Jungkook sighed as he stared blankly at the computer screen before him, music blasting in his ears from his headphones, though his mind was no longer registering the words of the song playing. All the words he'd written for his essay were now jumbling together and nothing he had written was making any sense to him. He kept trying to read over what he'd written only to lose his place every few lines due to the words jumping at him and blurring together in an endless array of black letters with absolutely no meaning. At this point, Jungkook was pretty sure his essay wasn't even worth a 70. And knowing his teacher, even if it was worth a 70 he'd get a 50, just because his teacher hated him. Jungkook groaned as he slid his hand across his face in utter defeat. He really shouldn't have pushed this assignment back for so long, he'd known better. He should have started the assignment over a week ago, but he hadn't and now he had three days to write a 15-page essay over the history that led up to the modern day politics their country was now facing. Not only did it have to be 15 pages, but it also had to be in depth, use quotes from at least 12 different sources and it must flow coherently. If even for a moment he rambled in the essay and whatever he said didn't help support his thesis, his teacher would dock at least 10 points.

"Why does Mrs. June have to be so mean to us? Does she just enjoy watching us suffer?" Jungkook asked himself as he let out another prolonged sigh and rubbed his tired eyes. He glanced over to the clock on his bedside table to see it was already four in the morning and he still had to be ready to go to class tomorrow at ten where he could possibly have a pop quiz. Now would probably be an optimal time to sleep so he would at least be able to focus somewhat in class tomorrow and pass that quiz. Which he knew he could do since the quiz was always at the end of class and it was over things they'd learn that day. If he slept and was well rested enough to focus in class tomorrow, he could probably ace the quiz.

"But this essay... I really should at least get five pages done today or I might never finish.... Ah forget class tomorrow, this is more important," he reasoned with himself as he glared back at his computer screen and once again tried to read the last paragraph he'd written to try and figure out what he should write next. But again, he lost his place and nothing was sticking in his head.

"Ok, this isn't going to work," He grumbled to himself as he closed his laptop screen and stretched his tired limbs. I definitely need a break, he thought to himself as he got up and took his headphones off. He decided he should grab a quick snack and some coffee to wake himself up. While it wasn't ideal, he could afford a quick break before returning to his work; after all, he'd already decided he'd be skipping class tomorrow, one quiz wouldn't impact his grade as much as a failing grade on this essay would.

With his mind made up, Jungkook walked towards his bedroom door and out towards the kitchen. However as he walked towards the kitchen, he heard the distinct whirling of the mixer and the lovely smell of cake, which confused him. The only person who could be in the kitchen was Jimin, his roommate and yet to be boyfriend. Why yet to be boyfriend, you ask? Because Jungkook had yet to ask the elder to become his boyfriend despite the multiple (unofficial) dates they'd gone on. Neither of them called them dates, but in the back of his mind, Jungkook was sure they were dates. You don't just ask anyone to join you alone at places like the Arboretum, even if it is for a school project if it isn't a date. Jungkook had really wanted to ask Jimin out after their little coffee date a few days ago but had lost the courage when Taehyung and Yoongi had shown up and crashed the unofficial date. He still resented Taehyung a little for showing up uninvited; though he had pushed the resentment aside when he noticed how Jimin and Taehyung, despite being together, seemed to be avoiding each other. While Jungkook wondered if something was going on between them, he hadn't asked, he figured Jimin would tell him if the elder wanted to.

Jungkook shook his head to clear his thoughts over his failures to confess and asked himself, why was Jimin awake still? And why was he making a cake? If Jungkook remembered correctly, Jimin had a really hard time functioning when he got less than five hours of sleep. Seven hours was ideal for any growing student, but college rarely allowed for a full night's rest; so they made do, and Jungkook knew that Jimin needed at least five hours of sleep if the elder was to make it through the day without collapsing. So why was Jimin still up at four in the morning? Jungkook recalled the elder had an eight o' clock class today, so what gave? Jimin wasn't an irresponsible person and made sure to take care of himself most of the time, so this was very unlike him.

Puzzled, Jungkook walked towards the kitchen only to see the elder was fast at work mixing something in a mixing bowl from what Jungkook could tell. Though what was more peculiar was that there were already two other cakes made, a tray of cookies, and an assortment of various other sweets. How long had the elder been cooking? Jungkook couldn't help but wonder what was going on, alarms going off in his head as he also noticed the poorly placed party decorations now hanging from their ceiling and walls.

"Jimin?" Jungkook called out to the elder who had yet to notice him. But Jimin didn't respond still focused on mixing whatever he was working on at the moment. Jungkook frowned and stepped closer to the counter and raised his voice to be heard over the sound of the mixer, calling out Jimin's name again.

Jimin looked up once he heard the younger. He blinked a couple of times before turning off the mixer and addressing Jungkook. "Oh Jungkookie, what are you doing up?" Jimin asked as he turned towards the oven and opened it to pull out another tray of cookies. Jungkook's eyes widened at just the sheer amount of sweets Jimin had made. Looking back up at Jimin he furrowed his eyebrows while answering, "I should be asking you that... what's going on?"

"Nothing much, just baking as you can see," Jimin replied cheerfully, but Jungkook could detect the underlying sarcasm in his voice.

"I can see that," Jungkook responded before shaking his head, "but why?"

"Cause it helps me," came Jimin's casual reply as he placed the things he'd mixed into a ziplock bag and grabbed a pair of scissors to cut one corner of the bag.

"Helps with what?" Jungkook persisted while also realizing Jimin had been working on making frosting before Jungkook had arrived.


"Cooking helps you de-stress? Since when? You've said you're stressed before but hardly ever cooked during those times. I think you even once said you didn't like to cook?"

"It's baking actually. I like baking. And it doesn't matter, Kookie, it's a coping mechanism, it doesn't gotta make sense. Leave it be, now do you want a cookie?" Jimin answered waving off Jungkook's question by working on frosting the cupcakes he'd made.

Jungkook wasn't buying Jimin's excuses though. The elder looked exhausted with his eyes slightly red and eye bags beginning to form. He might have only met Jimin about three months ago with the start of the new school year and they might not yet be boyfriends, but they were roommates and they were close. So Jungkook could tell Jimin wasn't ok at the momen

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Chapter 1: OMG.. that was so cute... (I'm not blushing..) very light and sweet story...
Wow it's a beautiful cover art.. can't wait for my working hours to complete.. so that I can start with this one