Finding truth

Cursed love

They quickly circled Yerin, Sinb was about to transform but another man entered the flat and stopped her. It was Yuju’s dad. “Don’t or we kill her!” he said coldly and Sinb looked at Yerin before nodding.


Yerin was strong, but even with her strength, she wasn’t sure they could fight the four men and Yuju’s dad who may be stronger than Yerin. She wished she had answered the phone immediately and could have ran away before getting caught. But it was too late, Sinb and her got tied together and taken out of the building. They pushed them in a black truck and drove away. Yerin hoped she could free her hands but the rope was tied very tightly around her wrists. She felt Sinb moving, trying to free herself too but their moves were useless.


They were taken away from the city, Yerin tried to follow the road, guessing where they were going, but they were driving fast. They stopped and opened the doors, pushing the two girls out of the truck. They were in front of a big storage warehouse. They brutally guided them into the warehouse. The lights were and Yerin could see what was inside. Cells, four cells, with people in it.


“God, they’re like me…” whispered Sinb looking around. Yerin swallowed hard, and tried to count how many people were prisoners here. Some seemed so weak, men, women, children, around twenty persons.


The girls were locked in a cell too. Yuju’s father approached them. “Who are you?” he asked Yerin curious. But Yerin didn’t answered. “I know all the descendants of the hunters.” he said with a frown. “And they all work with me, to break the curse.” he explained. “We capture those monsters and eliminate them one by one.” he explained sending shiver through Yerin’s entire body.


“You can’t do that!” she said getting closer to the bars that were separating them from the man. “This people didn’t do anything wrong!” she said angrily. “They have families and life, they didn’t choose to be like that!”


He laughed. “They will pay for their ancestors betrayal!” he said and turned around. He pointed his finger to a man. “You keep an eye on them.” he ordered. “And you,” he added looking at another one. “Find my daughter. I still can’t believe you let her go.” he said angrily at one of the guy. The two others followed him out.


Sinb took Yerin’s arms and make her sit on the back of the cell. “We need to save those people…” whispered Sinb.


Yerin nodded, she wondered if she could open the cell with her hands like she did on the cage the other day to save Sinb. But the bars seemed bigger and with the guy monitoring them Yerin wouldn't have time to try it that she guessed he would stop her before she had time to go out.


The only way to get out of this hell was to pray for a miracle.


And a miracle happened. Yuju entered the hangar and hit the guy with a metal bar she just found around, he fell on the floor. Yerin stood up and walked to the door of the cell.


“Yuju?” asked Yerin confused. “What are you doing here?”


“I’m saving you, what do you think?” asked Yuju taking the keys from the unconscious guy and opened the cell. “We need to be fast, other men are coming.” she warned.


“Wait.” said Sinb taking the keys from Yuju’s hand. “I won’t let them here.” she said determined.


Yuju took Sinb’s arm and stopped her. “I’m a hunter, promise me they won’t kill me as soon as you let them out.”


Sinb nodded. “Don’t worry.” she said and opened the cells. Most of them transformed before running away quickly. Other that was too weak just walked out of the place in their human form.


“There is a forest behind the hangar, we can hide over there.” explained Yuju. Yerin and Sinb followed the girl.


They were walking in the dark forest when Yerin stopped Yuju. “Stop looking at her like that.” she said to Yuju. “She won’t hurt you.”


“I know but it’s the first time I’m that close to a wolf and I feel weird inside of me…” explained Yuju sincerely.


Yerin was about to talk when they heard voices and saw lights coming for them. They looked at each other, Sinb locked eyes with Yerin and they understood each other. Sinb transformed, she would be faster in her wolf form. Yerin quickly grabbed the clothes that lied on the ground and turned Yuju around to put them in the girl’s bag. They looked around before running away.


Sinb was leading the way, the animal was better as orienting itself in the dark. They quickly distanced their enemies and went out of the forest.


“What do we do now?” asked Yuju looking at Yerin.


“We find a way to stop this war.” said Yerin. “Why didn’t you told me about your dad when I came to see you at the university?” she asked frowning. “Did you work for him? That’s why you use that website? So you can find people like her that are looking for explanation about them?”


Yuju shook her head. “I didn’t know about my dad, I swear.” said Yuju. “I always thought he didn’t know about his condition, about the curse or about anything else related to this story.” she said sincerely. “It surprised me so much when he suddenly asked about you and your friend. He may have feel it when you went to see him.” she said looking at the wolf before looking at Yerin. “You kind of have the wolf scent all over you.” she explained and Yerin blushed.


“Well we live together…” said Yerin trying to hide her blushing cheeks by turning her head away a little. “So why were you avoiding me after our first meeting?”


Yuju swallowed hard. “I saw your friend and was scared. It was the first time I saw a person like her, I was scared you two would kill me… after everything I read about this curse, I knew that a wolf wouldn’t hesitate.” Yerin nodded. “Listen, I don’t know why I wanted to help you, but I felt like it was the only thing to do.” explained Yuju sincerely. “Thinking back about it, I realise that my dad may have done horrible things and I can’t let him kill other people.”


“So how do we stop him?” asked Yerin as Sinb sat beside her and her hand. Yerin quickly looked down at the animal with a smile before looking back at Yuju. “Don’t you have information in your researches?”


“Maybe but they’re probably looking for me over there…” said Yuju sadly.


Yerin nodded and looked at Sinb. “We will help you get your researches back.” she said determined.


They went back to the city and stopped in a street on the corner of Yuju’s building. They looked discreetly and saw two men standing in front of the building.


Yuju sighed. “I told you they would be there.”


“Sinb and I will take care of them.” said Yerin with a smirk. Sinb ran to them and jumped on one man, Yerin followed her and punched the second one. Once the two men were on the floor Yuju ran to them and opened the door, they entered and took the elevator. Yerin was hoping they wouldn’t meet anyone, because seeing two girls and a wolf in an elevator at 2 am would seem very weird.


The door opened on Yuju’s floor and a guy was standing in front of the door. Yuju ran to him and punched him in the stomach. Yerin smiled. “Good punch!” she said laughing. Yuju rolled her eyes at Yerin and they entered her flat.


Yuju took all her documents, asking Yerin for help.


“How many books do you have?” asked Yerin carrying the books Yuju gave her.


Yuju laughed. “If we want to find a way to stop this, we will need all those books.” she answered then they quickly left before getting caught.


Not knowing where to hide anymore Yuju suggested the university library. It would be deserted at this time and nobody would be looking for them in this place. Yerin agreed and they headed to the university. They made sure nobody followed them and entered the library. Yerin put the books on a table and took Yuju’s bag. After taking Sinb’s clothes out of it she walked to an hidden place and put the clothes on a chair the wolf followed her and transformed before Yerin had time to walk away. Yerin already saw Sinb before but it would always made her blush furiously.


Sinb laughed and quickly got dressed. They joined Yuju who was already focused on her books.


“Did you find something?” asked Sinb sitting on the table and taking one book in her hand. Yuju looked up at her and took the book back.


“Please don’t touch my books. I study them since years now, I told you there is no way to broke the curse…” explained Yuju to Yerin. “But I remember something about the instinct changing…” added Yuju looking up from her book to look at Yerin. “That’s what happened to you two?”


Sinb nodded and Yerin took a step closer to Yuju. “Yeah, something changed, we kind of control it now.” said Yerin sitting beside Yuju. “I don’t feel like you about Sinb.” she said and Yuju looked at Sinb.


“I try to not hate her but it’s hard…” confessed Yuju looking down.


Sinb nodded again. “It’s okay, I don’t blame you, I know how it is to not be in charge of your own body, on your own reaction and emotions.” explained the girl sincerely. “I will leave you alone if you want. I don’t want you to feel unsafe because of me.” she said and walked away.


Yerin watched Sinb going away, she could feel the girl was going upstairs in the other part of the big library. She wanted to join the girl and stay with her but she had to help Yuju.


“You have all the books about this curse right?” she asked looking around.


Yuju nodded. “Yeah, I looked through all the books in this library, the only ones about the curse are on this table.” she explained opening another book.


Yerin took a book too and looked inside, she didn’t really know what she was looking for exactly but she hopped that while reading diagonally she would find something interesting. Having no luck Yerin put the book beside Yuju and took another one. When opened it, she saw that some press articles were stuck between most pages and one of them were about a wolf controlling himself.  


“I think I found something.” said Yerin showing the book to Yuju.


“That’s it.” said Yuju taking the book. “I never payed attention to it because I was more interested in the hunters part of the story, and even if everything is tied together, I never thought this article was something important.” she said taking the article stuck between the pages of the book.


She read it again but paying more attention this time. “What does it say?” asked Yerin trying to read it too.


“It’s about a man, forty years ago, he claimed he knew a wolf that became his friend.” said Yuju. “He said the wolf was in fact a man that could transform and helped him multiple times.” she continued to read before looking up at Yerin. “Nobody else saw this wolf except him and doctors send him into an asylum.”


Yerin swallowed hard. “Forty years ago?” she asked and Yuju nodded. “How old was he?”


“It’s not mentioned but there is the name of the guy and the name of the asylum, we can look if he still locked there or if he died…” said Yuju taking note of the informations.


Yerin took the little piece of paper and stood up. “Sinb’s adoptive father is a programmer, give this girl a computer she know how to get information from everything.” smiled Yerin before running to join Sinb.


“Sinb?” she asked walking through the big bookcases. She could feel the girl close but couldn’t see her. “Where are you hiding?” she asked laughing. “I know you’re here.”


She heard a laugh and looked up. Sinb was sitting on top of a bookcases. When Yerin saw her, Sinb jumped down in front of Yerin. “You got me.” she said smiling. “Did you guys find something?”


Yerin was still amazed by Sinb’s physical abilities. “hmm…” she said focusing back on their task. “Yeah, maybe, can you find out if this guy is still alive and if he still live in this place?” she asked giving the note Yuju took to Sinb. “He was called crazy because he talked about a man transforming into a wolf, a wolf that didn’t hurt him, but helped him. We think this wolf controlled himself just like you.”


Sinb nodded. “Does those computer have and access to internet?” she asked looking over Yerin’s shoulder at a table with computers.


“Don’t tell me it’s the first time you enter a university library?” asked Yerin teasing her friend.


Sinb frowned. “What I mean is does it connect during the night?” she said rolling her eyes.


Yerin laughed. “Yeah it works.” she said taking Sinb’s shoulders in her hands and turning her around to guide her to the table. “Now find this guy.” she said once Sinb was sitting in from of one of the computer.  


It took Sinb only five minutes to find about the guy, he was kinda old now but still alive, Sinb easily got the address of the center he was living and noted everything on the paper. Yerin smiled at her. “Good work!” she said patting Sinb’s shoulder. “Let find Yuju, we need to talk to this guy.”


They ran downstairs, Yuju looked up at them. “We find him.” said Sinb. “Let go!”


Yuju nodded and hid all the books in the little office where she took Yerin when the girl came to talk to her. Yuju locked the door with a key and they left the university.


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Chapter 8: A wonderful story ☺️☺️☺️

It was little bit sad because Umji was not in the story? ☺️😞☺️
Chapter 8: Nice story :D
SiMidget #3
Chapter 8: It's really good a story. I feel enjoy to read this until the end. Hope you never stop to write good stories like this ?
KangSeulBear20Sinrin #4
Chapter 8: this is good :) I assume you're Yuna telling us readers the story about the wolf and the hunter :) great work.. ?
Chapter 8: It's simple and good... I had fun reading this... ^^
Chapter 8: beautiful ending :’) even though part of me wished it was longer lol I loved it that much ^^
Chapter 8: Finally!!!! Happy ending!! >.<
Chapter 8: Wow beautiful happy ending,I love it
Chapter 7: So glad that Eunha still still cares to Sinb.
Thank you for the update, author ^^
BaeMich #10
Chapter 4: omg this is so good author nim