I Love You

I Love You

We stood by my porch, and he stood next to me. I thanked him, facing him, and then he suddenly held both of my arms and pulled me
closer. He looked deep into my eyes, like he had never done before; I looked back at him unaware of what's gonna happen next, then he said, "I love you". His voice is so deep and serious that I could only stare back at him and hold my breath. He cupped my cheeks,
leaned closer to me and-..

I felt a thud on my head and heard... "Yah! Lee HyunAe! You're sleeping again! This is the library, not your bedroom, and we're
supposed to be studying!" I looked at the person standing beside me; he grabbed a chair and sat down. "You're in the dreamland again... What were you dreaming anyway? You were babbling and all. ” He hissed. I rubbed my eyes and said, "Huh? Oh yeah... I am...Sorry, Hoya; it’s just that-" I yawned, "I’ve been up last night studying..."

~Oh yeah, this is my best friend Lee Howon or best known as Hoya, we've been best friends since forever, and we've been at each other's throats since God only knows since when. We're studying at the same university, same department, but with different majors. And now we are currently in the library burning some time to our next class.~

"Hey, HyunAe." he called, "I'm bored. You wanna skip class?", He said out of the blue. "Huh? What about Biology with Mr. Teo?" I replied. "Well.." He thought for a while, "We dont have any exams or quizzes today right? Just some lectures on stuff, c'mon HyunAe!
Let's skip class! Just this one time, I promise.” he begged, holding his hands together as he gave me his puppy-dog-eyes, which is really hard to resist. I looked at him, thought for a while and "OK! Just this once alright?” I said as I Held up my index finger, "Yes! Just this once!" he exclaimed loudly and held my raised hand, then the librarian rang her bell and said, "You two love birds, over there... can you keep it down?! This is a library not a cafeteria." "Sorry Ma'am" Hoya replied. We stood up and went out of the library quietly. ~love birds?~ I felt my ears got hot.


"Well, what are we gonna do?" I asked. "You wanna see a movie?” he asked. I thought for a while, and then I remembered, "There's
this new Leonardo Di'Caprio movie out! Have you seen it?" I said. "Let's watch that!" Hoya exclaimed. But then I remembered my wallet, I stopped. "Hoya, I forgot... Mom and Dad have not sent me my week's allowance and I only have about $30 on me now... I can't see a movie with only $30... What about tomorrow? hehehe..." I laughed. He gave me a grin, and wrapped his arm on my shoulders, and he said confidently. "Don't you worry!!! I'll handle everything for today... so just sit back relax and let's go!" and we walked out to the parking lot to his car. When we got into his car, he got his iPhone out and synced it to his navigation system, and handed it down to me... and he said, "Put on your playlist." ~The first song on the playlist is I'll Protect You by Hero Jaejoong...~ He said, “I really love this song.” “Me too...” I said in reply.

When we got to the cinema house’s parking lot, he got out of the car as fast as he can just to open my door. He’s always been like that; he always opened up a door for me. ~He’s such a gentleman.~ We went into the cinema house and he bought our tickets, and came up to me... “So, let’s grab our popcorn, Orange soda and Maltesers?” He asked me. “Yeah! Sure!” I smiled at him. ~Popcorn, orange soda and maltesers are our go-to movie snacks, ever.~ I went to the snack bar and ordered our movie combo. He stood next to me paid our bill. After that, we went inside the cinema and then the movie began. When the movie rolled we watched intently... then suddenly the temperature in the movie house went down. It got colder. I am only wearing a tank top. So as defense to the cold temperature, I crossed my arms to my chest. Then without a word, he handed me his popcorn tub and ped his hoodie, and placed it on my shoulders, took both our tubs and signaled me to put on his hoodie. I gave him a smile and did as instructed. I took back my popcorn tub, leaned to his side and told him, “Thanks Hoya...” I gave him my cutesy cute smile. He glanced at me and gave out a little chuckle.

After the film it was around 7.30pm, he said, “Well, that was entertaining!” as he stretched his arms and placed it on my shoulders.
“So, I’m hungry. What do you wanna eat?” he asked me, I thought for a while. Then I said, “I want to eat something heavy. Like burger
or something.” “OK! Then burger it is!!! Let’s go to Denny’s.” We walked back to his car and searched for a diner. When we got into the diner and sat at a table near a jukebox, he asked, “HyunAe, wanna have your usual?” I nodded, “uhumm”,  but then, I realized, “Hoya, what’s my usual?” I inquired. “Well, we’ve always been here and you’ve always ordered the same stuff! Cheese burger with everything on it except for onions, fries, and one slice of apple pie with vanilla ice-cream with a sprinkle of cinnamon on top.” He said confidently. “Wow! Hoya! I’m impressed! You’re good at this.” “Well! I know you.” He said proudly. The waitress arrived taking our orders, and pouring us some soda. We shared our food with each other and chatted about random stuff, and then the waitress came to our table again, placed a tall glass of Chocó milk shake with two straws on it. “Did you get this?” I asked Hoya. He declined, so I asked the waitress,  “Ma’am, I think you made a mistake, but we did not order this...” “No, it’s on the house!” said the waitress. Hoya exclaimed in amazement, “Wow! This is for free!? Wow! Thanks!” the waitress leaned closer to us, and said, “The owner of the diner is here and she saw you both, and she thought she’d give a cute couple a nice treat.” She gave us a wink and left. ~cute couple?~ Hmmm... I smiled. “That was cool. Free. Haha!!! Cute couple?” he asked. “Well I guess we look like a couple.” I said bluntly. “Oh well, we are lucky!” he said.

After dinner, it was already 9pm. We got into the car and he started up the engine, and turned his GPS on. And he said, “HyunAe’s home.” ~yes, yes, I have my home in his GPS. ~ I looked at him and gave him a smile. He turned to me, and I said, “Hoya, Thank you for today.” “No hassle, HyunAe, everything for you.” He said and gave me a sweet smile. We drove to my home, as soon as he parked his car outside my house; he got out of the car immediately and opened the door for me, I whispered under my breath “Thank you.”

We walked towards my house, we stood by my porch, and he stood next to me.  I thanked him again, facing him, and then he suddenly
held both of my arms and pulled me closer. He looked deep into my eyes, like he had never done before; I looked back at him unaware of what's gonna happen next, then he said, "I love you". His voice so deep and serious that I could only stare back at him and hold my
breath. He cupped my cheeks, leaned closer to me and gave me a kiss on the lips. I did not resist, it was so right. Everything is just right. I kissed him back and then I felt a tear falling to my cheek. I pulled back and looked into his eyes, and asked, “Hoya...What took
you so long?” He smiled, and embraced me. Then I said, “Remember you asked me this morning, what was I dreaming about?”

“Uhuh... I remember that...”

“Well this... this is what I was dreaming about this morning... and every other nights of my life. All I want to say is...” He again, cupped
my face with his both hands,

“... is... I love you too, Hoya.”

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I'm glad everyone like this lol though I'm a bit worried since its cliche but whatever, thanks! :)
purplecouple #2
omo so cute~! loved this<3
This is so cute !
What a great end, that's perfect :)
eunhyeok #5
Lover_Pikwangchu #6
@beyond_facts @rubberducky thanks for reading! :)
cute... ^_^
beyond_facts #9
Then again, I'm completely going head over heels for him *o*