Chapter 2

I regret the day I met you ♥

-2 Days passed-

              While Gna and Hyuna was on their way to the canteen, they ran into Yeoseob and DooJoon. Gna was surprised when she saw Yeoseob. She created a smile on her lips.

               "Yeoseob!" she called then waved at him. Hyuna looked at Gna then patted her shoulder, roughly. "Ya! you know him?" she asked then raised her eyebrows. Gna looked at Hyuna "My cousin," she asnwered short then ran towards Yeoseob.

               "Gna! That guy beside him...." Hyuna couldn't finish her talk as Gna didn't bother to listen to her. She walked futher from them then bought food for her to eat.

               "Gna!" approached Yeoseob then hugged his cousin. "Long time no see," replied Gna then smiled at him. "Yeoseob, you never said to me that you have a girlfriend.." said DooJoon, interrupted.

               Both of them looked at each other. "No! It's not what you think!" exclaimed Gna then forced herself to laugh. "Yeah! she's just my COUSIN." Yeoseob added. DooJoon replied with a nod.

               "Hi, I am DooJoon" said the tall, handsome guy then smiled at Gna. Gna's heart suddenly beaten fast then she looked down. "He's my bestfriend," Yeoseob added. Gna looked at DooJoon, "I am Gna" she said, nervously.

                  "Mmmm..... Yeoseob, I need to go..." said Gna then walked away. Hyuna who kept on staring at them laughed when she saw Gna's reaction. "Come on." said Gna then immediately grabbed Hyuna's hand. Both of them continue to walk to the class.

                "Gna, you know what... That guy just now is the guy I mentioned about that day" informed Hyuna. Gna's eyes turned wide. "Chongmal?!" she exclaimed,sounded surprised. Hyuna nodded.

                  "You have a chance to get his heart since he is your cousin's bestfriend.." said Hyuna then giggled. Gna glared at Hyuna then pinched her shoulder. "Ish! No way okay!" she said.

                  "Gna is DooJoon's admire! DJ's admire!" shouted Hyuna then burst into a laugh. "Ya! It's not what you think! Hyuna! stop it!" said Gna then acted sulk.

                   "Oh, Gna... Cmon! don't be a kid." said Hyuna. Gna looked at her then both of them laugh. "I don't love him okay?" Gna added. "Okay2... DJ's admire." replied Hyuna then giggled.


-In the class-

                     Gna stared at her phone then smiled alone. "Hyuna was right... Yeoseob is the best way for me to get closer with DooJoon..." she whispered to herself then sighed.

                     "Ah! Gna! Stop it! You come here to study!" she said once again. protested her own decision just now. She laid her head on the table then made a call.

                     "Hello, Gna is here.." she said in a low tone of voice. "Ne?" asnwered Yeoseob. "mmm.... Let's eat together for lunch... Bring your friend with you..." said Gna then paused for a second; waiting for Yeoseob's agreement.

                      "Okay.. Is it okay if I bring DooJoon?" asked Yeoseob. Gna smiled when she heard that. "Much better," she said then ended the call.

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Anis_Yusman #1
@arashibyeol ::I think I will. :DD I'll wait for what will happen next. ne?
hyeonji #2
weeee :^^
yea !!! ^____^ .. I hope u still write and DUJUN fanfics ^o^