Chapter 2


Minseo’s POV

It’s been a week since I learned about Suzie. Jungkook and her seem to have gotten closer, even though it’s only been a few days. Jungkook skipped lunch yesterday to do homework with her. I know I shouldn’t be upset, but he is suddenly giving her a lot of attention. Every time he sees her, he flashes her a big smile and goes to talk to her. They’re always laughing and teasing each other. He’s just being a good friend. You need to stop being crazy and controlling. You’re not that type of girl. I tried to calm my breathing every time I thought about it, but it was so hard. He was MY boyfriend, but why is he suddenly giving HER most of his time?

I couldn’t sleep no matter how long I kept my eyes shut. My mind was racing with so many questions. Did he know she likes him? Does she still like him? Does he like her? I know it was insane, he was my boyfriend so of course he cared about me, but we haven’t been dating for long and I was nothing compared to her. My stomach turned, and I knew I was going to feel sick until I asked him about it. I looked at my phone and saw it was almost midnight. I opened the messages between Jungkook and me, debating whether to send something. Finally, I decided on “hey, you up?” I took a deep breath and stared at the phone but jumped when he quickly responded.

“Yeah, what’s up babe?” My eyebrows furrowed. What is he doing up? I sent back,

“I can’t sleep and wanted someone to talk to. What are you doing still up?” He didn’t immediately send something back and my nerves kicked into high gear. Something isn’t right.

“Suzie had a question about class and then we kinda just started talking. Why can’t you sleep?” I felt my heart stop beating and all the wind was knocked out of me.

“Did you know she likes you?” I sent back, suddenly feeling angry. A searing shock filled my head and I suddenly couldn’t think anymore. I am going to puke.

“Liked. She doesn’t anymore. We are just friends, Min. Promise.” I shook my head. There was something about the situation that didn’t feel right but I didn’t want to press him further. I sent back a quick okay and turned my phone off. I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling until dawn came.

I heard my mom walking around downstairs and decided to get out of bed and get ready. When I finally walked down stairs, my mom gave me a weird look but decided to just mumble something about me needing to put my phone away and go to sleep. I sighed and picked up my backpack, riding silently all the way to school.

When we got there, I knew I needed to find Hopey. He’d know what to do. I walked to the dance hall where he’d usually be when he got to school early enough. I peaked through the window and saw him dancing, immediately smiling as I threw the door open. My smile quickly faded when I saw all the other boys sitting in the corner, talking to each other. I looked away as soon as Jungkook looked up and smiled at me. I immediately walked over to Hoseok. He stopped dancing and raised his eyebrow at my uncomfortable smile. “Hey, can we talk?” I mumbled just loud enough for him to hear me. He slowly nodded, suddenly looking concerned. He quickly gathered his things and we walked out, all the boys looking at us.

“Ya! Min! What’s wrong,” He yelled as he ran to catch up with my quick steps. He reached out and grabbed my shoulder, pulling me to a stop. His face softened when he saw the tears in my eyes. “What is bothering you?”

“He was talking to her last night. Like late last night, and not about class. He says that she doesn’t like him anymore, but I just don’t feel good about the situation. She’s so pretty and tall and skinny and there’s no way I can compete with her. I feel so hopeless and I need your help!” I choked as tears streamed down my face and I couldn’t breathe anymore. She liked, or likes, my boyfriend and is talking to him at midnight and he doesn’t see what is weird about that.

Hoseok pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my forehead. He slowly whispered for me to calm down and that everything would be okay. “You don’t have competition. You’re pretty too, Minnie. You are funny and sweet and a talented dancer. He sees something special in you and she won’t change that. She’s just someone new and exciting for him to talk to. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t care for you, he just wants to get to know her.” I looked up at him and scoffed.

“But she liked him. That’s so weird! I don’t want him to get to know her because she may try to steal him.” He gave a small smile and shook his head. “Ya! What are you laughing at!” I smacked his stomach and turned around, ready to stomp away.

“Do you think Ara and I don’t go through the same thing? There’s always some guy trying to flirt with her and I have to learn to sit back and let her take care of everything,” Hope’s voice was soft, and I turned to see him staring straight at me. “You have to trust him if you want to be with him.”

I slowly walked back to him and nodded my head slowly. “Thank you oppa. I know I need to trust him, it’s just scary thinking about being that vulnerable. He could really hurt me, and I have to just wait and see if he does.” Hoseok was about to say something when I saw all the boys walking towards us. Jungkook looked up at me and raised one eyebrow, looking hurt. He came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Everything okay?” He asked, searching me eyes. I nodded, not trusting my voice. “What did you and Hoseok hyung talk about?” my eyes glanced at Hope and he gave me a reassuring smile. I breathed and looked up to see Jungkook glancing at Hope with furrowed eyebrows.

“Nothing special, just needed some advice,” I gave him a small smile before slowly leaving his arms. “I have to go to class, but I will see you guys at lunch,” I waved at all the boys before giving Kook a kiss on the cheek and walking away. I knew he had the same frustrated and hurt look on his face, but I needed some space to think. I silently walked to class and tried to concentrate on my classes, but I couldn’t get Jungkook and Suzie out of my mind.

I wasn’t excited for lunch anymore, especially since I would most likely be confronted by Kook. I waited for Hope to come out of his class, my face showing ever emotion I felt.

“What’s up my second favorite girl?!” Hope practically yelled, throwing his arm around my shoulder. He leaned in and lowly whispered, “the first only being my beautiful Ara.” I gagged and shoved him away from me as he fell into a fit of giggles. It was hard to not be in a good mood around Hope. He always knew how to make me feel better. We continued walking together, constantly teasing one another until we finally spotted our friends. I let out a deep sigh and Hoseok looked at me with a sympathetic smile before throwing his arm around my shoulder and pulling me close. “It’ll be okay. Just give it time.”

“I know. I just don’t want to have to go through this,” I sighed, leaning my head on Hope’s shoulder. Jungkook met us halfway, giving a quick, irritated look at Hoseok before looping his arm around my waist.

“Don’t worry hyung, I can take her from here.” His voice sharp and articulate. What the hell? I gave Hoseok a confused look, but he just shrugged and joined the other boys who were trying to not make it obvious that they were staring.

“What was that for? You didn’t have to be so mean to him!” I looked at Jungkook, but his strong glare made me shrink back.

“Why do you have to be so touchy with him? People are going to get the wrong idea,” His face faltered for just a second, but anger quickly replaced any emotion he almost showed. You have got to be kidding me. My mouth hung open as I just stared at the boy standing in front of me, not believing what he just said. “What?”

“Please tell me you’re freaking joking.”

“No, I am completely serious. You guys are always hugging, or he’s got his arm wrapped around you. You are with me, not him. I wish you would act like it.”

“What about you and Suzie?” I couldn’t hold back the bitter tone in my words.

“What does this have to do with her? I don’t touch her. We are literally just friends and that’s it.”

“You may not touch her, but you’re always giving her your attention. That looks just as bad. Everyone knows Hoseok and I are close friends. It looks worse when you suddenly meet this girl and all of a sudden you’re giving her all the attention in the world,” I fought back the tears in my eyes. It’s so stupid we were having this discussion. Hoseok was his best friend. Suzie didn’t know any of us. He could trust Hoseok because he had a girlfriend. Suzie was single. Hoseok liked me years ago, if he wanted to be with me he would have already. Suzie liked him last month.

“She is just a friend. I don’t give her more attention, we just do homework together. You can’t get mad at me for that, I just want a good grade,” He sighed, rubbing his neck. “I don’t like fighting with you. Please just try and think about it. I love you.” The words were so soft, I almost didn’t hear them. My eyes went wide, and I could feel the heat in my cheeks. His eyes opened wide as soon as he realized what he said.

“I love you too.” We both relaxed, and he pulled me into his chest, kissing the top of my head. We walked back to the group and sat down, curling into each other’s arms. I looked up to see Hoseok smirking at us. He flashed me a quick wink before standing up.

“As much as I would love to hang around you crazy people, my sweet heart would like to see me. Goodbye!” He quickly waved before walking towards the building Ara was in.

I looked at the people around me. Daeun, Hayoon and Jia were all giving me questioning looks. I shook my head and mouthed “later.” They nodded before returning to the conversation about a competition the boys were entering into next week. I zoned out and thought about everything Hoseok had said to me. He was right, I need to trust Jungkook is I ever want to be with him. I have to be vulnerable.

I looked to my left to see Jungkook laughing at something Taehyung had said. His nose crinkled, and his eyes were shut. He looked so cute. I didn’t realize when he turned to me, his eyes softening even more before placing a kiss on my nose. I hope everything will be okay.

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