you're like love flows in my vein. (chaesoo, slight!jenlisa)

please be the opposite of me ('cause it's attracts)
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It's already almost midnight when Jisoo arrived at the small bar at the corner of Myeondong's street that owned by her close friend, Lisa.


The jet black haired girl slumped her buttock against the tall stool, right across the bartender for tonight; Jennie.


"Oh hey, I thought you won't come. Date night?" Jennie the first one to greet the older girl before opened Porter's beer bottle and pressed it in front of Jisoo.


"Yeah, I send Chaeyoung home already and come here." Jisoo mumbled before press her lips against the beer bottle impassively.


"Something happened? You don't look bright?" Jennie said unsurely while wiping the glasses with white clean clothes.


Jisoo gulped down the bitter liquid slowly to buy some time answering Jennie, another close friend of hers. She the small foams on the top of her lips before open to answer but it's being interrupted when another loud voice boomed behind her.


"Hey Jisoo! You are here!" Lisa, the owner of the bar patted her back enthusiastically, received a mild glare from the victim before grabbed another stool and sat beside Jisoo.


It's a working night, so the bar was not that living. Just some older frequenter drinking at the corner of the long counters while some 90's jazz music accompanied the bar.


"Why she always so enthusiastic?" Jisoo grumbled when Lisa patted her back.


"You know too much beer and that's just her." Jennie replied while giving playful stares at the taller girl.


"Hey, this ball of sunshine is the reason you guys' life brighter and happier. Show me some love!" Lisa rebutted before stealing Jisoo's beer and drank it leaving only half content of it.


"You really should stop drinking now, babe. Not good for you." Jennie stared at Lisa worriedly.


Oh yeah, Jennie and Lisa is a married couple. They are this typical high school sweetheart and lucky enough to stay together through college and now they worked together in opening the bar, since Lisa's passion was business and Jennie's passion was brewing beverages. And Jisoo cannot deny their chemistry together, spiritually or just physically. They are happily married for three years now and their bar business going so well, there's nothing else the couple want.


"I am sorry, it's an old habit to steal Jisoo's beer honey." Lisa said cutely before bend her half body to give a small peck against Jennie's soft cheek.


Jisoo let out an obvious groaned from the cheesiness oozed out infront of her, "Yah stop! I am not here to be a witness for this disgusting sight!"


Jennie gave an apologetic smiled, but Jisoo knew they both not that sorry to not do it again sooner.


"So as you were trying to say, did something happened between you and Chaeng?" Jennie repeated her question. Lisa who just arrived in the scene just kept quiet while staring at Jisoo.


"Ugh... it's nothing. It just stupid, really." Jisoo mumbled, suddenly the bottled beer was a fascinating sight to watch for the girl.


"It's not stupid if you feeling disturbed about it. Is there something wrong with Chaeyoung? You guys just started to date right? Does she have potty mouth? Smelly breath? Fart loudly in public?" Lisa enquired before being elbowed by Jennie.


Jisoo shook her head from Lisa's ridiculous question, "No! She is nice. She is a good partner, overall perfect for me. I really do like her."


"Then what's the problem?" Jennie raised her eyebrows.


Jisoo sighed for nth times before mumbled bashfully, "W-We haven’t have our first kiss yet."


The silence ensued several seconds before Lisa's loud laughter amplified at the almost empty bar making some of the visitors turned to them.


"Lisa you are such an . I hate you." Jisoo buried her redden face into her palms.


Jennie slapped Lisa lightly with the clothes, she used to wipe the glasses, "Hush woman! How could you be laughing at your friend?"


"No, babe. I am not laughing because I am ridiculed her or something. It just, damn it Kim Jisoo. I don't raised you to be this coward. You want to kiss her right?" Lisa who was laughing instantly changed her expression to serious one.


"Y-Yes? Who doesn't? Ch

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lisoo or chaelisa? 🤔


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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 17: Dang! Tragic love story it is. But I like this. I love this Chaennie
Astraea21 #2
Chapter 10: Ugh! Love to read all of these over and over again
Astraea21 #3
Chapter 4: Aww. These are so freaking cute. Love!
blink_11 #4
Chapter 17: Okay??? Is this some kind of ?😆 Doesn't matter i love anything that involves chaennie
Chapter 17: owemgi! they're sisters?
now i'm confused.. 😄😁
Chapter 15: soffttt for chaennie... 🥰🤗
does jennie have feelings too? 🤭
Chapter 6: cute! 🥰
.. what the usual couple talked about with their arrangement when they have children..
SaySaySouffleee #8
Chapter 17: Oh i-
SaySaySouffleee #9
Chapter 17: Oh i-
Chapter 17: Wait what 0_○ *shock*