Chapter 1

Judas's Kiss

A long time ago wars were fought, many lost their lives and the world turned upside down. Now, one remembers those wars, thousands of years, the world is perfect. A time when darkness and fear ruled was over when the creation of Project Zero came to place. Life within the walls of Project Zero is perfect and the citizens are loyal and obedient.


It was another boring Sunday, after his shift, Jungkook bid goodbye to the owner, Mrs. Suzy, apologizing to her for not being able to stay and eat dinner as he usually does. Mrs. Suzy was fond of him, she gave him a job as a tutor due to the recommendation of her friend, Mrs. Tiffany, the woman in charge of the orphan where he was raised at. She wished he could stay at the orphan but as the law states anyone at the age of eighteen must live alone, find a job and give back to the society, only those under the age of eighteen were allowed to residents with their parents.

“It looks like it’s going to rain again tonight,” says Mrs. Suzy, “Here take some of these groceries with you.”

“Thank you,” he says, taking the bag she was holding, giving her a smile so she won’t worry so much.


Jungkook opens the umbrella, heading outside, he can hear the raindrops hitting the streets, falling one by one like pebbles, it was a matter of minutes until the streets were covered with rain, he had to hurry and get to the station before the rain gets heavy.


By the time he reached the station, the rain had just started to fall heavily, he shakes off his umbrella, quickly walking to station 94, the shuttle that is going to take him to the orphan, he often does not go but after receiving a call from Mrs. Tiffany, inviting almost pleading for him to come over for dinner, Jungkook figured he can at least do that much since she has done so much for him.

Jungkook presses the Electronic bracelet around his wrist, checking the time. Life in Project Zero was monitored by this small silver almost nonexistence bracelet every citizen is required wearing from birth. It was a communication device, a tracking device, remote controller for television and stereo, and an ID, the most important feature, without it, you do not existence in Project Zero.


As the shuttle came to a stop, Jungkook gets up from his seat, preparing to get off. The station was quiet, with the rain outside, it was not surprising.


He folds the umbrella, standing in front of the house. He takes a deep breath, it’s been a while since he has visited the orphanage, almost three months now. He presses the button on the electronic, it displays a small screen, he scrolls down to the phone icon, pressing on it. After letting Mrs. Tiffany know he has arrived, he waits for a few minutes until the door opens.


The door opens, “Jungkook,” says Mrs. Tiffany with a huge grin, “Come on in, it’s raining cats and dogs.” Jungkook takes off his shoes before stepping onto the carpet, the house was quiet.

“Am I late?”

“Oh, it seems like the rain made everyone go to sleep early,” she says, “Let me heat up the food again, so we can eat.”

“Sorry for the trouble,” he says, setting his umbrella against the wall beside the door, wondering if something was the matter? It has been a while since he visited the orphanage, but it was strange for the kids to be sleeping this early, it was ten pm.

“Have a seat at the table,” she calls, “I’ll bring the food out.”


Jungkook sighs, as he sits down on the floor at the table, scanning the place. It hasn’t changed much, except for the pictures on the wall, they were all new portraits of the new kids staying at the orphanage, it was like his whole existence has been erased. 


He smiles as Mrs. Tiffany walks over to the table with a bowl of rice, vegetables, and beef, “Here you go.”

“Thank you,” he says, as she places the food on the table, “Want something to drink?”

“Oh, just water.”

“Oh, don’t be modest,” she says, coming back to the table with a bottle of wine, “Let’s drink together.”

“Oh, I-um…”

“It’s okay,” she says, “I’ve been waiting for a special occasion to open this bottle, but it looks like its never going to happen.”

Jungkook chuckles. It would rude to turn her down after putting it like that. He sighs nodding his head. She smiles taking a glass and pouring the wine, it was red, as red as blood. He never had a chance to drink such delicacy, he felt honored that she was willing to drink with him. The bottle must have caused her a fortune.


“Here you go,” she says, slightly pushing the glass towards him. Jungkook smiles, thanking her as he picks it up. She pours herself some, as he takes a sip of it. It tasted rich and soft, he never had wine before, so he didn’t know what to compare it to, it had a unique bitterness to it.

“It’s good.”

“I’m glad you like it,” she says. She gasps.

“Is something the matter?”

“Oh, I forget to fix up the dessert,” she says, setting her glass down and getting up, “Continue eating, and drink more if you want.”


Jungkook nods his head, happily. Since he moved out the orphanage, he has gotten accustomed to eating alone, it was nice to have company.


Jungkook exhales, his heartbeat was beating rapidly, he felt like he could not breathe. He pours water, gulping it down. He glances at Mrs. Tiffany sitting across from him. She glances at her watch, before looking up and catching his gaze, biting her lower lip. The room was starting to spin, everything coming blurring, he couldn’t focus his train of thoughts. How many glasses did I drink? He wonders, glancing over at the wine glass, half empty. It couldn’t have been many, wow I really can’t hold my alcohol.

“Are you okay?” asks Mrs. Tiffany but the words felt an echo, barely registering, she sounded far away. It was pitch black for a few seconds, blacking out. He shakes his head as a bright light peers through the opened window and he could hear a car engine. Is someone here? He glances at Mrs. Tiffany, who shifted uncomfortably.

Within seconds blackness settled in as he slowly lay down his heavy head on table, unconscious, drifting in and out.


Wake up. Whispers a small voice in the back his head, Jungkook sighs, unable to open his heavy eyelids, he can hear voices. A man? When did he arrive? I must’ve drunk too much.

“Wouldn’t it be a problem if his memory awakens before arriving at the city?” City? Arrive? That’s Mrs. Tiffany’s voice, what is talking about? Who is she talking to? - wake up. The small voice came again.

“Don’t tell you got attached to the boy,” replies the man, “Your job here is done.”

Come on Jungkook, wake up.

 “I’m not attached,” says Mrs. Tiffany, “And the orphanage?”

“You know what the orders are? Burn it to the ground.”

Burn the orphanage? Wait-wait-a minute! Jungkook screams internally, unable to respond or move, as he listens to Mrs. Tiffany and the Man, go back and forth.

“The children- “

“Just do as your told!” roars the man, “Put him in the truck.”

“Can’t we wait until the kids are at school- “

“Burn the damn place to the ground!” roars the man, “Get Cross in the truck.”

Cross? Who the hell is Cross?

He slowly manages to open his eyes, the world around him completely spinning, he could make out two figures, but nothing made sense, Confusion blossomed in his heart, what in the world is going on! Unable to keep his eyes open, he wallowed in blackness.


Jungkook drifts into consciousness, hearing voices, whispers, and small sobs. He was in a moving vehicle, it smells old paint, cigarettes, and blood, the smell made him feel nauseous.

A mass kidnapping?  

There were other people in this vehicle. He was fear-stricken, his heartbeat was pounding loudly in his ears, his mind was muddled, and he was covered in sweat. Unable to formulate any thoughts, he drifts back into blackness.

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Chapter 3: I’m excited! Waiting for the update ^^
Amazing poster,, omgggg