Simple Days

These Sparks Are Going To Start Fires

*****Chapter song inspiration*****



Kikwang sighed and rubbed the back of his head as he looked at the small puppies before him. He glanced to Hyosung but she just looked at him in pity. Kikwang looked at his neighbor,  a small elderly woman.

“I am not saying I don’t want them but I simply just can’t take care of them” she said.

Kikwang nodded in understanding and then sighed.

“You don’t have to worry. I will take care of them and find them good homes.”

The elderly woman smiled and quickly left. Hyosung shut the door and then sighed. She looked at the eight puppies running around and smiled.

“Can we keep them Kikwang-ah?” she asked in a sweet voice.

Kikwang scoffed.

“No” he replied.

He caught sight of Jin-Jin and glared at him.

“Yah! You!” he said, pointing to Jin-Jin.

“You dare dishonor me like this?” he accused, wagging his finger at his dog.

Hyosung laughed.

“I’m sure Jin-Jin feels bad enough” Hyosung said as she lowered his accusing finger.

“Why did he have to have so many children?” Kikwang asked as he looked at the puppies.

“Maybe he wanted them all” Hyosung said, laughing.

Kikwang shook his head because Hyosung was taking this so lightly. Jin-Jin had mated with the neighbor dog and there was no way of denying the puppies. They looked like Jin-Jin and so now Kikwang was stuck with 9 dogs. He sighed once more.

“We can ask the guys if they want a dog” Hyosung voiced.

“Doojoon already has 3 dogs. Junhyung-ah is allergic. Hyunseung-ah likes cats. Yoseob might kill it with all his snuggling. Dongwoon might want one though.”

Hyosung picked one up and smiled as it her face.

“I could ask Ji-Eun and the girls at the salon.”

Kikwang nodded in agreement and then sighed again.

“Yah, stop sighing so much” Hyosung said.

Kikwang shook his head and plopped down on the couch.

“What’s wrong now?” Hyosung asked.

Kikwang chuckled to himself as he shook his head and then pointed to Jin-Jin.

“Can you believe we are grandparents?” he asked.

“What?” Hyosung asked, her eyes slightly widening.

“Our son has kids” he said and rubbed his neck.

Hyosung laughed and she sat down next to him, placing the small puppy in his lap.

“Look at our grandchild” she said with a gummy smile.

Kikwang looked at her face and smiled. Her smile was infectious. He looked down at the small puppy laying in his lap.

“I can’t believe Jin-Jin had kids before we did” he voiced, causing Hyosung to blush.

He turned his attention to her, a serious expression on his face.

“It will happen eventually” she replied in a small voice.

“We need to keep trying. Let’s go” he said.

He placed the puppy on the floor gently and grabbed her hand. She protested and tried to escape from his firm grasp but he pulled her into their room and shut the door. They had a couple of hours before IU would be back with Bora and Kikwang wanted to take advantage of their free time.


Hyosung felt the tears slide down her cheeks. She wiped them away from her face with the back of her hand. She heard chuckling and turned to face Kikwang. He looked at her face and shook his head. She lightly smacked him on the arm. He fully laughed.

“I told you…but you don’t listen” he said and quickly wiped her tears away.

“I just wanted to prove you wrong” she replied.

He smiled sweetly at her and caressed her cheek.

“I have plenty of experience, there is no way you were going to prove me wrong” he replied as he stuck his tongue out at her.

Hyosung rolled her eyes and suddenly put the piece of garlic, the very one she had been peeling, up to Kikwang’s nose. He coughed and pulled away from her and the tears started to flow from his eyes. Hyosung laughed and patted his back.

“I want a divorce” he coughed out.

Hyosung laughed and then stuck her tongue out.

“Too bad” she replied and hugged herself to him.

He playfully tried to push her away but she held on tighter. He finally sighed.

“Fine” he replied but he couldn’t hide the smile that was on his face.

He liked it when she held on to him.


They both looked over to Bora as she walked into the kitchen, rubbing her small eyes. She had been sleeping in their bed. Kikwang smiled and picked her up in his arms.

“You know, you do have an Appa” he said to her.

Bora ignored him and stretched herself out to Hyosung but Kikwang walked away from Hyosung’s reach.

“Bora-yah, my sweet baby… why don’t you love your Appa anymore?”

Bora smiled her toothy smile at him.

“Aigoo….gummy smile just like your Omma” he said.

Hyosung suddenly plucked Bora out of Kikwang’s arms and once again stuck her tongue out at him. He couldn’t help but smile as he watched them walk away. He lived for these moments with her. He shook his head at his thoughts. He had certainly changed because of her.


“Kikwang-ah…you’re an idiot” said Junhyung as he took another drink from his beer.

Kikwang glared at him.

“Don’t you think I know that?” he replied, his tone harsh.

Junhyung laughed and shook his head.

“You know…but you choose to ignore it.”

He laughed and Kikwang shook his head.

“Why did I call you?” he muttered.

“Because I’m your best friend and everyone else was busy. Face it, I was and still am your only choice.”

Kikwang rolled his eyes and took a drink from his beer and looked around the bar. They had been sitting in their booth for about an hour now. Kikwang glanced at the clock on the wall and sighed. It was almost midnight and he had not been home in hours since Hyosung and he had a fight. Kikwang didn’t know what to do anymore. She was moody nowadays and it seemed he was doing everything wrong.

“Don’t take it to hard” Junhyung said.

“How am I supposed to take it then?” Kikwang countered.

Junhyung shrugged his shoulders and took another drink. He placed the beer bottle down on the table and sighed, placing his hands behind his head.

“I hate to say it but she had a point. She just wanted some comfort” Junhyung voiced.

“I did provide comfort” Kikwang replied, his eyebrows connecting in frustration.

“Kikwang-ah…you tried to get her into bed” Junhyung pointed out.

Kikwang sighed and slumped further into his seat.

“You still haven’t completely gotten rid of your playboy ways.”

“Yeah I know” replied Kikwang.

He looked at Junhyung squarely in the eyes.

“Sometimes I feel like a complete liar. I love her, of course I love her and she loves me. But sometimes I just feel like she completely changed everything about me. I never used to comfort girls with hugs and kisses. I never experienced half of the things I am now experiencing. I’m new at this. And now she is just angry or upset almost all day and just at me.”

Kikwang frowned and chugged the rest of his beer.

“This is the worst fight we have ever had” he said in a low voice.

“Just apologize and explain it the way you just did to me. If she can’t be understanding, then maybe that’s the sign you need” replied Junhyung.

“I could never leave her…it would kill me” Kikwang replied.

Junhyung smirked.

“You are sickening” he said.

Kikwang managed to laugh.

“Oh yeah? What about you? Was that a couple ring I saw on your finger?”

Junhyung frowned.

“Shut up” he replied, his face turning slightly red.

“It seems your playboy ways are coming to an end. You would have never worn a couple ring before meeting Hara. You must love her a lot.”

Kikwang grinned as Junhyung blushed more. Junhyung didn’t reply and simply ignored Kikwang.

“Shouldn’t you be getting home to your wife?” he asked.

Kikwang sighed and nodded.

“Yeah” he said as he stood.

He bid goodbye to Junhyung before exiting the bar. He walked all the way home, which was only a few streets down. He checked his phone but frowned when he had no missed calls or messages. He made his way home in silence. He wondered if Hyosung was asleep or if she was worrying for him. He was lost in thoughts until he was looking at a door. Without realizing it, he had made it all the way home and was now standing in front of his apartment door. He pulled out his keys and unlocked the door, shutting it behind him when he stepped into his home.

The apartment was dark and quiet. He quietly made his way to Bora’s room, checking in on her before he dragged his feet to his room. He stood outside the room and took a deep breath. He was greeted with the soft glow of light and the image of Hyosung sitting on the bed, staring at him. He said nothing as he slowly closed the door and stepped closer to the bed. They looked at each other for a moment.

“I’m home” he said, not knowing what else to say.

Hyosung scanned his features.

“Where did you go?” she asked in a whisper.

“To think… and then I ended up at a bar with Junhyung” he replied.

She nodded and he didn’t know what else to say. He turned away from her and took off his clothes and getting into his sweats. He turned to look at her and found her still looking at him.

“I’m sorry” he suddenly said.

Hyosung watched him move in and out of the light.

“You’ve been upset lately. I don’t know what I did wrong but I know I have been making things worse.”

He looked at her as he stood by the bed.

“I don’t know what to say or what to do. You are my wife and not one of those girls I used to play around with. I never comforted them or made them feel special. I don’t know what to do for you half the time. I just hope you have patience with me because frankly, I am a whole new person and I have no idea what I should do.”

Kikwang slipped into bed.

“Are you unhappy with yourself?” she suddenly asked.

Kikwang turned to face her.

“Yes” he replied.

His answer made her suddenly stop breathing.

“Do you blame me?” she asked.

“Sometimes” he replied.

“Do you hate me?”

“No. I love you. I blame you for making into a good guy but I could never feel anything but love for you. Whatever this conflict is, we will work through it” he replied.

He pulled her down and caressed her face.

“Just tell me what to do because I am lost” he whispered.

Hyosung scanned his eyes.

“I was really worried today but I thought that if I called I would make it worse. I thought maybe you needed time to think” she said.

“I did but I’m good now” he replied with a smile.

“We shouldn’t worry about this anymore.”

She looked away from his eyes

“I’m sorry for how I have been acting Kikwang-ah…but I do blame you” she said.

She caught him off guard.

“What?” he asked.

“Well…this is technically your fault” she voiced.

“What did I do?” he asked.

Hyosung bit her lip.

“I’ll tell you in the morning.”


Hyosung blinked in surprise when she opened her eyes and saw Kikwang’s curious eyes looking at her.

“What time is it?” she asked.

“6 am” he replied.

It was the weekend and she didn’t have to work.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked as she looked at him once more.

“You have something to tell me” he replied, raising his eyebrow.

She searched her mind and suddenly remembered.

“Oh yes…the reason why I blame you for my bad mood recently…” she trailed off.

Kikwang propped his head up on his hand and waited for her to continue. Hyosung sat up and stared down at him.

“You have been teaching Bora-yah bad habits again. She cussed in daycare.”

Kikwang raised his eyebrows and sighed.

“Is that why?” he asked in disbelief.

She nodded and he collapsed back into his pillows.

“Sorry” he mumbled.

She gave a small giggle.

“So we had a huge fight because you were upset about that?” he asked, even more in disbelief.

She nodded.

“But that was such a small problem” he replied in a low voice.

Hyosung grinned.

“Sorry” she replied.

Kikwang waved it off.

“Also…mood swings are normal for women who are pregnant” she said.

“Yeah but you’re not…pregnant” Kikwang trailed off and looked at Hyosung.

She gave him a wide smile and a small shrug of the shoulder. It finally hit him like a ton of bricks.

“You’re pregnant” he said.

She nodded and Kikwang laughed as he kissed away her tears of joy and pulled her close to thank her for being his wife.


Sorry I have been missing for a while. I had some school work to do and the school work is going to pile up since I only have one month left for the semester. Anyway!! I know this chapter is short but I hope you enjoyed it anyway. Sadly….the next chapter will be the last chapter. I think I have taken this story as far as I could. I am very sad but we must move on. I know I said I will be writing a new fic but the new fanfic is going to be with multiple idol group boys and an OC…HOWEVER!! I will be making a collection of oneshots for KISUNG at the same time.  Hopefully you guys will at least read one of them!

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Chapter 18: so worth it.i barely noticed i spent the day reading it from 1st to last chapter.definitely one for keeps.
taurusgirl #2
Chapter 18: Aaaw, this is my first time read ff about hyosung and kikwang..
and it's sooo cutee ~~~
AngAng #3
It has been the nth time I read ths story. Everytime I feel like I'm missing them, I'll click on my subsciption list and scroll to find ths story. Ths story surely keep clinging to my heart and mine. Haha. You're such a great author. Most of your story always give me goosebumps and impact for me eventhough I've read them over and over again :)) continue to make such great story, authornim! Fighting!!!
Chapter 18: One of my all time favourite story<3 Thankyou ^.^
this would always be my fav story..^^
i would always read it again and again. <3 it so much

please update the others. XD
Prettyk #6
I've just finished you story and i love it !! I know i am late but your story is very interesting and cute :) i love Hyosung personality :) your story is one of the best hyokwang's story :)
Chapter 18: i just read this for the third time right now.. love this story^^
Chapter 18: I just read this again. Seriously authornim this is the best story I have ever read! :"> I think I want a sequel for this. :)
Secrebeast #9
Or write one shot about this lim what happened after their marriage