Letting Go

These Sparks Are Going To Start Fires

*****Chapter song inspiration*****

Eloise - My sincerity to you by Cchelsk88


Hyosung sighed as she cast one last look around the apartment. It was clean…too clean. She glanced at the clock and bit her lip. It was almost time. She suddenly jumped when she heard Jin-Jin bark. She quickly calmed him down and sighed as she stood in front of the door. She slowly opened it and held her composure when she saw Bahi standing in front of her. Today was the first time that Bahi will have her visitation with Bora. Kikwang did not want to leave Hyosung by herself but he had no choice. Someone needed to be there to supervise and he had to go out of town that day for a few hours.

Hyosung greeted Bahi with a simple nod. They didn’t speak for a while until Hyosung moved to the side, signaling Bahi to come in. Bahi hesitated for a bit before she stepped inside. She looked around for a brief second and then turned her attention to Hyosung.

“I’ll go get her” whispered Hyosung.

She left the room, leaving Bahi alone for a few moments. Hyosung came back in with Bora in her arms. Bora rubbed her eyes as she yawned. Bahi looked on as they made their way towards her.

“This is her?” Bahi asked in shock.

Hyosung nodded.

“Yes” she replied.

Bahi let her eyes roam over Bora. She noticed that she and Bora only had the same eyes. Other than that, Bora looked just like Kikwang.

“Her name is Bora….Lee Bora” Hyosung voiced.

Bahi continued to look at Bora.

“Lee Bora” Bahi said in a whisper.

“Do you want to hold her?”

Bahi turned her attention to Hyosung for a brief moment before she shook her head.

“I…can’t” she replied.

She stared at Bora.

“Omma…” Bora said, catching Bahi off guard.

But Bora was not looking at Bahi, but rather she was looking at Hyosung. Hyosung glanced at Bahi and felt the sudden pang of guilt and pity for Bahi.

“Yes?” asked Hyosung as she turned her attention to Bora.

“I’m sweepy” Bora replied.

Hyosung looked over to Bahi once more.

“I think I should go” Bahi suddenly said.

“You just got here” Hyosung replied, slightly narrowing her eyes.

Bahi ignored Hyosung and made her way towards the door.

“What are you so afraid of?” Hyosung asked.

Bahi placed her hand over the door knob, slowly turning to look at Hyosung.

“A lot of things” she replied.

“Me too” Hyosung responded.

Bahi almost smirked.

“You and I are very different” Bahi replied.

 She looked at Bora.

“She looks nothing like me…” Bahi whispered.

Hyosung looked at them both of them. Bahi sighed and opened the door.

“See you next week” Bahi said before she left, slowly closing the door behind her.

Hyosung frowned as Bahi walked out but she decided to let it go. She smiled at Bora before she kissed her softly. Bora giggled and snuggled herself into Hyosung’s warm embrace.


Kikwang sighed.

“I don’t get it” he replied.

Hyosung shrugged her shoulders.

“I didn’t want to pry so I just let her walk out” she responded.

Kikwang shook his head, not wanting to talk about Bahi anymore. He looked over to Hyosung who was lying next to him. It was now late at night and the only light that shone in the room was coming from the television. Hyosung looked away from the television and looked at him.

“What?” she asked.

Kikwang shook his head and smiled.

“Nothing” he replied.

Hyosung smiled.

“Ahjussi…your staring is scaring me” she teased.

Kikwang barely laughed. He was too tired to fully laugh. His workday was hard today.

“You must be so tired” Hyosung said in a whisper.

Kikwang didn’t reply and for a second, Hyosung thought he had fallen asleep. She looked at him but he was still looking at her.

“I love you” he suddenly said, catching her off guard.

She smiled wider and kissed his nose.

“I love you too” she replied and suddenly turned off the television.

“You should go to sleep” she said.

He chuckled.

“Okay” he responded, his arm immediately wrapping itself around her.

He brought her close and sighed. The minutes passed by and soon enough he was snoring. Hyosung blinked as she stared into the darkness. In all honesty, she was bothered, too bothered to even sleep. She was worrying over Bahi and Bora. The way Bahi looked at Bora left an impression on Hyosung. She wasn’t afraid something would happen to Bora but she felt more afraid for Bahi. Hyosung had never seen that look on Bahi. It was as if Bahi was afraid or more like she was in shock about something.

Hyosung quickly shook off her thoughts as Kikwang’s grip on her tightened. She didn’t voice her concern to Kikwang. He wouldn’t understand since he hated Bahi. He would only dismiss all things related to Bahi and leave Hyosung feeling worse.

Hyosung sighed and took in a deep breath. She took in Kikwang’s smell and smiled. She didn’t know what she would do without him. Though they were married and loved each other, she also worried if he would leave her one day. She reached out and lightly touched his chest and closed her eyes to finally sleep.


“Hyosung-ah…there is a woman here to see you”

Hyosung looked up from her lunch and raised an eyebrow a Ji Eun.

“Who?” she asked.

Ji Eun shook her shoulders and frowned.

“I don’t know. She wouldn’t give me her name. She just told me to get you.”

Ji Eun crossed her arms.

“She was rather bossy” she said.

Hyosung sighed and took a final bite of her lunch before she stood up from the couch.

“I’ll take care of it” Hyosung said as she smiled at Ji Eun and made her way up to the front of the shop.

Hyosung walked out and stopped in her tracks as she saw Bahi standing in the lobby. She was looking at the various pictures on the wall. Bahi looked in her direction and they caught eyes.

“What are you doing here?” Hyosung asked in a soft voice.

Bahi smirked and pointed to her hair.

“I need a haircut” she said.

Hyosung crossed her arms.

“How did you know that I worked here?” she asked.

“Court papers” Bahi replied with a small smirk.

They were locked in a small battle and they knew it.

“What are you really here for Choi Bahi?” Hyosung asked.

Bahi let out a small laugh.

“We need to talk. I can only talk to you because unlike Kikwang, you are will to listen” replied Bahi.

Hyosung stared at her and then nodded.

“Follow me” she said.

Hyosung led Bahi over to her work station and started to prepare her things. She wrapped the cape around Bahi and then looked at her in the mirror.

“Cut it short…to my shoulders” Bahi said.

Hyosung nodded and began to spray water on Bahi’s hair. She had long hair, all the way down her back.

“So let’s talk” Hyosung said as started cutting.

“When I was in high school…I had a few boyfriends here and there. My best friend was Lee Kikwang.”

Hyosung glanced at their reflection in mirror for a brief moment and then nodded, signaling Bahi to continue.

“We met our freshman year when I defended him from a crazy girl.”

Bahi laughed.

“How ironic huh?” she asked as she looked at Hyosung.

Hyosung didn’t respond because she didn’t know how to.

“Anyway, we became friends very quickly. We were both very popular in school. He as the playboy and I was a cheerleader. I had a lot of boyfriends so I never saw him as anything else but a friend. Then one day, my boyfriend at the time hit me. I was too afraid to leave him so I took his beatings and buried them down in me. Kikwang-ah eventually found out and managed to protect from one of the regular beatings. That day, I thought I would die but he came to me. He found me and protected me. I knew then that I wouldn’t be able to look at him as just a friend anymore.”

There was a pause. Bahi watched as a long strand fell to the floor.

“I tried to make him love me by showing him more love but he never wanted anything to do with me. With every day that passed, there was a new girl by his side. I grew too angry to see the obvious signs. I was obsessed with him.”

Bahi looked at Hyosung.

“I still am” she said.

Hyosung frowned but Bahi smiled a little.

“I loved him for years but he always refused. Then one day I told him I was over him when he came to me one day. He was drunk and I took my chance. I thought that after that night, he would realize he loved me but I was wrong. The next day, he was with another girl.”

She stopped talking and looked on as Hyosung cut her hair.

“Is that it?” Hyosung asked.

“Do you want to hear more?” Bahi asked.

Hyosung nodded.

“I am not like Kikwang-ah. I will hear you out” Hyosung replied.

Bahi lightly shook her head as if not believing her. She didn’t speak anymore and just stared at the mirror. Hyosung continued to cut Bahi’s hair until it finally reached her shoulders.

“There you go…do you like it?” Hyosung asked.

Bahi examined the hair on the ground for a long while. She had grown that hair out ever since high school.  She looked up at her hair and lightly touched her newly cut edges. She slowly nodded her head.

“Yeah” she replied in a whisper.

Hyosung wiped of the little bits of hair on Bahi’s face and took the cape off, allowing Bahi to finally stand. They walked over to the counter and Bahi stared at Hyosung for a while.

“You know…I usually don’t react so calmly to Kikwang’s girls.”

Hyosung looked at Bahi with a serious expression.

“I am his wife, not his one of his girls…and I know exactly what you are capable of” she replied.

Bahi handed her the money with a smile.

“Thanks” she said as she motioned to her hair.

“Are you coming over today?” Hyosung asked.

Today was supposed to be Bahi’s second visitation. Bahi looked at Hyosung for a brief moment before she made her way to the door.

“Yes” she replied and then left.


Kikwang tried not to glare as he saw Bahi standing before him. She, on the other hand, smiled.

“Can I come in?” she asked in a sweet voice.

Kikwang said nothing and just let her inside. He closed the door and looked at her. She had cut her hair. Bahi caught him staring and smiled wider.

“Do you like it? Hyosung-ah cut it.”

Kikwang’s eyes widened. He glanced at the clock. Hyosung was almost an hour late from getting home from work.

“You…what did you do?” he asked in a harsh voice.

Bahi frowned.

“I didn’t do anything” she replied.

Kikwang quickly stepped up to her, shocking her for a moment.

“I swear that if you do anything to hurt her-”

“I remember when you were saying those words for me…not her” Bahi suddenly said.

Kikwang sighed.

“Is this what this is going to be?” he asked.

Bahi looked at him with confusion.

“Are these visits just so you can say these things? I knew I was foolish for even believing for even one second that maybe, just maybe, you wanted to see my daughter.”

Kikwang sighed in frustration.

“She has my eyes…I can’t look at her” Bahi suddenly said.

Kikwang looked at her as if she had suddenly changed into someone else. Bahi sighed, finally showing a sign of weakness.

“I was afraid to look at her. After what I did, how could you event think I could see her? I abandoned her. All this time I wondered. I wondered if she looked like me.”

Bahi suddenly hugged him with all her might but he didn’t shake her off.

“I worked so hard to get you to be with me because I knew I could never love her enough. I damaged her. There is nothing I can do to fix that. I thought that if I had you, everything would be fixed.”

She pulled away and Kikwang noticed she had tears in her eyes. His heart softened a little. He had no idea that Bahi actually did care for Bora.

“I loved you too much…that was the problem” she said as she looked at him.

“But she was your daughter” he replied.

Bahi wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and managed a small smile.

“You should be lucky Hyosung-ah is with you. She isn’t like the other trash you picked up. She is too strong for me so I can’t harm her.”

She chuckled a little and Kikwang almost smiled.

“She cares too much, that’s her problem” Kikwang replied.

Bahi rolled her eyes and nodded in agreement. There was a moment of silence.

“You should see her now” Kikwang said as he pointed to a bedroom.

Bahi looked at where he pointed with a mixed expression.

“Go” he said.

He didn’t speak to her in a harsh tone or even in an annoyed tone. It was gentle, for once. Bahi swallowed the lump in and slowly made her way over to the bedroom. She slowly opened the door and stopped when she saw Bora playing with a stuffed animal. She stopped and stared at Bahi. She was quiet as Bahi stepped into the room. Bahi kneeled down in front of Bora and hovered her hand over Bora’s face. She took in the little’s girl appearance. Bahi examined Bora’s hair and face and then the rest of her. Bahi then looked into Bora’s eyes.

“I’m sorry” she whispered.

Bora hugged her stuffed animal and pouted. She didn’t know what was going on. Bahi took out a small stuffed bunny with overalls out of her purse and held it out for Bora. Bora smiled and took it. Bahi couldn’t help but smile.

“Be good” Bahi said as she stood up.

Bora suddenly hugged Bahi’s leg, catching Bahi by surprise. Bahi looked down at the little girl and touched her head lightly. When Bora let her go Bahi quickly left the room. She ran into the living room, almost bumping into Kikwang. She hugged him tightly.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

Bahi didn’t answer and let him go.

“I’m leaving now. Take care of her” she replied and quickly left.

Kikwang furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and watched as Bora walked out with her new toy. She held it out to Kikwang and he smiled.

“Where did you get that?” he asked.

“Wady” she replied with a smile.

“Oh, that lady?” he asked as he pointed to the door.

Bora nodded and smiled.

“Who was dat appa?” she asked.

“Someone I know” he replied and took Bora in his arms.

“Let’s call omma” he said and Bora immediately nodded in agreement.


“What?” asked Kikwang as he stared at Kim Hye, Bahi’s mother .

Hye nodded her head, a sad expression on her face.

“She called me a few days ago to tell me she was leaving. She said she loved me and she would contact me soon. I think she might finally be seeking help. But yes, she left.”

Hyosung readjusted Bora in her arms before handing her over to Hye. Bora smiled at her grandmother, whom she had not seen in about a month. Hye always came from the country side every couple of weeks to visit her granddaughter.

Hye sighed as she quickly took out a letter from her purse and handed it to Kikwang. He looked at it and then to Hye.

“When?” he asked.

He handed the letter to Hyosung and she opened it.

“Last week, after she visited Bora for the second time.”

Today was supposed to be the third visitation for Bahi but she never showed and instead Hye showed up on their doorstep. Hyosung read the letter and sighed. There were only a few sentences but it got the message across clearly.

“And she just left like that?” Hyosung asked.

Hye nodded.

“She mailed this letter to me. When I called her to ask her where she was going, her number was disconnected. I have no idea how to reach her or where to even start looking for her.”

Hyosung handed the letter over to Kikwang and he read it. It was a court letter telling him that the Bahi dropped all claims of visitation for Bora.

“I don’t get it” he said.

He sighed and placed the letter on the coffee table.

“I wonder what happened.” Hyosung spoke.

Kikwang shrugged his shoulders.

“I thought she would finally be able to have a connection to Bora.”

Bora suddenly jumped out of Hye’s arms and crawled off the couch and went to her room. She came back with her stuffed bunny and handed it to Hyosung.

“What honey?” Hyosung asked as she took the small toy.

Bora reached into the bunny’s overalls and took out a very wrinkled piece of paper. Hyosung looked at it and took it when Bora handed it to her. He eyes widened when she read it and she quickly handed it to Kikwang and he scanned the letter.

Lee Bora,

                I wasn’t in your past and I won’t be in your future. I gave birth to you but it is obvious I can never be your mother. I didn’t get the chance to love you because I was a horrible person and horrible people should never be allowed to touch such pretty and sweet things like you. I am sorry I never gave you a chance. I harmed you in the most despicable way. I hope you will keep this bunny for a long time so that I may have a connection to you. I hope you never have to see me again. I don’t think I could take it if you hated me and for that reason I will not be in your life. Please grow up to be just like your mother and father and nothing like the woman who abandoned you. They are good people and I tried to hurt them but your mother gave me a chance and I realized she was a very good person who needed to be by your side. Kikwang, please take care of your daughter. I’m sorry I loved you so much that I ruined a lot of things. I am just tired now. I hope to never see you again but if we do, I will hopefully be a different person. Hyosung, thank you. You showed me some kindness in my darkest hour.

They all looked at the letter in silence. Choi Bahi was gone and she didn’t have any intention of coming back. Hyosung frowned.

“She was never a horrible person. She just needed someone on her side.”

Kikwang sighed. He had done harm to Bahi and even though it was too late to do anything, he felt immense guilt.

“I’m glad she has admitted this. It means she wants to be a better person” Hye said.

She smiled and then stood from the couch.

“You aren’t bad people. My daughter had a problem and I am finally glad she has learned that she was doing harm. I will wait for the day that she comes back to me with a smile.”

Hyosung smiled at Hye, pointed to the kitchen.

“Let’s have some dinner” she said with a smile.


“What are we doing here?” Hyosung asked as she looked up at the court house.

Kikwang smiled.

“We seem to be here all the time” he replied.

Hyosung laughed and nodded in agreement.

“I think they know us by name now” she replied.

Kikwang quickly led her inside the courthouse.

“So tell me what we are doing” she said.

Kikwang smiled when he found the paper he was looking for and handed it to her. Hyosung read the paper and gasped.


Kikwang nodded but Hyosung frowned and quickly hit him on the head.

“What was that for?!” he asked.

“You NEVER ask me for anything” she replied with anger.

“Are you telling me you don’t want to?” he asked.

Hyosung sighed and stomped her foot.

“That is not what I am saying. I am just saying that maybe you should ask me from time to time about these life changing decisions. I want to have a say in our life together.”

Kikwang frowned because she was upset and not to mention, she also had a point.

“Sorry” he said.

Hyosung sighed.

“It’s just that after all this thing with Bahi, I thought this would be best for us” he said as he crossed his arms.

Hyosung scoffed.

“You want me to do this but how are you so sure that I won’t find someone better in my life?” she asked.

Kikwang almost frowned.

“I know that there are guys that are better for you, but no other girl is better for me than you” he replied.

Hyosung laughed as she hugged him suddenly.

“Idiot” she whispered.

She pulled away.

“We must be crazy” she replied as she looked at the paper.

“No we are not…this is just how we do things” he replied.

She began looking at the table.

“What are you looking for?” he asked.

“A pen, of course. I need to fill this out now” she said as she waved the paper in his face.

“Are you sure?” he asked, not hiding his huge smile.

“Of course. I want her. She is mine and this will finally make it legal” she said as she flashed her gummy smile.

Kikwang smiled and kissed her deeply. They broke apart as they heard a deep sigh. They looked over and saw a security guard they had grown acquainted with.

“Now why are you here?” he asked.

The couple smiled at him and waved the paper around.

“I want to legally adopt my daughter” Hyosung replied.


So I wanted to give a little story about Bahi and finally put her character to rest. I thought this was the best way because I didn’t want to kill her or send her to jail because that would be so sad…I think lol. I know there wasn’t much Kisung moments in this but the fluffy love stuff will definitely be back. OMO, adoption!?!?!

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Chapter 18: so worth it.i barely noticed i spent the day reading it from 1st to last chapter.definitely one for keeps.
taurusgirl #2
Chapter 18: Aaaw, this is my first time read ff about hyosung and kikwang..
and it's sooo cutee ~~~
AngAng #3
It has been the nth time I read ths story. Everytime I feel like I'm missing them, I'll click on my subsciption list and scroll to find ths story. Ths story surely keep clinging to my heart and mine. Haha. You're such a great author. Most of your story always give me goosebumps and impact for me eventhough I've read them over and over again :)) continue to make such great story, authornim! Fighting!!!
Chapter 18: One of my all time favourite story<3 Thankyou ^.^
this would always be my fav story..^^
i would always read it again and again. <3 it so much

please update the others. XD
Prettyk #6
I've just finished you story and i love it !! I know i am late but your story is very interesting and cute :) i love Hyosung personality :) your story is one of the best hyokwang's story :)
Chapter 18: i just read this for the third time right now.. love this story^^
Chapter 18: I just read this again. Seriously authornim this is the best story I have ever read! :"> I think I want a sequel for this. :)
Secrebeast #9
Or write one shot about this lim what happened after their marriage