I would tell you that I love you tonight ...but I know I've got time on my side

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The story is inspired by the song "What is love" by V Bozeman as well as personal experiences.

The main pairing is Sekai, however there will be appearances by other Exo members.

Time will tell whether it becomes a one shot or chaptered.


" Good night, I love you hun"

Sehun hated and craved these texts from Jongin, he hated them becuase he never truly knew whether they were coming from a place of friendship or something more. He craved them because in those moments he can pretend that Jongin was more than a friend, he could pretend that he was a lover.

" Night night, I love you too Nini :) "

The night will end with Sehun staring at the ceiling, wondering and wishing for somethings that is at his finger tips but not quite close enough to grasp.



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Oooooooo interesting!!! Very interesting!!!