PROLOGUE: Drowning


At times I don't know what's right or wrong
Am I at fault or just playing along?
Wrong - I may have known it for so long
I'm just afraid to feel alone
Or maybe, the earth is not my home
And somewhere in some unseen places is where I belong

But I hate the idea of suffering for so long
My soul - sleeping in the deep
Floating - wandering, wondering why? 
The shallow waters of the sea can't keep my eyes
To wonder what's there from the distant blue waters of the ocean;
I wanna dive in but I'm afraid -
There's so much in this world that I am scared.

I'm scared of what's there is to unfold below the blue waters;
Scared of some unknown things I haven't seen on the land;
But I'm also scared to miss the chance to see what's there on the sea floor;
I'm afraid I might drown or be flashed by the current and the waves from the sea;
As much as I'm afraid to fall into the trap of staying under for what I will see

Perhaps, I am just afraid of my own reflection
And I just wanna dive my way into the deepest rooms of the ocean and never come back again.
Never come back alive on land 'cause I wanna live in the salty waters of the ocean;
Never to see the sun up close and just embrace the pitch darkness of the waters;
Never to step on land once more;
Never to see the world I used to live before;
Never to blame
myself again for the things that were out of my control;

Never, never, ever should have happened - these things I didn't prayed for.

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Chapter 1: beautiful <3 this speaks to me so much, all the fears of both trying new things and being stuck in old things, wanting to be free from blame of uncontrollable things and just wanting to be in a world where things are under your control, where everything is safe and you can relax. And the worst - going along with things because of the fear of being alone. Why do we fear being alone, tho? Though I find solace sometimes in solitude, I'm also terrified of being friend-less, being without a family. I guess in this large, confusing world, we all need someone to lean on, even if we can't really be our true selves and have to hide a lot. gosh the words you used are really beautiful, i'm looking forward to see more of your writing <3 Good luck and you're doing great! :D