✧  Honest Roleplay Confession  ✧


honest roleplay
most of the roleplayers seek this roleplaying activity to run away from real life, even for a while. but roleplaying, as fun as it could be, it also could be very stressing with unwanted drama, in character or out of character.

here, we share our opinion and then discuss how to make roleplaying world a happy place again.
facebook + mewe
instagram + twitter
line + kakaotalk
how to leave confession
1。 you can either leave comment here, dm this account or submit to our askfm account.
2。 if you would like to be anonymous with your private message, just say so and i won't be disclosing your identity.
3。 use these tags for corresponding roleplays:
  [F] — facebook roleplay
  [T] — twitter roleplay
  [M] — mewe roleplay
  [I] — instagram roleplay
  [X] — line + kkt roleplay
  [A] — misc + general confessions
confession rules (scroll)
1。 i will be posting the confessions on this aff (if we received any) night time kst.
2。 please mind your languages. i will filter any bad word but if it's too much, i will skip the confession.
3。 do not mention the specific roleplay name. however, you can use abbreviation or use related word to refer to it.
4。 do not specifically call out a roleplayer as i don't want to create any bad drama in this thread. if you happen to do that, i will sensor out the name for you.
5。 you can discuss submitted or published confession in comment section but please also mind your languages and the rules as stated above. i will delete comments that does not follow the rules.
6。 by creating this thread, i hope we can somehow improve our roleplaying world. i think we can agree that roleplaying these days is so different from how it was back then. let's make it fun again, less drama and more love. together, we can do this!
✧  ASKFM  ✧


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