Spare friends?


it’s that time of the year, and i desperately need friends.


  • i faceclaim whoever i’m in the mood to faceclaim (tbz’s new, as of now).
  • i love a good plato game (though i'm quite competitive), as well as a good rabbit session.
  • i don’t play pubg (because it takes up too much storage on my phone), but i have a bunch of redeeming qualities.
  • i’m good at breaking the ice, so you won’t have to force yourself to sound interesting.
  • i prefer literacy. not that it’s a must, but it’s very much appreciated. i don't mind plotting, but i'm a very slow replier when it comes to it.
  • i'm a fast replier, unless i'm busy.
  • i’m not good with feelings, and i’m not looking for anything serious, but whatever happens... happens.
  • my platforms are twitter and discord! pm me your username if you want to give it a shot.


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