
Great Catch...

A week into Yunlan’s exploits in the past and he finally pops the question to Shen Wei.

‘So... You seeing anyone or anything?’ He asks a little awkwardly one evening when they’re sitting at their usual spot on the mountain edge.

Shen Wei, who had removed his mask and ridiculous black cloak finally and was looking far more laid back then Yunlan had ever seen him before, turned to look at Yunlan with a bemused expression.

‘I’m not quite sure I understand what you mean, Kunlun... I’m only looking at you right now?’

Yunlan laughed at that, causing Wei to look even more confused. He often forgot his modern way of speaking was unfamiliar to this era.

(He was reminded of the time 2 days ago when he let slip about missing WiFi to Da Qing who immediately thought he was referring to a girlfriend or, heaven forbid, another cat! Yunlan avoided explanations by claiming ‘WiFi was magic from the mountains which made people happy’, which was only a half lie.)

‘I mean, do you have a girlfriend or wife or some kind of lover?’ Yunlan explains, using his fore fingers to show what he hoped would be a less lewd version of the ‘two people who bang’ gesture.

Wei appeared to understand it as his eyes widened and he ducked his head to look away from Yunlan.

‘I’ve never had much time for that kind of thing...’ He replied cautiously, still determinedly looking down at his fidgety hands. ‘Not much time for falling in love when you have to lead an army...’

His tone had turned somewhat bitter, which pulled at Yunlan’s heart uncomfortably. Wei turned his gaze to the sky, an unreadable expression on his face which almost felt like he was wearing his mask again.

‘Hey, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad about it...’ Yunlan said hastily, leaning closer to Wei to gingerly place his hand on the other’s shoulder. ‘I just thought you were a great catch, so was surprised no one had scooped you up yet’

Yunlan’s playful tone made Wei turn back round to look at him, a small confused smile on his face.

‘Do I look like a fish to you?’ He asks, his tone one of surprising seriousness and sincerity.

Yunlan blinks suddenly at hearing that, before bursting into a boisterous laugh.

Wei’s confusion increases at this as he tilts his head slightly to the side in a questioning manner.

‘No, a ‘catch’ basically means you have qualities other’s would find attractive’ Yunlan explains through his laughter.

‘Oh...‘ Wei says quietly, desperately trying to avoid looking in Yunlan’s eyes.

Yunlan laughs again, moving to bump his shoulder against Wei’s.

‘You’ve always been so bad at accepting compliments’ He says thoughtfully as he slings an arm over Wei’s shoulders, eyes closing and head coming down to rest on the other.

Wei utters a small bewildered sound at this, before Yunlan could physically feel him relaxing into his touch.

‘Kunlun, could I ask you something?’ Shen Wei asks cautiously after a while of comfortable silence.

Yunlan hums in confirmation, eyes staying closed.

‘Why did you ask me that?’ Wei asks hesitantly.

‘Why did I ask you, what?’ Yunlan turns his head to look at Wei, arm still hanging off of his shoulder.

‘Whether I was... “seeing” anybody?’ Yunlan could almost hear the air quotes in the way Shen mimicked his word choices from earlier. ‘You’ve been here for a week now, I would’ve thought a great mind like yours would have figured out I was a perpetually lonely figure...’

Yunlan frowned at Wei’s resentful tone, before he finally detaches his arm from the other man and turns to look at him fully.

‘First thing, you have a surprisingly good comprehension of time, despite you being from Dixing... or may you’re just keeping tabs on me’ Yunlan winks, before continuing. ‘Secondly, the fact you think I have a ‘great mind’ tells me you’re the one who needs to work on your observational skills Mr. Oh Great and Powerful Envoy!’

Yunlan leans closer towards Wei, who had taken to simply looking at Yunlan with those wide eyes.

‘And thirdly, any suggestion to you being a ‘perpetually lonely figure’ should have been taken down from your mind a week ago...’ Yunlan takes the opportunity to gently push a strand of Wei’s hair out of his eyes. ‘Didn’t you hear what I said then? You have me, now! That is, if you want me?’

Yunlan dramatically flutters his eyelashes at Wei with a grin.

Shen Wei smiles at that, a tinge of a blush beginning to form on his cheeks.

Yunlan suddenly jumps up, stretching his arms with a groan.

‘Anyway, can’t stay here gossiping all night!’ He exclaims, holding his hand out to help Wei up, who takes it gingerly. ‘Things to see, people to do, or something like that’

They head back to the Headquarters, still hand in hand, feeling more like a couple of school kids who have just been on their first date rather than warriors on the brink of war...


The next day was when the sky was ripped open and Shen Wei watched as Kunlun was dragged up into the swirling abyss.

After battling his brother and starting to feel himself fall from the cliff, he turn his gaze back to where Kunlun had disappeared into, tears in his eyes as he remembered the teasing words Yunlan had asked.

‘That is, if you want me?’

And the last words Shen Wei remembers uttering before he is consumed by the nothingness are:

‘I do’

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Chapter 1: omg the last bit suddenly turned heartbreaking.
but the fish part was hilarious totally something weiwei would respond with lol
Chapter 1: I love it. :)