
Why Him, Lil Bro?

"What the hell is the meaning of this, Rai?" Seunghyun's face was flushing red as he stormed into the twelve-year-old girl's personal office. "You're just supposed to go inspect the orphanage! So why in the ing world did you adopt a damn two-year-old baby?" He slammed his hands on the working desk.

Rai let out a heavy sigh as she looked up at Seunghyun who was huffing angrily. She twirled her body around on the armchair, her eyes looking at the piling documents on the desk.

"Can you please not disturb me now, Uncle Seunghyun? I have a lot of work to do," she said calmly as she took one of the documents and opened it.

Seunghyun rolled his eyes, annoyed with Rai's reply. "Don't try to run away from my question, Rai. You know sooner or later the others will also questioned you regarding that damn baby that you just adopted. You know that you have a lot of enemies all around you. So you should tell me about it before the others take advantage of it!"

Rai groaned softly as she closed the document. She scratched her head and looked at Seunghyun. She opened to say something but she didn't say anything. She slightly tilted her head to the left, her eyes looking down at the desk and sighed.

"You," Seunghyun said in a low voice as he glared at Rai. "Don't you ing told me that you just did it out of whim."

Rai slightly flinched upon hearing Seunghyun's words. She got up from the chair and walked towards the wide big glass window behind her and just stood there, looking outside. Seunghyun sighed angrily when he saw Rai's flustered movement.

"Rai, answer my damn ques–"

"…flowers." A quiet unclear voice came out from Rai's lips.

Seunghyun frowned. "What did you say?"

Rai turned around to face Seunghyun with her fingers clasped together in front of her face. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Her cheeks was slightly flushed with light pink.

"I said he smells like ing flowers."

Seunghyun couldn't believe what he just heard and as a result, his mouth clung open. Unclear voices came out from his mouth. He tried so hard to digest what his niece just said but he couldn't.

"When I saw him for the first time there, I couldn't take my eyes off him. He is so ing cute and… he smells so damn good. I can't believe my eyes and nose. I mean, do babies suppose to smelled so good like that? I can see flowers blooming all over him. Like literally all over him. And I can even see flowers all over the place with his smell."

Rai opened her eyes and Seunghyun could see that her eyes were wavering. He tried to get close to Rai but he stopped when she suddenly smacked her hands on her face. He was hesitating to get close to his niece that was now crouching on the floor, mumbling stuffs.

"I tried so ing hard to focus on that old hag discussing about our contract with the orphanage, but I couldn't resist the strong urge to hug that cutie little muffin. And she got mad at me and told me that I'm just a ing useless kid and also that it was a mistake for me to take over Dad's company eventhough I am a one-in-a-million-born genius because I am just an eleven years old brat. I was supposed to be mad. I was supposed to! But… but, I…" Rai looked up at Seunghyun. "I couldn't get mad at all because I kept thinking about that cutie apple pie! How am I supposed to get mad at her when that cutie little puppy is nearby and what if I made him scared? Then he'll hate me and how am I supposed to live after that? How am I going to continue my life, knowing that the cutie little angel hate me?"

Seunghyun just didn't know what to do as he listened to the ridiculous rambling coming out like bazooka from Rai's lips. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he let out a desperate sigh.

"So, basically, you're saying that the baby has managed to steal your heart?" Seunghyun asked.

Rai sniffled. "He didn't only steal my heart, Uncle Seunghyun. He also steals my very precious life. I have made a sacred vow to God that I am going to protect him with all my life."

"Rai, you..." Seunghyun shook his head. "You're crazy."

"Yes. I am crazy all over him, Uncle. That's an undeniable fact."

Seunghyun softly groaned. "You know that the baby is an Omega, right? And you're an Alpha, a ing special one at that. How are you supposed to live in peace with a damn Omega? Your enemies are going to take advantage of that."

"But he's different, Uncle Seunghyun. You know I can't even stand the scents coming from babies. Even your scent is a bother to me. But he's totally different. His scent is not like the others. He's special, totally special." Rai lowered her eyes, looking at her fingers. "Ever since I could remember, I keep smelling scents that hurt my nose and I keep getting a headache because of that. I can even determine their genders and also differentiate everyone. But I couldn't sense it from him, Uncle. He just smells like flowers. That's all."

"You don't know he's an Omega when you saw him?"

Rai slightly shook her head. "I only knew he's an Omega when I asked the old hag."

Seunghyun was quiet for a moment. He stared at Rai who slowly got up from the floor and sat on the armchair. The Alpha girl leaned her back against the chair and looked up at the ceiling.

"I was scared that I might not see him again. So I just went and adopt him," she said, not looking at Seunghyun.

Seunghyun rubbed the back of his neck. "Can you take care of that damn baby?"

Rai look at Seunghyun. "Yes, I can, Uncle. I told you that I have made a vow to God."

"Can you," Seunghyun said, his face was serious, "protect him?"

Rai's lips formed a gentle smile. "I will always protect that little angel, Uncle. Ever since I saw him, he has become the reason for my humanity and the emotions that I thought I had lost. He… means a lot to me."

"Fine. I don't see any reason for me to go against you adopting that Omega baby."

Rai pouted her lips as she glared at Seunghyun. "He has a name, you know. Don't keep calling him baby this, baby that."

Seunghyun chuckled. "Okay, I'm sorry. What's the baby's name?"

Rai smiled widely as she said the name of the precious adopted little brother of her, "Byun Baekhyun." 



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