Do you want to have a quickie?


"She'd probably just misheard her. right?"

I know some of you will probably be a little, disappointed shall we say, by the lack of details in the sequel. Well don't be!

Coming soon: A long, long fic, with lots of details ;)

Thanks for reading, let me know what you thought in the comments!


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Chapter 2: oh my god this was genius(*´∇`*)
Chapter 2: lmao, this quickie thing was playing games with my mind! i laugh from since the beginning. so, so good uwu
Fate008 #3
Chapter 2: Omg! I love the humour! XD at the second half my mind went straight to the gutter! I should’ve seen it coming but i fell right into it!

Yet another great fic from you~ ;)
1436 streak #4
Chapter 2: This was very cute and the humour was on point! I didn't mind the lack of details, it kinda made the whole situation more entertaining lol
aglaonema #5
Chapter 2: Omg, I love it so much. Cute and funny and the same time ❤️
Chapter 2: HAHAHA
Chapter 2: this started off cute and random but now you're intent on giving us a longer and more detailed chapter, thank you for this funny and entertaining michaeng! i'll wait for the new chapter! :)
Chapter 2: Omg thank you for tis. Hahaha
Chapter 2: So glad you updated this with another chapter haha, was great and funny.
Looking forward to a longer fic!