Announcement! ^ 3 ^

The Guardians (apply closed~)

I wasn't expecting to get so many applicants, so I decided to add two more spots to the list! 8D For everyone interested, I hope you apply soon~ ^^

I may put up a teaser chapter~ 8D 

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O3O I can't wait to see who made it
Applied as Han Nae Ya!
Cant wait for the story haha!
And thank you for extending the number of applicants xD
solarite #3
Applied as Lee Haerin!
lolol! xD.. I knew 10 wouldn't be enough.. the application was so simple, people didn't mind to apply.. >.<.. Teaser! Teaser!!!
-simonattacks #5
Woohoo made it just in time *wipes fake sweat* keke anywhos can't wait to see who gets choosen. Hwaiting neh? 8D
silvrwngz #6
Hi I applied as Yang Yoojin!!
clodhopper #7
Hey! I submitted my app. Hwang YeonJoung! :D
I submitted my application as Kim JinKyeong! xD
Applied as Moon Jirae. ^^'
Good luck with the story~. Hwaiting! ^_^
Just to tell you, I applied as Jangki Ei-soo. I hope you like her.