Remember Me

Heartbreaker Meets Nerd
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As you stepped into the gates, everyone started whispering about you.

" Is she new "

"She's HOT"

"How does she know Hyun Ae"

" , thinks she's all that"

You rolled your eyes as you passed by them * Looks is all that matters to them *
Hyun Ae ignored the whispers and  led you to the office.

You guys both bowed to the secretary" Hello"
"Hello Hyun Ae and .."

" Minh Hee " you replied

The secretary nodded.

" Mrs.Hwang my friend just moved back from America, can you please give her, her schedule." Hyun Ae said politely.

Mrs.Hwang nodded and handed you your schedule " I hope you like your stay here"
You warmly smiled back at her and bowed "kamsahamnida "

Hyun Ae  stole you schedule and scan through it.

"Yah! I wasn't done looking at that myself " you pouted 

She laughed and gave it back to you " We have homeroom together!"

You yelp and jumped up and down " Really!"

She laughed and nodded.

" Ok settle down class and take a seat i have an announcement to make" said Mr.Moon

You and Hyun Ae looked around and saw that nobody was listening.

" We have a new student!"
At that everyone rushed to sit at their seats.

Mr.Moon nodded at you telling you to introduce yourself.

You walked up infront of the class as girls snickered at you and guys made the calling sign.

You ignored th

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Chapter 69: I feel like the story should be called "Forever and Ever" ㅋㅋㅋㅋ but great job!! This is a really good story author-nim!! I even cried in some part ㅠ.ㅠ maybe u should add a chapter fast forward to when they have kids xD
14 streak #2
Chapter 69: Those two deserved to die ...
nmdfc15 #3
Chapter 69: Love it!!!!!! It was a beautiful story and cried a lot at the ending part.... :D
Simply_Jinhee #4
Chapter 17: I'm trying to focus on ljoe and Minh hee but then all I can focus on is Chunji's playboyish attitude <3
byeongari23 #5
Chapter 69: Oh my god!! What a happy ending..lucky cause mee yeon finally dead..I can't help but crying cause the happy ending ^_^..I hope you get many more subscribers..;)
byeongari23 #6
Chapter 69: Oh my god!! What a happy ending..lucky cause mee yeon finally dead..I can't help but crying cause the happy ending ^_^..I hope you get many more subscribers..;)
Goldie #7
Chapter 69: Awwww I wish i'll meet a person like l.joe... Not his personality before but his personality when they got back together and when he graduated...
Helendo1999 #8
Chapter 44: Awww i wish someone did that to me if i was leaving ❤ It was soooo cute!!!