Good Bye

Heartbreaker Meets Nerd
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You were standing at the airport waiting for your flight to be called.

Hyun Ae looked at you trying to hold back her tears " Promise to keep in contact "
You giggled  and she winked at you " Don't worry I'll take care of L.Joe over here " she pretended to punch the air as if it was L.Joe

You laughed at her. "  I'm going to miss you " and cried.
Hyun Ae stopped what she was doing and embrace you with a hug.

" Flight to California 67, please aboard "

You pulled away and turned to your mom.


Mrs.Nam gave you a smile " I called your dad, he'll be picking you up "

You nodded and pulled her into a hug " gomapseumnida"
Mrs.Nam rubbed your back " Go now you'll be late for your flight "
you pulled away and got your backpack.

" Annyeong " you waved

Mrs.Nam and Hyun Ae waved back.

You handed your passport to the workers * Good Bye Korea..for now* and with that you took a step in.


At school everything went back to normal. Nobody knew you left and they couldn't care less except for one.

Niel was wondering where you were * Is she avoiding me *

" Mr. Ahn mind telling us the answer to the question "the teacher said

Niel broke out of his thought and looked up at the board " uh..war? "
the teacher rolled his eyes and asked for another student to answer.

At lunch Niel told his friends he was going to finish up som

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Chapter 69: I feel like the story should be called "Forever and Ever" ㅋㅋㅋㅋ but great job!! This is a really good story author-nim!! I even cried in some part ㅠ.ㅠ maybe u should add a chapter fast forward to when they have kids xD
14 streak #2
Chapter 69: Those two deserved to die ...
nmdfc15 #3
Chapter 69: Love it!!!!!! It was a beautiful story and cried a lot at the ending part.... :D
Simply_Jinhee #4
Chapter 17: I'm trying to focus on ljoe and Minh hee but then all I can focus on is Chunji's playboyish attitude <3
byeongari23 #5
Chapter 69: Oh my god!! What a happy ending..lucky cause mee yeon finally dead..I can't help but crying cause the happy ending ^_^..I hope you get many more subscribers..;)
byeongari23 #6
Chapter 69: Oh my god!! What a happy ending..lucky cause mee yeon finally dead..I can't help but crying cause the happy ending ^_^..I hope you get many more subscribers..;)
Goldie #7
Chapter 69: Awwww I wish i'll meet a person like l.joe... Not his personality before but his personality when they got back together and when he graduated...
Helendo1999 #8
Chapter 44: Awww i wish someone did that to me if i was leaving ❤ It was soooo cute!!!