First Snow

First Snow

The first snow of winter fell softly, turning into slush seconds after touching down on to the pavement. The steam from the stove fogged up the kitchen windows. The small apartment smelled of cinnamon and chocolate. Olivia looked down at the giant marshmallows she accidentally bought. In her defense, she didn’t want to be caught outside when the snow began and went through the supermarket faster than recommended. And she made it home with time to spare. The cold wind had nipped at her nose making it run even after she warmed the small living room.


If she was being honest with herself, she should’ve gone to the market two days ago when she had nothing to do. But, she thought she had time! It wasn’t her fault that his schedule changed so suddenly. He apologized and apologized for every time this happened. And although it was inconvenient sometimes, she didn’t mind. He was just fearful of the time she would. Olivia had received the text at 7 am saying he’d be over at 9 am. It sent her into a flurry of chaos as the original plan had been 1 pm.


Now, at 8:45 am, she made hot chocolate on the stove while warming up some coffee cake. She figured the winter mid-day snack transferred well into breakfast. At least, that was all she thought of to grab that was ready-made. She made another mental note to go to the market, for real this time. It had been over a week since she had a real breakfast. Or lunch… or dinner. If he found out, he’d throw a fit.


A soft knock brought her out of her grocery despair. Olivia quickly ran to the door. Their motions were fluid and practiced as he slipped through a small opening, head still down, face covered. Once the door closed, he lifted his head, shook off his hood, and smiled the most amazing smile Olivia had ever seen.


“Johnny,” she breathed, relieved to see him. His arms were just as inviting as his smile. She rushed into his embrace, holding on a little extra longer. She buried her face into his chest as he rested his cheek on the top of her head.


“I’m sorry about pushing up the time,” he said softly, his voice resonating in his chest. She shook her head.


“No, don’t be sorry,” she said just as softly. “I understand.”


Upon hearing her words, Johnny held her a little tighter and sighed.


“I know. I’m sorry,” he said again. Olivia squeezed his waist hard enough to make him gasp.


“Ugh, stop apologizing!” She looked up into his big brown eyes, squeezing him again. “I’ll let you know when I can’t stand it, okay? I’m happy now.” Johnny’s smile could light up the world even if it was only Olivia’s world. He let her go to grab her face and kissed her nose.


“Oh, why don’t I listen to you?” He said, playfully ruffling her hair. Olivia let out a small laugh.


“‘Cuz you’re dumb, but you should listen to me!” She reached up on the tips of her toes and kissed his nose back. A mischievous look in his eyes made her attempt a step back.


“Oh, no, no,” he said pulling her back to his chest. “You’re not getting away that easily.” He cupped her cheek with his right hand and kissed her forehead. Olivia smiled, holding on to his arm, keeping his hand in place. Johnny placed small kisses on her temples, her cheeks, her nose, her chin, finally placing the last one on the corner of . He brought their foreheads together, noses touching, eyes closed. He was playing with her but, it wasn’t like she minded.


“You’re such a tease,” she said. Without opening her eyes, she kissed his palm, letting her lips linger just a bit too long, a bit too soft. Johnny was mostly good at hiding his reactions but not today. Today was the last day before he left on tour for five months. He wouldn’t be back for a while and, yet, he only had a few hours to himself.  Most of his other band members had been quietly sneaking out, covering for each other, for the past few days. His breath caught in his throat and his arm still around her waist tightened. He wanted to be closer than physically possible. He almost didn’t want to leave. But, this was his life and he loved it. He wouldn’t leave it unless it forced him to. And for now, Olivia said she was happy. Johnny would just have to trust that her feelings were as deep as they were true. He ran on her faith in him.


Their kiss was soft and simple.


Olivia could feel his smile and returned it with a smile of her own, ruining the kiss. They both let small chuckled leave their chests as they pulled apart.


“Are you hungry?” Olivia asked. “I have some food and hot chocolate.” Johnny raised an eyebrow.


“Food? Or snacks?” Olivia hit his arm, releasing herself from his hold.


“Does it matter?” She called to him walking into the kitchen. He followed her right on her heels.


“With you? Nothing else matters.”

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