
the so called hunted dorm

Heard what? Ricky asked

Yeah hyung what did you hear? Changjo also asked

This horrible noise that sounded a little like wooooo  chunji  said trying to howl like a wolve.

Omg Ricky and changjo both replied scared out of their minds.

Yeah and we heard it coming from the basement chunji stated.

The basement that’s where my puppy is, oh no hyung what if the scary monster eats my puppy changjo said clinging on to ricky arm.

Don’t worry changjo that monster won’t eat your puppy ricky said equally scared.

Who do you know that hyung changjo asked with hoping his hyung won’t say that they were going to go down there and see.

Because changjo we are going to go down there and see for ourselves replied.

What changjo asked hoping he heard his hyung wrong.

Your heard me we are going down there to see.

Okay but your going down there first changjo repled.

WHAT WHY DO I HAVE TO GO DOWN THERE FIRST ricky asked half screaming half whispering.

Because your older changjo replied with a straight face.

b-b-b-but your taller, stronger, and look older ricky replied hoping changjo would change his mind.

Well while all of that is true I am still younger and it was your idea to go down there in the first place.

But it’s your puppy replied screamed this time a bit louder.

Yeah but if you would have just let me keep it in our room we wouldn’t be have this problem right about now changjo replied

While the two younger boys were busy fight chunji and ljoe deiced to going back to their rooms before the two other boys realize they were still there and ask them to go for them and check.

Hey why do we just ask ljoe and chunji hyung to go for us changjo replied not know the said hyungs were gone.

Yeah great idea changjo ricky replied also now knowing the said boys had long been gone.

Hey hyungs both boys replied only to stop at the scene of two empty chair in the kitchen the said boys had been sitting in earlier.

Will looks like it’s just you and me now hyung changjo replied.

Yeap well lets go ricky replied with all the ounce of bravery he had left.

Just as the two boys push the door to the basement open awoooooha the two boys hear  and instead of running away they keep going deeper and deeper into the  basement.

Wait why do we keep going into the basement instead of running away ricky as changjo scared to death.

Because author-issh wants us to changjo replies.

Oh okay author-issh can we please not go deeper and deeper into the basement ricky asks with a cute pout

No ricky you have to go and save changjo puppy.

But why he’s not ever real ricky replies

Because that’s how I want the sotry to be now stop talking to me and go.

Fine but if we die all angles and changrick shipper will kill you ain’t that right.

Well than you better not die and if you do ( which you won’t) than I’ll write a new changrick fic with lots of fluffy moment.

So just as the two boys are down in the basement something comes up behind them.

When the turn around they see a small thing covered in a white sheet.

Ricky being the older one and the only one that can move right now grabs the sheet and closes his eye from fear of die by looking at the monster.

After two minutes pass bye he finisly opens his eye to see changjo’s puppy.

So after tell changjo its okay to open his eye now the two boys go back to their room with the puppy this time and the three of them cuddle in rickys bed like one little family.


so there you have it guys the end of this story

i hoped you guys liked my little story and am sorry if it's not what you were expecting hopfully my next changrick story wont be so lame

and i also hoped you guys like my little author character monolog there

p.s. thank you to all my subcribers and your comments kiss to you all and i love you all

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Hunted? Or was it suppose to be haunted? XD sorry not trying to be rude.. Just a little confused by the title.
Jimins_Wifey #2
Chapter 3: Omg lol i was really only scared of the poster that is seriously creepy
Jimins_Wifey #3
omg that picture scared the living crap out of me LOL
wonwoojpeg #4
New reader :) The picture is creepy xD I hope I wont look like I'm spamming your story later. I just like leaving comments. on every chapter I read xD
Chapter 3: Awww they so cutesy!!! XD
Oh yeah its not been having some technical difficulties sorry but thanks for subscribing
Hi new subby~~!!!

It says complete :'( its not right??? D"x
sherasazaly #8
update soon~
write more