The Baekhyun Thing

Collection of Drabbles

So this was written back in January when Baekhyun was being attacked for supposed statements regarding depression (see article)

I decided to write a little chanbaek drabble to calm myself down, where Chanyeol has come over to cheer Baekhyun up after this all. I just had to imagine my boy not being alone as it happened so out came this.

Anyway ~2100 words, unedited fluffy Chanbaek

“Where’s Baekhyun?” Chanyeol asked as he walked into the kitchen area where Minseok and Jongdae were sitting, both silently eating from the bowls of food in front of them. So far he had found Sehun being lazy, playing with his phone while hanging on the couch, and Junmyeon practicing his lines the way he always seemed to be doing once he had a minute to spare. But Baekhyun, who was usually all over them, was nowhere to be found.

Minseok didn’t even look up from his food, but Jongdae raised his head and blinked at him, “ah, there he is.” Chanyeol frowned, watching as Jongdae picked up the phone that was next to him, “took you long enough. Why are you even still standing here? Aren’t you worried sick?” he asked, throwing Chanyeol confusing question after confusing question.

His frown grew deeper as he walked up to Jongdae, who was now looking something up on his phone while ignoring Minseok, who was still lost in his food. “What do you mean, ‘worried sick’?” Chanyeol asked, “did something happen?” his eyebrows raised at that.

Minseok almost choked on his noodles and Jongdae briefly paused to lean over and pat his back, before he looked back up at Chanyeol with this judging look, “wae, Chanyeol. Haven’t you kept up with the news?” he sighed before going back to his screen, scrolling some, and then he handed it to Chanyeol.

It was an Instagram post, one by Baekhyun. A black picture with a ton of text underneath that he slowly began to read. His heart sunk after the first line, knowing instantly what this was about. Sure, he had heard about the scandal, about Baekhyun’s words that had been twisted, but he had thought Baekhyun seemed strong and confident about it. He had really thought Baekhyun could ignore what had happened, but Chanyeol had been wrong.

Instead, Baekhyun was apologising for something he didn’t even have to apologise for whatsoever, and the more Chanyeol read, the more his heart broke. Baekhyun was more affected by this than he had thought, and suddenly he no longer had to ask where the boy was.

Chanyeol handed back the phone and turned around without saying anything else, before walking down the hallway to Baekhyun’s room. He knocked once, receiving no answer, but he refused to leave and so he opened the door nonetheless.

Baekhyun’s room was dark, the curtains closed and no lights , and from where Chanyeol stood all he could see was a lump underneath a mountain of blankets, a tiny bit of hair popping out from underneath. He didn’t move, and Chanyeol wondered if he was asleep.

After he slowly closed the door and tipped off his shoes, Chanyeol wandered over to Baekhyun’s bed, seeing a collection of crumbled up tissues all over the sheets. He felt his heart breaking a little more, and he longed to make him feel better again, to get that smile back on his face. A sad Baekhyun was the only thing Chanyeol found difficult to see.

He lifted the edge of the mountain of blankets, just enough to climb in without letting the cold in along with it. Baekhyun still didn’t move, not to turn over and face Chanyeol nor to kick him out of the bed, which was good, Chanyeol thought.

After waiting a minute for anything to happen, for Baekhyun to acknowledge him, Chanyeol gave up and crawled a little closer, wrapping an arm around Baekhyun’s waist and tugging him into his chest. Baekhyun moved easily, settling himself against Chanyeol’s body to fit into him, and Chanyeol instantly pressed his nose to the back of Baekhyun’s neck.

Baekhyun was warm and wearing soft pyjamas, and his hair was a mess that left the nape of his neck exposed, the perfect spot for Chanyeol’s lips to press against. As he kissed him, arms wrapping around Baekhyun’s waist a little tighter, he felt how the boy in his arms went limp, his shoulders shaking slightly.

There was one thing Chanyeol hated more than seeing a sad Baekhyun: seeing a crying Baekhyun.

He could feel the sobs running through Baekhyun’s body, but he made no sound as he held on to the last bit of his composure, and all Chanyeol did was close his eyes and nuzzle behind Baekhyun’s ear before he brought out a quiet, “it’s okay to cry.”

There was a dead silence for another few seconds, where everything seemed frozen, and then Baekhyun let out the tiniest cry. The sound of it pierced right through Chanyeol’s heart, but he fought it. He had to be strong, he had to keep himself together or else there was no way he’d get Baekhyun to smile again. There was no way he could break down now.

Baekhyun’s cries grew louder, his body shaking more violently, and Chanyeol let him fall apart in his arms, making sure that none of the broken pieces would get away from his hold. His eyes squeezed shut, his heart somewhere in his stomach, it was hard to hold on, but he did. He did, because he loved Baekhyun. He’d always be there for him.

“Why-“ Baekhyun cried, “why am I never enough? I try so hard, Chanyeol. I really do,” he sniffed, and the words made Chanyeol crawl impossibly closer. Don’t say such things, please. Don’t. “I work so hard, but then my stupid idiot mouth betrays me again. Why? Why can’t I be enough?” the brokenness in his voice made it worse, and Chanyeol could hear how much this hurt him, how much Baekhyun cared about this.

Chanyeol wished the world could see how much Baekhyun did to be the person he was. How different he was on stage and off stage. How precise, how controlled he was in everything. His voice, his dancing, the Baekhyun he presented to the world. He was so dedicated, so hard-working, and for others to bring all of his efforts down with some hurtful words, it was killing. The sad thing was that it wasn’t uncommon either. One of the downsides of being famous.

This though, it wasn’t fair. Baekhyun was putting himself down because someone decided to him over. He was actually taking it personally, thinking he was the one who had made the mistake. Thinking he wasn’t good enough, that he had to change, and Chanyeol was both heartbroken and livid.

“Don’t say that,” he whispered as he stopped Baekhyun’s hands from flailing around. He laced their fingers together and pressed their hands to Baekhyun’s chest, where he could feel the older’s heartbeat. It calmed him down some, to feel the pitter-patter underneath his fingers, and he closed his eyes again as he focused on his words, now that he had Baekhyun’s attention.

“You’re more than enough,” Chanyeol told him, “you’re beautiful, you’re funny, you’re smart and so hard-working. You’re kind, have the most amazing smile in the whole world, and there’s so many people out there that love you,” he summed up.

“but not everyone,” Baekhyun answered, sounding the least bit impressed by Chanyeol’s words, “maybe some think that, but definitely not everyone.” And that just made Chanyeol angry, because he knew that no matter what he’d say, Baekhyun would only focus on those. The whole world but one person could love him, and he’d still try to change himself to make that last person like him as well.

“No,” Chanyeol agreed, “not everyone. But there are people out there who judge you because they’re jealous, who judge you without knowing who you are. They don’t see everything, they don’t see you the way I see you, the way we all see you, and isn’t that what matters? That those around you, who know you the best, that they care?”

He pushed at Baekhyun a little, enough to make the boy fall on his back, facing the ceiling now so Chanyeol could look at his face, “are you really going to let those haters, the ones who don’t know you at all, make your life miserable?” Chanyeol touched Baekhyun’s cheek with his free hand, leaning on his elbow now so he could look down at him, “when everyone else is here to love and support you? When I’m here to love and support you?”

Chanyeol just hoped his worlds held any meaning, he hoped they helped if just a little bit. He wasn’t good with words unless he had time to really think about them, which he didn’t have now, so he hoped that his attempt didn’t end up being futile. He only wanted to make Baekhyun smile again, just once.

Baekhyun stared up at him and he swallowed visibly, eyes on Chanyeol’s, and for a second Chanyeol was afraid Baekhyun would end up crying again, but he didn’t. Instead the boy let go of Chanyeol’s hand before he used both of his to tug the younger down against him.

Their lips crashed together hard, but the kiss wasn’t anything like it. Chanyeol placed both hands on the mattress, supporting himself easily, as Baekhyun’s hands found their way down his chest to sneak underneath his shirt. The kiss was soft, though, mellow and a little sweet in the way that it made him melt.

Baekhyun was at his lips, soft flicks of his tongue against the seam of Chanyeol’s mouth, and Chanyeol broke free for a moment before he dove back down to kiss him a little harder. Baekhyun moved against him, pressing a leg between Chanyeol’s, and Chanyeol wouldn’t have hesitated if it wasn’t for the fact that Baekhyun hadn’t said anything yet. The last thing he wanted was for Baekhyun to use this in an attempt to stop him from talking.

So he pulled back, keeping some distance between their faces, and looked down at Baekhyun’s face. His lips were a lot darker now, as were his eyes, and Chanyeol only saw a hint of sadness in them now, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t there. “Do you believe me?” he asked, needing to know the answer.

Baekhyun could tell he wasn’t fooling around, yet he replied with laughter as he said, “that you’re here to love and support me? Yeah, I do.” His fingers tickled Chanyeol’s sides a little impatiently, but Chanyeol didn’t move back in yet. He let his eyes roam across Baekhyun’s face, brought up a hand to thumb at the trail of tears still left on his cheek, and he shook his head, “no, not that. Do you believe everything I said? Do you believe there are people out there who love you? Do you believe we’ll always be there through all the hate? Which you don’t deserve, remember?”

Baekhyun finally smiled at him then, and although Chanyeol was sure Baekhyun didn’t believe everything that he had thrown at him, he still nodded at him, “yeah, I believe you, Chanyeol. I trust you,” he promised, and to Chanyeol, it felt sincere.

The smile didn’t leave until Chanyeol bent down to peck his lips once, twice, three times, and Baekhyun turned his head when Chanyeol tried to go in for a fourth. His fingers pressed into Chanyeol’s skin, making him whimper and almost fall over, but Baekhyun only laughed at that

He turned his head back when he was sure Chanyeol wouldn’t move again, and they stared at each other again when Baekhyun moved his hands further back, fingers pushing into the back of Chanyeol’s jeans. “Thank you,” he whispered then, “thank you for this.”

Chanyeol went soft again as he heard Baekhyun utter those words. As if he had to thank Chanyeol for this, as if the boy wouldn’t come running no matter what. Still it was sweet, the way Baekhyun grinned up at him with his eyes wrinkling, and he said, “I am so lucky to have you.”

For a second Chanyeol was left speechless, but then he had Baekhyun pinned underneath him again, and he couldn’t stop kissing him. He couldn’t stop pressing all the ‘I love you’s he was dying to say into Baekhyun’s lips, his cheek, his neck, every inch of skin he could reach. Until Baekhyun was laughing again, his fingers having trailed down even further, and Chanyeol dropped his head to Baekhyun’s shoulder.

“That wasn’t luck,” he said, sounding a little breathless as he felt Baekhyun moving against him, waiting for his lips to return, and so Chanyeol moved his head and told Baekhyun’s cheek, inching closer to his mouth again, “you did that all by yourself.”

Baekhyun didn’t argue, all he did was push at Chanyeol’s chest, rolling them over, and as he crawled on top and kissed Chanyeol in such a demanding way that he forgot how to breathe, he knew that whatever was left of Baekhyun’s sadness, it had been long forgotten.

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Chapter 1: This was so beautiful! I really enjoyed it. I loved how sweet Chanyeol is to Baekhyun! How he hugs and holds him and reassures him that he is enough! The kisses were a perfect touch too! Thanks for writing and sharing this!
Lifeisafunnyplace #2
Chapter 2: This gave me a lot of thoughts I cant share here.
But it's beautiful <3
Chapter 1: It's beautiful ❤
Chapter 2: Omg that was beautiful

And when they kissed ;-; it was such an emotional moment
Chapter 2: Really enjoyed this :)