Lack of coffee

Her worn out t-shirt

During math class after the teacher had gone through some formulas, the students had been assigned an amount of assignments to solve amongst themselves.

Since Mina was rather smart and neat in her studies, she was already a bit ahead in math. The questions were therefore rather easy for her, yet even though they were easy, Mina felt herself being slightly distracted by her annoyance for the tiger in front of her.

Not only was she late for class earlier (although she still managed to arrive before the teacher), but now she just seems to be lazying about? She thought to herself as she tapped her pencil lightly against her paper.


She caught herself staring at the girl in front of her. Her hair was black, and just long enough to slightly brush over her shoulders.


Her shoulders are really good looking though. They’re rather broad too...

Wait, no, Mina! Focus! She was rude, annoying and even disrespectful of your personal space earlier! Don’t compliment her!

She shook her head slightly in frustration.


The tiger in front of her started leaning on her left arm slightly, making her papers on her table visible.


She’s... Just.. Drawing?! She really is lazying about, Mina added to her thoughts and points of Chaeyoung being an annoying and a bad student.


She then managed to hear the vibration of Chaeyoung’s phone, and as she heard it, Chaeyoung tapped her pocket where her phone was placed. She then watched Chaeyoung quickly scribble something on her paper then pack her things in her bag excluding said paper.


What? She’s packing her things now? The bell hasn’t rung and we haven’t been dismissed yet by the teacher either. Why is she such a rebel?


Chaeyoung got up from her seat, swung her black simple eastpak backpack over one shoulder and held the paper in her other handand as she took a step forward towards the teachers desk, but then she abruptly stopped.

Mina looked confused at the sudden stop, but then Chaeyoung turned 180 degrees around, went up to Mina, leaned in closely and whispered in her ear;

”Y’know... I know I’m pretty good looking and all that, but next time try not to stare too obviously, I almost felt like my back was burning.”

Before Chaeyoung retreated, she quickly blew some warm air on her ear, smirked and then winked at her.


She turned back facing the teachers desk, walked towards it and placed her piece of paper, and then continued out of the classroom.


The teacher noticed Chaeyoung placing the piece of paper and her leaving, but didn’t react any further to it.



That’s what Mina felt right now. Like someone in her video game had knocked her out for a two turns. She felt the heat rising to her cheeks when Chaeyoung had gotten so close to her just to whisper those words. Both feeling the warmth of her breath, seeing her up close, the fierceness in her eyes.. And her smell..


Mina’s cheeks were bright red.


”.. -inaa? Minaaa?”

She came back from her train of thoughts as she saw a hand waving in front of her.

Then blinked a few times and saw who was standing there trying to talk to her.


”Mina, are you alright? Your face is rather red” Jimin said as she tried to study her face further.

Mina slightly pulling the black t-shirt up to cover her red cheeks.

Why do I still smell those strawberries?, she thought to herself before she responded;

”Y-yes, sorry. What can I help you with though?” She slightly stuttered since she was still trying to recover from what the seemingly confident tiger had done before.


”I was just wondering if you wanted to compare our answer before we hand them in?” he threw her a polite smile.


”Oh, sure. Just give me a second.”
Mina looked down at her paper, easily and quickly filled in all of the answers and then compared them to Jimin’s before getting up and handing them in.


The bell rung right after and whilst she gathered her things, three girls came up to her.


”You know Chaeyoung before you transfered here?” a rather short girl with blonde hair asked her.


Mina looked at the few girls with a confused look.


”Huh? No, why?”, she tilted her head slightly in confusion.


”Are you sure? Cause Chaeyoung doesn’t really talk to people she doesn’t know.”

The second girl said.


”Yeah, and you sat in the seat she usually sits in. Most students don’t really dare to. Last time someone sat in her seat, we saw her talk with him after class, and shortly after I heard from a friend from another school that he had moved there.”

The third girl continued.


Mina surprised by the last comment wasn’t exactly sure of how to react.


”We also saw she whispered something to you before leaving class!”

The first girl added with a squeal, whilst the rest nodded in agreement and looked at Mina with curiousty.


They sound like fangirls, Mina sighed internally.

Is this ”Chaeyoung” some kind of idol or something?... And making someone move school just from sitting in her ’prefered’ seat? Is she some kind of bully?... Urgh. They’re the worst. She even left early, probably barely answering any of the questions seeing she was just drawing and quickly scribbled something before handing it in.


Mina responded, ”I don’t know her, sorry. She was just telling me she prefered to sit in that seat.”

Mina didn’t want to tell them what else she whispered before she left the classroom though.

Luckily, as she looked up, she saw Jeongyeon by the door to pick her up and show her around as promised.


”Mina, are you ready to go?” Jeongyeon said as she waved at her.

Mina nodded politely at her classmates and waved as she then responded to Jeongyeon

”Yup, coming”

 And then walked towards Jeongyeon.





Early in the morning Chaeyoung was gathering a stack of papers.


Ahh, so tired. I barely got any sleep last night..

She grabbed her backpack, swung it over shoulder and then went out the door.

She grabbed her keys and locked the door to her apartment as then picked up the phone from her pocket and read the text message she had received whilst she was asleep.


-Remember to bring the printed documents to the Mr. Park for me.-


Chaeyoung sighed.


”How could I forget, when I was the one who had to work on them almost all night”, she said out loud followed by a sigh.


I’m too tired, I should probably get some coffee on the way, she thought as she stopped by a nearby café that was open early.


”Up all night again?” The owner of the café asked the shorter girl who had basically become a regular there.


Chaeyoung yawned and stretched as she walked in, being rather used to the café

”Almost” she responded with a pout ”Ahjummaaa, can you make me an extra strong one this time?”


”Aishh, did your father load you with work from the company again!?, you should work less and live a little more! You’re too young to be working this much!” the ahjumma replied as she nodded to the younger one’s request and started brewing the coffee.


Chaeyoung shrugged, not wanting to complain too much.

It would be nice with a break soon though.. Everyday has been so dull for so long and there’s been way too many projects lately, she sighed internally.


Her phone vibrated.

-Please bring the papers to Mr. Park as early as possible. I would like for him to read the papers through so I can discuss them with him before my first meeting.-


”The coffee’s ready, little one!” the ahjumma said as she held out the coffee.

Chaeyoung grabbed it whilst she was reading the text, then she looked at the time.

”Oh god, I have to hurry, thank you ahjumma! I’ll be see you next time!”
She quickly placed the money on the counter and ran out the door towards school with her coffee.

Lacking sleep and feeling slightly tired of work, the young black haired girl didn’t feel all too happy today. If anything, she felt herself being rather grumpy.


She ran to school rather quickly then through the hallways towards the principal’s office, not yet even having time to have a sip of her coffee.

She quickly checked the time on her phone as she was running, wanting to check whether or she was in good time when suddenly,




There she was. On the ground, together with her coffee that had spilled on the floor and her stained white dress shirt.

She clicked her tongue in annoyance at her own clumsiness.

Seriously!?” the tiger said under her breath for herself.


”What do you mean seriously?! You were the one who bumped into me!”

Chaeyoung already felt annoyed, she was in a bad mood and she didn’t mean to say the ”seriously” towards her, but from the response of the girl, her stubbornness wouldn’t allow her to back down and apologise now.

She looked up at the girl with fierce eyes and annoyance.


Arhh, I don’t have time for this, I have to give Mr. Park the papers.


She clicked her tongue again

”Whatever. Watch where you walk next time.”
She got up and ran off.


On the way to the principal’s office, she quickly opened her locker and grabbed one of the two spare t-shirt’s she had. For some reason before in time she had simply brought extra shirts to shirt when she had to change into her dress shirt or more formal wear for her father’s company meetings after school, and instead of carrying the t-shirts back home with her, she found it easier to just leave those shirts in her locker.

She had grabbed the shirt that was least worn out. Carrying the shirt in her arms unable to change yet from being out of time, she continued to run towards the principal’s office and knocked on the door.


”Come in”


She opened the door, out of breath from running almost non-stop since the café.


”Ahh, Chaeyoung. Your father did text me saying you were on your way with your the papers and the research you did for him.”


”Yes, sir” she said catching breath, then handed over the papers to him.


”Ahh, when I’m visiting your father you call me uncle but here at school you say ’sir’?” he laughed, before continuing ”You know you don’t have to hide your family’s wealthy connections.” he smiled.


”Yeah, I know but just in case someone overheard. There are already rumours about my connections with school, but I’d rather just keep it on the low as much as possible. I don’t want people to think I’m getting special treatment because of my family’s money.” Chaeyoung said as she smiled at the man who had been a family friend since before she was even born as well as being the man who worked close with her father helping them out with the company.


”But you’d rather want them to think you’re someone who skips classes instead?!”

He pointed at her joking a little bit.

She smiled at him ”It makes me have a bit more of a cool image though, don’t you think, Ahjussi!?” she grinned and her mood lightening up a little bit.

”Besides, sometimes I do skip!” She admitted to him, knowing well enough he wouldn’t be too mad since she got pretty good grades and did her school work properly anyway.


”I know, and I know you’re smart, just don’t skip too much.” he laughed.

”Also, I’d ask what happened to your shirt, but I’d guess you have to go get changed and get ready for class. We’ll talk later, little cub.” he added as he saw the extra t-shirt wrapped over her arm.

”Arhh, I’m not even that little anymore! I’m 159CM now!” She replied as she tried to stand taller hoping he would see she wasn’t all that small. Although he was older, he didn’t mind if Chaeyoung spoke informally to him. It was usual for the two, and he knew she meant no disrespect.


He laughed

”Your father told me you were 158,9CM!”


The tiger cub pouted,

”Whatever, I still grew 1CM!” before she then straightened her back, to return to her formal act in front of him.


Throughout the conversation they had, Mr. Park had already looked over some of the papers Chaeyoung had handed over.


”Before you leave.. You wrote and did all of this work, right?”

She nodded in response.


He sighed. He wasn’t in a position to tell her father to give her less work, but he as well, could tell that she was working a bit too much.


”Good work as always, Chaeyoung.”

She nodded, ”Thank you”. She knew well enough what thoughts went through his head before he said it. She could see the look on his face. A bit of worry was visible, just like the ahjumma’s look from the café.


She smiled at him after she thanked him, as if to reassure him she was alright and for him not to worry. She headed out the office, and headed for toilets to change her shirt. She managed to change her shirt before a bunch of students started rolling into the hallways avoiding showing her completely stained shirt. On her way there, she remembered the girl she had run into earlier.

Chaeyoung sighed.


I know it was my fault.. I should probably apologise to her later.

I haven’t seen her before though.. Is she new? Then again, I don’t bother remembering most of the people in this school.

Argh, I think I even accidently spilled coffee on her shirt as well.. Dammit Chaeyoung, you’re too stubborn. You owe her an apology. She scolded herself.


As she walked out on the hallway towards class, she yet again received another text.

It wan’t from her dad this time, it was from Mr. Park.

-Chaeyoung, could you come back to the office again real quick, I just need to confirm something with one of these papers.-

She headed for the principals office once again, meanwhile on the other side of the hallway, whilst the attention was usually on her, this time she managed to avoid the crowd which seemed focused on something else going on.


”Ah!! Hey Chaeng!” she heard from a voice she recognised well.


”Jackson! Hey!” She responded loudly to her friend as she turned around and saw her friend having his other friend in a headlock basically.

Ahh, I think I’ve seen him around Jackson before, but I really can’t remember his name.

And how is Jackson so full of energy this early in the morning even.


”You skipping class again?!” he said playfully and lightly tapping her shoulder with his fist then reached his hand towards hers and they did their special handshake which she only did with her close, small group of friends.

It may have seemed like a silly or childish handshake, since they came up with it when they were smaller, but even so to them, it was just routine to do it.


”Nah, I’m just taking care of something quick.”

She responded quickly as she looked at him, then his friend, then back at him.

Jackson caught on and nodded in understanding.


Jackson was one of the few friends that knew of her connections with the principal. He, after all, was also a ’rich kid’ whose parents knew Chaeyoung’s parents as well and was also aware of Chaeyoung’s wish of not talking too much about it in front of others.


”Fair enough, cub! We gotta head to class before we’re late! Let’s go Bambam!”

He dragged his friend further along with them towards their classrooms meanwhile Chaeyoung headed towards the office.

Ahh, how is he always so hyped up and full of energy, seriously.


After having confirmed the papers with Mr. Park she took a detour walk outside for some fresh air, hoping for it to wake her up a little since she didn’t get the chance to drink her coffee.


It should be alright to be a few minutes late anyway, she thought.

people already expected her to skip anyway.

She had music in her ears as she quickly walked outside, stood for a couple of minutes breathing in the fresh air and then walked back inside again towards her classroom.

Though when she entered the classroom, she noticed the teacher had yet to arrive.


Lucky. No absence for me.


But then

She noticed someone was sitting in her usual seat.


Wait, that’s her, isn’t it!?.

Quite surprised at herself for actually recognising someone other than her usual small group of friends, she walked towards her and pulled out her earphones.


Ah, she actually looks pretty cute, she thought to herself and grinned, before walking over to her.



After class:

"Yah! Chaeyoung-ah!" Chaeyoung had just left the classroom early after finishing all of her work when she heard the familiar voice shout at her.

”Yah, Dubu, did you skip first class since you’re out here as well?”

They greeted eachother with the same handshake as she had earlier done with Jackson.

”Nah, my first class was canceled actually, teacher was sick. By the way, why are you wearing your spare t-shirt? Did you spill your coffee or something?”


Chaeyoung looked at her eagle-like friend, amazed as she hit her guess right on the nail without having to see her stained dress shirt as proof or anything.

They had spoken about the spare t-shirt before, and Dahyun easily recognised it.

In Chaeyoung’s small group of friends, there were two friends she was even closer with than the rest. Dahyun being one of those two.


Chaeyoung filled her tofu-friend in on everything that happened that day as they walked towards the school’s roof where they were usually the only ones to hang out. She told her all the details; from her lack of sleep, her workload, Mr. Park and her interactions with the japanese beauty from her math class and so on.


Dahyun was laughing loudly.

”Wait, so like, you actually spilled your coffee on her and yourself, and then you blamed her for it?!” The eagle smacked her leg with one hand whilst holding her stomach with the other.

”And then when you meant to apologise, you told her she was in your seat instead and started annoying her further?! Hahahaha, dude, I can’t!” she continued.

The only things she left out of the story, were the details of the things she whispered in Mina’s ear and how close she got to her to do so and .


Chaeyoung facepalmed herself in frustration.

”You know I like that seat!”


”Honestly dude, I’m not even surprised by your actions cause you’re usually ice cold to everyone you don’t know, but it’s still funny how you appear to be this cold , when most of the time you don’t intentionally try to and realise it after you’ve done your actions”The eagle let out, still laughing barely being able to speak properly.


”Ahh, I actually feel a tad bit guilty this time though. I think it was her first day at this school.”

”You’re such a idiot, man.” Dahyun said, wiping a tear away from her laughing.

It may not have seem like to funniest thing to others, but to Dahyun, she absolutely loved it when Chaeyoung did things that would make others think of her as a . It was an inside joke to them since when they were smaller it would repeatedly, yet completely unintentionally happen to Chaeyoung.

”But you should find her and properly apologise” The eagle continued with a smile.


”I know, I know. I was going to earlier before I left the classroom. But as I approached her to apologise, I guess I was still just too stubborn. So I ended up changing the subject and saying something completely different.” The cub burried her face in her hands and let out an annoyed groan.


In all honesty, I actually got nervous. And I guess I tried to counter being nervous by appearing extra confident? I don’t know.. But I couldn’t tell Dahyun that. She would tease me to no end and assume I had a crush on the new girl or something like that, just for randomly getting nervous over something so small. It’s weird though. Why did I even get nervous? Ah, ah.. It’s probably just because I’m getting too tired from the lack of sleep and amount of work or something, I guess.

Chaeyoung tried to reason with herself as she scratched her nape.


”How’d she even get your other t-shirt anyway though? Are you sure it was yours and not just a look-alike?”

”Yeah, I’m pretty sure. It had the same rip in the cloth at the same spot, and it was pretty worn out. And if it wasn’t you who got her the shirt, it was probably Jeongyeon who found her and helped her out. You two are the only ones who know my locker passcode anyway.”

”I guess” The eagle shrugged.

They were outside at the top of the roof, having changed the subject, Dahyun was now talking about another specific japanese girl from their small friendcircle.



”Was that your stomach?” The eagle asked her friend with a laughing tone

”Urghh, I forgot, I hadn’t eaten breakfast either.. Didn’t have the time”

”I know you barely ever eat at the school’s caféteria, but you wanna go?”

The cub nodded, ”Actually... Yeah, let’s go.”




Hey there!

I apologise if there are mistakes and all I haven't had the time to properly proof read it.

I also hope that I didn't write some parts too long. I kind of wanted to make the chapter a bit shorter on some points, but I also wanted to write a bit of Chaeyoung's environment, world, connections with her family as well as her bond with some of her friends.

How was it? Please let me know what you think in the comments!

The next chapters will introduce more of the Twice members to the story and will most likely be uploaded within the next 2 days!

I'll also make sure to pop in a picture in the beginning of the chapter, and describe the characters' appearness better next time.

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Chapter 7: This is so cute but unfortunately author isnt active anymore huhu
jiyeonkimtaetae #2
Chapter 7: hI authornim, i miss this story so much
jiyeonkimtaetae #3
i miss this story so muchㅠㅠ but i hope you are doing well authornim, i'll keep on waitingg
jiyeonkimtaetae #4
jiyeonkimtaetae #6
hello author-nim, i really hope you will update this story soon because i've been waiting for such a long time and ngl i miss this story, I enjoy this story so much! BTW Happy New Year( iknow its late but nvm idc:) hehe)
pls come back uwu
Authornim, why have you forsaken us lol TT TT
can we get an update??? (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡