Chapter 3

Sleeping Beauty

Namjoon stumbled backwards, his eyes were wide as he stared at Seokjin. His heart was pounding in his chest.

"I... um... just remembered... I have a family emergency" Namjoon stuttered out before fleeing from the room. He grabbed his bag and nearly ran from the ward. His brain was working at a hundred miles an hour as he tried to compensate what just happened.

Seokjin stared at the empty space which Namjoon had once occupied, he felt his heart fall in his chest, even after all these years he was still undesirable. Seokjin looked up when he felt a hand press against his shoulder, it was a smaller man which he had yet to meet in the short time he had woken up.

"I know Namjoon's reaction was probably not what you were expecting but that's Namjoon for you, he... he doesn't really think very highly of himself, in fact, he doesn't ever believe when someone likes him because he is quite self-conscious so when someone like you finally show some interest in him even in these strange circumstances he will slowly start to think himself into a spiral of negative thoughts, his reaction believe it or not is normal for him" Jimin said in an attempt to reassure the older man.

"I can get Taehyung to take you to him, the good thing about working in the same hospital as your friends is you can get away with things that you wouldn't be able to do when you were just co-workers" Yoongi suggested.

"But is it even wise to let me out of the hospital, I mean I don't know how hospital work nowadays but in my time you were not allowed out of the hospital until you had mainly recovered" Seokjin asked.

"Well, that's the same now however, your body muscle hasn't deteriorated like an normal person's muscle would have when they were in a coma or hadn't been walking around for a while, your muscles are somehow fine and you proved that when you kneeled so obviously whatever put you in this coma that didn't kill you has protected you completely, Taehyung is a trained paramedic he will see if anything goes wrong plus there will be Namjoon as well who even though he is a student doctor he is still one of the best student doctors here, you will be in safe hands I promise" Yoongi explained, Seokjin paused. Yoongi was right if he had been in a coma for a thousand years which he can believe with the differences seen in the hospital room itself. 

"Okay, I trust you" Seokjin answered. Yoongi gave Seokjin a gummy smile before darting out of the room and towards the ambulance bay where he would find Taehyung.

Namjoon sat in the library's café nearest to the hospital, his heart was still pounding in his chest as he stared down at his iced caramel macchiato, the kiss was replying constantly in his head. For once, Namjoon didn't know what to do. He wasn't sure whether he was in love with Seokjin but still he could feel something which was connecting him to Seokjin and he didn't know what to do about it, does he trying to have a relationship with Seokjin and discover what this connection is or does he ignore everything that happened and continue to avoid Seokjin.

It was obvious from the kiss that Seokjin might want to pursue whatever this was but did Namjoon. His brain was telling him that this was too complicated to try and get mixed up in, the past and the future were completed different and trying to have a relationship would eventually end in heartbreak yet his heart was telling him that it was worth it. He had kept himself closed off for such a long time that it was time to finally let someone it, let Seokjin in. His friends always wanted him to find someone, after all, he was the only one in their friendship group who was single but now there was a chance, someone who potentially was meant to be with. Someone who has somehow survived all these years to wake up when Namjoon was dared to kiss him.

Namjoon head hurt, he was just so unsure on what he should do, should he follow his head or his heart. Namjoon knew he would need to consider Seokjin's perspective of all of this, he had just woken up to a world which is completely different but everything he knew would still stand, what he believed in. Namjoon wasn't amazing at history as he took more of an interest in science and maths so he was not completely sure how they lived in the past. What they believed in. What Seokjin might still believe in. 

"Hi Namjoon" a familiar voice said pulling Namjoon out of his thoughts, he looked up to see Seokjin standing beside him.

"How did you find me?" Namjoon asked confused. Seokjin shouldn't be out of the hospital. Seokjin smiled lightly before sitting in the seat beside Namjoon.

"Taehyung brought me here after Yoongi decided that I was medically fit enough to travel" Seokjin answered.

"Traitor" Namjoon muttered underneath his breath.

"Yoongi and Jimin told me how you are quite self-conscious and I understand that this will be a shock to you that you somehow were able to wake me up from a coma which no one else was and in such a sleeping beauty type way whatever that means. I just want you to understand that you might want nothing to do with me as you hardly know me as a person than a patient and I don't know whether you do but I can feel this connection between us which might mean that we were meant to be together maybe that's how I was able to survive this long so I would be able to meet you but if you don't to be with me then I'm fine with that" Seokjin explained.

"No, that's not what I want. I want to be with you, that I'm certain about but I haven't really dated anyone so if you are alright with it, I would like to take this slow" Namjoon answered.

"Okay, I'm fine with slow, I've been asleep for over a thousand years what's waiting for another few" Seokjin agreed before leaning forward and pressed a kiss to Namjoon's lips.

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Chapter 4: What a story!!! Really one of a kind ^^ I'm curious what made Seokjin go into this weird coma and if he finally started growing old after he woke up~ But yeah, nice story! :)
dewiss #2
Chapter 1: I like it already so please up date soon okay ???