Chapter 1

Hurry up, Kwon!

"Kwon, what's taking you so long?" Jessica yawned before stretching her limbs, she had been waiting for Yuri to get out of the freaking toilet.

They are almost late for their first class but Yuri was taking forever.

"Shut up, Sica, this is my first time using a tampon, to think that I'd lose my first to a freaking cotton tube"Yuri mumbled the last few words to herself, throughoutly thinking over the idea of using a tampon over a pad.

Jessica rolled her eyes before walking into the bathroom.

"Hey, ever heard of privacy!" Yuri screamed as she tried to shield her body from her best freind.

"Get over it, Kwon. I've seen you since we're 6! " Jessica waved off Yuri's concerns, and took the tampon from Yuri's hands.

"You won't even feel it " Jessica said gently as she eased the tampon into Yuri.

" There you just lost your v card to the charming Jessica Jung" Jessica joked before dragging Yuri out the toilet.

" Shut up Jung " Yuri said as red starts to creep on her cheek, emberassed is an understatement to how Yuri is feeling right now.

"Whateves, now would mind? We're running late." Jessica grumbled lookind displeased.

" I'm here having cramps and a tube stuck in my taco, and you'e still aksing me to drive?" Yuri looked incredulously at Jessica

"You driving or not?" Jessica huffed at her half servant half bestfriend.

"Fine" Yuri mumbled unwillingly and snatched the car key off Jessica's fingers.

Jessica grinned, it was always like that, what jessica wants Yuri gives.


Yuri and Jessica rushed to their class just in time before the bell rang, the teacher who was busy fumbling with her laptop just nodded at their existance before resuming to her laptop.

"Okay class, today we'll be having pair works, the two of you will have to do some research on Electrochemical Series and present your findings to the class next Monday." Right after the announcement, murmurs and shouts can be heard all over the class. The screeching sound of chairs moving can be heard as the students start looking for partners.

" Kwon, you're doing all of it, I freaking hate chemistry." Jessica whispered to the girl next to her.

" Argh, you lazy pig" Yuri whispered back.

After the noise died down and the students are seated in their respective pairs, the teacher ordered them to start discussing about the project.

" Kwon, are you done yet?" Jessica asked and lay her head on her bestfriend's shoulder, peering at what Yuri is writing in her notebook, Jessica will never get over the fact that Yuri could rewrite their whole Chemistry textbook while she is struggling to even understand one page.

" Patience, Jung. " Yuri said before running her hand through Jessica's hair.

Yuri who is the top student  in her school, has no problem  preparing the script for their presentation without the aid of her textbook nor the internet.

After 10 minutes of writing on Yuri's part and being utterly useless on Jessica's part, they were finally done with their presentation.

"Memorize this before the presentation Sica" Yuri said and passed the paper that she had been diligently working on since 10 minutes ago.

"You're the best, Yuri" Jessica smiled and nuzzled her nose against Yuri's neck, making Yuri shiver at the contact.

The pair stayed like that throughout Chemistry while the other students were still busy discussing about the project.


Mathematics, Jessica hates this subject with passion. So it was not a surprise to see Jessica lazily poking Yuri with a pen while doodling images of Yuri with a cat's body in her notebook.

"Pay attention, Sica. I'm not teaching you this at home." Yuri reprimanded before taking away Jessica's notebook and shoved her textbook towards Jessica.

Jessica rolled her eyes and looked towards the white board, Yuri was right Jessica had no idea what was happening on the whiteboard.

After what felt like eternity of Yuri trying to make Jessica understand about the simple math equation on the board, the bell finally rang and Jessica had never been so happy all her life

"You are not done yet Jung Jessica" Yuri stopped Jessica who was busy packing her bag.

"Argh Kwon we'll continue tonight, it's lunch time" Jessica stressed before pulling Yuri out of their classroom, nothing beats a cheesburger after maths class.

Yuri simply shook her head before following the blonde.

" Kwon carry me, I'm tired." Jessica fussed as she tugged Yuri's arm.

" No way" Yuri said and tried to break free from Jessica's grasp.

"This is so embarassing" Yuri muttered under her breath as she tries to ignore the weird stares thrown her way, with a smiling Jessica on her back.






First chapter up, please correct me if there are gramatical mistakes, I'm trying to improve my english.

Been craving for Yulsic so I decided to give it a go

Thanks for reading!



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Chapter 2: Lindos
intojung #2
Chapter 2: amazing ???
kwonyy #3
Chapter 2: yul why you so whipped for sica?? you must scold sica
Ryaen_762 #4
Chapter 2: The stories of soshi baby
Chapter 1: Lol lazy sica XD
pesawatkertas #6
Chapter 1: yulsic! i'm in ^^
yagu89 #7
Chapter 1: interesting really!! keep going author ssi
kwonyy #8
Chapter 1: lol sica...whiped yuri always for sica
Yusssss new Yulsic!! I’m so ready for this :D