--xx-- [TW]

Let's Call it A Night
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Late nights, dark alleys, flashing lights, smoke, and the reek of alcohol. That's how my nights went on – the usual. Then I saw you... you made my nights feel like 7 in the morning with a breakfast in bed, you smile shines the brightest that it blinds me enough more than these flashing lights, your scent that makes me forget about everything....... and you, you alone, made me feel like my life is worth living. And that scares me.



It was a Monday. Oh God knows how much I hate Mondays. I was in a coffee shop even if I don’t drink coffee. I was cramming my client’s Wedding Photos due in few days, when I saw you reading a book which I can read the title from where I sit. I glanced once? Twice? Okay, maybe I lost count. I want to engage in a small talk with you so I searched about the book you’re reading and the author. Once I got all the information I need, I packed my things in my bag and walked straight to you. “Hey”, I said. Then, I talked to you about the author with all the knowledge I got from Google. I don’t remember how I saw your name written on top of your book because I don’t remember myself looking away from your eyes. We were talking for hours and I didn’t notice the time so I said my goodbyes and left immediately. I was kinda upset because you didn’t ask for my name; but I know yours, Kim Jisoo.




Later that night, I went to Lisa’s party for her girlfriend Rosé. Lisa introduced me as her business partner, and then I saw you again. At the end of the table, you just smiled at me. The chair next to you was the only seat available so I sat beside you. You were already tipsy and you became more talkative than earlier. We talked about the most random things; you told me that you love to write; you told me how badly you want to become an author. The night ended with you being a little drunk, and you asked my name so I gave it to you. I asked for your name but instead you gave me your number.




A few days later, with all the courage I gathered from the satisfaction I got from my client, I messaged you. “Hey”, I said. You asked me how I got your number and that’s how I figured that you don’t recall giving it to me; I told you I asked Lisa for it and you just shrugged it off. We exchanged a few messages and my fingers got tired so I decided to call you. It took you awhile to pick it up so I was getting nervous if it was a wrong time for me to call, I was about to hang up when you decided to pick up the phone. “Hey”, that’s the only thing I said. I don’t know how I got the courage to ask you out that night but, the next thing I know is I brought you to this place where I always wanted to go. I noticed how your lips turn

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This is my first work. I didn't proofread it so expect some grammatical errors and ty writing. You can request stories and desired ships. Thank you! ❤


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yagmai #1
Okay.... why????
Berserker013 #2
Hurt my Jensoo heart uwu