His Love Child

Seo Ae thought of what had happened yesterday night, tapping her pen on the table she thought of ways to prevent the leakage of the story. 

"I see you're here today," she heard a voice speak from behind her. 

She turned to see Yeon Hee looming over her with eyes of an eagle, "What do you want Yeon Hee?"

"I want you to confirm to me that,  whatever Taek Goon is spitting out is completely and utterly false." 

"Majority of entertainment news is false." 

"So it's false? But I saw the pictures.. he was showing it to anyone that was willing to look at it." 

"I won't comment on anything, you guys can think whatever you want. Besides, why do you even want to confirm if it is real or not?" 

"Okay, that doesn't help one bit. I want to confirm because I dont want that bastard Taek Goon to be right. I rather help you in hiding it, if it real, then let that bastard win."

"When did you get so competitive with that guy? You didn't even talk to him."

Yeon Hee sat down besides Seo Ae, "I'll let you in a secret."

"I'm not interested in your story."

Yeon Hee ignored her and told her story anyway,  "Taek Goon and I used to date each other." 

Seo Ae's eyes widened turning towards Yeon Hee with full attention, "What?" 

"Back in University we used to date, but then that bastard used me and stepped all over me. He took my story, you know that one with 2PM. HE TOOK IT and because of that I can never forgive him. I loved him.. I really did but, he just used me. I was so humilated."

"I'm sorry that you got used Yeon Hee," Seo Ae said as she patted her back. 

Yeon Hee smiled, "Thanks. But I don't need your pity. All I need is for you to tell me the truth so I can rip his face apart." 

"What if I told you the truth, how are you going to rip his face apart?"

"Whatever it takes, I'm going to shred his story apart the moment he releases it, I will shut it down. Prove it's false and make him the laughing stock of the whole company. I want to make him realize that he cannot just steal another person's story and love and get away with it." 

Seo Ae had the urge to tell Yeon Hee the truth just to have the girl her ally, but she did not trust Yeon Hee. Yeon Hee used to be her enemy and what if Yeon Hee was just acting? Getting information for Taek Goon? 

"I see, however, like I said I cannot comment on whatever you're asking." 

"I understand, but you must know. When I, Yeon Hee, wants to find something out. I will find it. So, you be careful." 


"I'm going to send Leo to Canada," Joon said as he looked at the members. 

"Are you sure about that?" Seungho asked. 

"I'm positive, if Leo goes to Canada then where are they going to get any stories? Pictures? It's perfect idea." 

"Who is going to be living with him?" Byung Hee asked as he looked at Joon seriously, "Who's willing to go to Canada with him? Don't you know how hard it is to immigrate to Canada?" 

"It might take months to get documents processed as well, hyung," Cheon Doong said.

"My mother can go with him, and I can just pay extra to get it processed even faster!" 

"Your sister needs your mom, she just gave birth," Seungho pointed out. 

"Then what do I do?" 

"You need the reporter's help."

"What?" Joon asked puzzled, "Why do I need that girl's help! She's the one that caused all of this!"

"But she is the only one that can help." 

Joon thought about it, besides his family, Leo's mother and members she was the only one that knew about Leo's existence. He looked at the other members, "What should I do?" 

"Talk to her." 


Seo Ae stared at her cell phone as she combed out her wet hair, "Should I call him?" Shaking her head she decided not to, maybe he was still angry at her.. maybe he even changed his number. She let out a sigh and walked towards her bedroom, leaving the phone behind. Once she was nicely tucked inside her bed and slowly drifting off to unconsciousness, the phone suddenly rang. Darting out of her bed she ran towards the table and picked up the phone, sliding the bar to the left she answered, "Hello?"  There was no reply for a few of seconds, "I know it's you, Joon." 

She heard him sigh, "Hi." 

"Is something wrong?" she asked urgently, "Is Leo okay? Are there paparazzi's at your home?" A million questions flooded into her mind as she thought of the two. 

"Nothing's wrong. Leo's alright and no, there are none." 

She let out a sigh of relief, "That's good to hear." 


There was silence once again, "Are you still mad at me?" 

"Honestly. Yes, I am."

She felt hurt, was she that untrustworthy for him to believe that she'd bait him out like that? 

"But, I need your help." 

"What can I do?" 

"I want you to take Leo, I want you to be his mommy." 

"Excuse me?" 

"You're going to help me right?" 

"Y-yes, of course!" 

"Then I need you to take care of him like he is your own child. I need him to stay with you like how we planned it before this whole mess." 

"But wouldn't that make the matters worse if he stays with me? Taek Goon already thinks that I'm Leo's mother and that your his father. If you were to bring Leo over to my place then wouldn't it give him the chance to confirm the fact that you indeed have a child?"

"Yes, but I'll deny that Leo is my child." 

"What do you mean deny Leo?" 

"If paparazzi's ask, I'm going to say that Leo is not my child." 

"But.. what about Leo's feelings?" 

"He'll resent me, but I do not want him in the spotlight. I will absolutely not allow it." 

"Are you going to explain it to him at least? Give him an idea that you are not totally abandoning him?" 

"There is no time, I'm already bringing him over."

Seo Ae's eyes widened, "What?" 

"He's asleep in the back, I bought all his stuff. I'm going to be at your house in five minutes." 


"I really thank you for this," Joon stated before he hung up. 

Seo Ae placed the phone down on the table, what had just happened. What had she just gotten herself into? 


A/N - how do you like it so faar? is it good? comment!

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KissMeFanny #1
Chapter 11: V I agree with the comment below
Chapter 11: Adopted Leo and get his father as bonus.

Sounds good if thats really happened
satrina7 #3
waaaah this is good, are you going to finish it?
13 streak #4
Great story, leo is cute :) thank you for this story
Chapter 10: Nice story... can't wait for new update.. ^^
Chapter 9: holy update!!!!
its too cute when leo call her mommy ><
exclusivee #7
Chapter 10: It seems weird how he's leave Leo with her and they just met. You could've at least dragged it out a couple months!
Chapter 10: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAH! I HAVE TO SAY, YEON HEE, I LIKE U FOR NOW. Because though you're wrong and clueless, I LOVE U. LOL

SEO AE AND LEO ARE SO CUTE. Him calling Seo Ae mommy. :3 :3 :3 MY BBY BOY!!! Joon being all missy missy, and calling to check up on Leo is TOO CUTE. And then Thunder's all like, "FOO, SLOW YOUR ROLE. HE'S FINE WITH SEO AE!" lmfao

Chapter 10: hoorah for an update.
joon leaving leo is sad
but im more worried for whats
to come to sooae D:
anyways, update soon dear!
Chapter 10: yes!!! an update!! I love this story!! and it was sad when i seen joon part with his son. But anyways! thanks for the update and please update soon!!!