I'm Telling You, Nothing's Wrong

Love Is in the Air


How do I say this? Aish. I should just wait until the proper time comes up.


Did I space out?


“I asked you what you wanted to do today.”

“Oh. Um, I don’t know. Let’s just drive and see where we end up.”

“Sounds fine to me.”

* * *

He laid on the horn. Isn’t that a bit excessive? 

“Idiots! Are you blind? Get the hell out of my way!”

What is wrong with him? He never gets angry like this. Something’s wrong... 

“Aish, did you see that? These idiots don’t know how to drive.”

You looked down at your feet. I wonder if I should say something to him... Or ask him what’s wrong. Maybe I shouldn’t just yet...

* *

“Wow, look how tall the grass is!”

He nodded and sat down on the hood of the car. Now would be perfect to ask him what’s going on... You laid down next to him. The hood of the car was warm, just warm enough to make your skin tingle, but not burn. The weather was absolutely beautiful. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky and the temperature was perfect for shorts and a t shirt. How could anyone be angry on such a beautiful day like today?

“Isn’t it beautiful today, boo?”

He just nodded. What’s his deal? All I get is a nod? You just snapped.

“Okay, Dongwoon, what’s going on?”

He looked at you with his head cocked to the side.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re usually so narcissistic and easy going, but lately you haven’t been. Like yesterday you kept beating yourself up over stupid little stuff that I couldn’t care less about. Then today, you were yelling at the other drivers. You never do that. So, what’s going on?”

“Nothing’s going on. I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not. Just tell me.”

“There’s nothing to tell. Quit getting so worked up over nothing.”

You scoffed.

“Me getting worked up over nothing? That’s more like you!”

He rolled his eyes.

“You’re so hardheaded, it’s impossible with you.”

You narrowed your eyes.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. You’re hardheaded and impossible.”

Your eyes welled with angry tears.

“I hate you.”

You slid off the hood and got in the car, slamming the door as hard as you could. He slid into the driver’s seat.

* * *

Once he had stopped in front of your apartment building, you opened the door and was about to get out, but he grabbed your arm. You looked over at him. His face was streaked with tears. His voice came out barely as a whisper.

“Please don’t go.”

You tried to tug your arm away from him, but he pulled you back.

“Please, just let me show you something.”

What kind of crap is he trying to pull now? Reluctantly, you followed him up to your apartment. He sat down at your desk in front of your computer and started to look something up. What the hell? He stood up and motioned for you to sit down. You rolled your eyes and sat down. The first thing on the screen said,

“You awful girl. You’re so ugly and don’t deserve oppa. We all hate you, you know. You should just go kill yourself. Oppa doesn’t really love you. He loves us, so just go away.”

You kept scrolling, and your eyes were filling up with tears the more you read. All of them said basically the same thing. Except, some were a bit more...lengthy and had much more cursing. How could so many people be so hateful?

“Sweetie, I’m so sorry. I just didn’t want you to have to see all this.”

“So this is what’s been bothering you? Making you act differently?”

“Yeah. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you and I’m sorry I yelled at you. I didn’t mean it. I don’t think you’re impossible or hardheaded either. I love you to bits.”

You sniffled and went into the bathroom, not even bothering to close the door behind you. You stepped into the shower and sat down as the water poured from above, not even caring that you were fully clothed. The warming water seemed to massage your shaking body. The tears couldn’t even flow anymore. As you were about to just fall over and pound on the floor in aguish, the shower door opened and Dongwoon sat down next to you. He wrapped his arm around your shaking shoulders as you allowed yourself to just fall into his shoulder. He kissed your forehead and began to sing Rainy Days, which was your absolute favorite B2ST song. His soft angelic voice and the water pouring from above soothed you to the point where you no longer needed to cry. You sniffled and turned off the shower. Dongwoon hugged you, but you took his face in your hands and kissed him.

“I hate your fans.”

“I know.”

He stepped out of the shower for a moment and came back with a towel, which he wrapped you up in. He picked you up and carried you into your room, setting you on your bed. You stood up, walked over to your closet, and pulled your soaking top over your head. 

“Wha-what are you doing?”

“Changing. Look or don’t, I could honestly not care less. Not like there’s anything to see anyways.”

He sighed and put his hands over his eyes. 

“I think you’re beautiful.”

You blushed and pulled another shirt over your head. He still had his eyes closed as you hugged him from behind.

“You better have a shirt on.”

“I don’t.”

He gasped and spun around. You laughed.


He scowled. You just laughed.

“Close your eyes again.”

He closed his eyes as you changed out of your soaking shorts into a pair of cosy pajama pants. I have a better idea... Feeling mischievous, you grabbed a pair of his boxers out of the drawer of his stuff that stayed in your house and shed your pajama pants for them. They were big on you, but you just thought it was hilarious. 

“You can open your eyes now.”

At just the sight of you, he burst out laughing. 

“Those are so big on you, they might fall down.”

You grinned.

“Just go change already. You’re dripping all over the floor.”

“Should I wear your clothes?”

“I doubt they’d fit you, but do whatever you want.”

You flopped onto the bed facedown while he changed. 

“Alright, I’m done.”

You looked up and were a bit disappointed to find him only in his pajamas. 

“You should have put something of mine on.”

“But girls have cooties.”

You laughed harder than you had in a long time. I got my boo back. 

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Going on hiatus with this fic for a little while. I'll be working on my other one a lot more, so go check it out!


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Kekeke... She's such a force of nature... Kekeke ^^ This was such a cute chapter!!!! Him carrying her bridal style... Kekeke ^^ I can't believe he cooked!!!! And that there was actually enough when he served it to her, he didn't eat while cooking which is what I'd have thought he'd do.
tina43 #2
Hehe the last scene is cute ;) poor her ...
you liar you dongsaenggie...making me think it was a nightmare!!!!meannie!!!!!tsk tsk tsk!!!!but holy fudge!!!!such a cute update!!!!teehee!!!!i luv luv luv the whole bossing around part!!!!teehee!!!!and sis and i do that too!!!!!make each other say please if the other forgot...teehee!!!!aww!!!!'but i already have you'!!!!waaaahhh!!!!and the cuddling in bed!!!!awwww!!!!and he can cook!!!!yaysies!!!!and OMG!!!!THE BEST PART WAS CARRYING HER BRIDAL STYLE!!!!KYAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!...stops spazzfest now...just to saw meannie!!!!teehee!!!!update soon!!!!
oh...yeah...i heard about that...heard lots bout what happened to dbsk during that whole blow up bout the sasaengs...and true...its his 'fans' after all...sigh...
DulciaSomnia #4
iluvdongwoon, ikr? Ugh, the whole JYJ/DBSK sasaeng incident fuels all this stuff about the sasaengs in this

singaporetwins, I know. It's terrible. They hit Changmin with a bag of rocks once >:[ It's only normal for him to feel guilty. Ugh those SASAENGS you mean.

AOKGHAOWEIG... Reading this.... GAHHH!!!! So mad!!!!! Literally seeing red!!!! *Bashes keyboard* Stupid fans!!!! Incoherant right now, so I'll stop here.... YOU TRICKED US!!!! Humph *pouts* Me no like writers who tease (Who am I kidding???? I beg/force sis to)
...blink blink...wide eyes...blink blink...blink blink...blink blink...blink blink...they...beat her up...blink blink...how could they????...how can they hurt someone that badly????...blink blink...darn it!!!!now dongwoons going to think its his fault!!!!please dont tell me hell do something stupid like break up with her or something!!!!...grr those fans...hope they got caught...UPDATE SOON!!!!
DulciaSomnia #7
iluvdongwoon, keke I try ^^

singaporetwins, *sigh* I really wanted to use the car scene to be something cute, but obviously, that didn't happen >_< His iness is just part of his personality! The concert is in Korea. As for all her ideas, YOU'LL SEE. Your spam is appreciated though :O

hellhathfury, I'm still fuming from the DBSK/JYJ sasaeng incidents. Well, he was just upset about all that. Obviously, he's going to be even more angry at them now. YOU'LL SEE. I CAN'T TELL!!! Hahahahahahahaha I fooled you all. THIS WEEKEND ISN'T GOING TO BE FUN AT ALL. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. THE WRITER WINS.
Wahhhh... Hateful fans... Hate you more!!!! But, he still shouldn't have let it affect his behaviour, that'll just make "you" curious as to what's going on. But it's so sweet he was that worried. Kekeke... The ending was just the right amount of funny and cute to balance the beginning ^^ Kekeke... Yay!!!! She's almost survived 6 weeks without him!!!! And she's finally caught up on the rest of her life... Kekeke... Wonder what will happen at the wedding???? BTW... Do the friends know "your" boyfriend is an idol???? He sent her tickets!!!! This weekend's going to be fun ^^