Back to the Past

Like a Drama

Taemin POV


Today was the day I would finally go back to school. It felt weird to think my old life was coming back, and it didn't feel right. In fact, I wasn't sure if I wanted it back. My only friend in the school, Sunkyu, had stopped talking to me. She was probably mad that I was too busy to speak to her. She probably had a whole new life now. 

When I walked into school, all I could hear was the word oppa. All the girls and boys I used to go to school with regularly, and not speak to, suddenly loved me and crowded around me, asking me questions. I blankly smiled, but I wanted to get away from them. I didn't come back to be called oppa some more. I'd already had enough of that. 

So I ran out to the yard to the tree where I always sat with Sunkyu. Did she still sit here? I don't think so. But, I sat down anyway, hoping she would come. I didn't know if she even still went to this school. Maybe she left.

As I started to think of all the bad possibilites, I saw someone sit next to me out of the corner of my eye. I looked over and sitting next to me was a girl. She had hazenut-brown hair, big and round eyes, and red lips. 

Could it be...


Sunkyu's POV


I sat next to him and looked over. He had blonde, shaggy hair and fake double eyelids. Everything about him screamed "celebrity". It annoyed me. I wanted to erase it all. It was my fault. But it wasn't a bad thing for him.

He looked into my eyes for five long seconds and gasped. 

"..... Sunkyu.....?"

"Yeah..." I said, surprised at how low his voice had gotten.

"I.... I thought... I... how... you... I thought you left," He said.

"Well you wouldn't have known, since you never answered my texts or emails," I said, mad. My eyes started to well up with tears so I looked down, my hair covering my face. I was hurt. I did this for him, and he couldn't even thank me by keeping in touch with me? I didn't care if he was THE Lee Taemin. I was hurt. 

"I..." He said, quietly. 

"It's okay. Have fun back at school," I said, walking away.

"Wait...!! Sunkyu!" He said, catching me by the wrist. "Please... Can we talk?"

I was crying, so I couldn't turn around. I couldn't show him how pathetic I was. He didn't need me anyway. He had every girl in the world, on his side. So why even try? "Why," I said, bluntly.

"Because I need you. I missed you so much. I can't explain it. And I'm so sorry. I'm so... so... so... sorr.." He trailed off, sniffling quietly. 

Was he crying? 






I turned around, even though tears were still falling from my eyes, to see him crying as well. So many shawols would kill me if they saw this.

"Please, Sunkyu. Please talk to me," 

"You don't need me. You have every girl in the world. I'm just a stupid nobody. Go talk to Sulli or something," I sobbed.

"I don't like Sulli. And you're my best friend. I do need you. Please. I was stupid not to have talked to you. I acted like a stuck-up celebrity and I want to get away from that persona. I want to be the old Taemin again. I want to be best friends with you again," He said.

I didn't answer. I just sat back down next to him under the tree, crying. He just looked at me. Since when had he gotten so bad at comforting people? He used to be so good at it. 

"... Don't cry.... Sunkyu...." He shyly said.

I still didn't answer.

"Are you still mad at me?" He asked me.

"No. I forgive you," I whispered.

"Really? Thank you. I'm sorry I made you cry like this. I didn't want this to happen..." He said. "I would hug you but I don't know if you're okay with that since... like... I haven't seen you in forev.."

I hugged him before he could finish.




There are no boundaries or limits when it comes to love.



Hey everyone! Thank you so much for reading the first chapter of my new fan fiction! 

I hope you guys like it!

Leave suggestions, questions, or thoughts in the comments, pwease.

Love you all!

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