

The school bell rang just in time to drown out the sound of Yena’s grumbling tummy. She stretched out her arms and let out a huge yawn, “Miss Choi Yena, you just can’t wait to see me out, do you?” their teacher glared at her and the whole class turned their heads to her. Out of embarrassment, Yena shut close and looked down, her hair now blocking her face from view. The teacher sighed, “You can now have your lunch,” he said and before everyone could breathe, “Miss Choi, see me at the faculty room before you go home,” he added then he left the room.

“Damn,” Yena cursed right after the door closed. She scanned the room for her friends only to see most of them trying to hold their laughter. Yujin, who is sitting right in front of Yena, started to giggle and this made everyone in the group burst into laughter. “I hate all of you,” Yena scoffed, “No, you don’t,” Wonyoung said as she left her chair to sit on Yujin’s lap. Yena narrowed her eyes on the couple, “Get a room,” she said before walking away to cling onto her precious Yuri. Chaewon rolled her eyes as she stormed out of the room. 

Seeing their other friend leave without them, the other four ran to catch up. They were running as if it was a race, “Last one to catch up will pay for lunch,” Yujin shouted, “Are you sure? Try to look back and you’ll think twice,” Yena shouted back and Yujin followed what she said. After seeing Wonyoung behind Yuri, Yujin stopped and just stood there until Yena finally caught up to her and said, “Get your wallet ready,” Yena smirked and continue to run with all her might, now holding Yuri’s hand. Yujin sighed and held her hand out for Wonyoung. The other girl looked at Yujin sadly, “Sorry about that,” Wonyoung said before intertwining her fingers with Yujin’s.

Yujin pouted, “You could outrun Yuri, Wonyoung. I know what you did,” upon Yujin’s realization, Wonyoung laughed. The two were walking while cracking up when a ball of paper suddenly hit both of their heads. They turn around to see the culprit only to find Hitomi looking at them with fire in her eyes. Yujin and Wonyoung looked at each other like they were screwed. The two clasped their hands tighter and started preparing themselves. At the count of three, the duo sprinted their way to the cafeteria, neglecting Hitomi’s endless complaints.

As soon as they reached the cafeteria, they immediately sat down on the table where Yena and Yuri were sitting. “Chaewon?” Wonyoung asked as she tried to catch her breath. Yuri tilted her head towards the counter, “She decided to order first,” she answered. Yena tapped Yujin’s shoulder, “Open up your wallet,” Yena smirked but Yujin stuck her tongue out. Without speaking, Yujin pointed at the cafeteria door and Hitomi showed up; cheeks puffed while huffing.

Hitomi walked up to them, stomping and brows furrowed. Yena slowly leaned over the table to talk to Yujin, “Okay, what did you do this time?” she whispered which made Yujin blink nervously, “Not just me. It’s us,” she said and before Yena could ask another question, Hitomi reached their table and slammed her hands on it, “Ouch. That would hurt,” Wonyoung whispered to herself but it was loud enough to be heard. Hitomi glared at her and she immediately broke eye contact and pretended to look around.

“H-hey, Hii-chan. D-did s-someone pinch y-your cheeks h-hard a-again?” Yena stuttered as she tried to strike a conversation but it was a bad decision since Hitomi’s death glare just shifted to her. Yena gave out a nervous laugand the gaze intensified; to which she decided to just zip . Hitomi sat down and took a deep breath before speaking, “All of you had the audacity to leave me there. And you, Ahn Yujin,” Hitomi pointed at Yujin, which took the latter by surprise, “I ain’t paying for your gluttonous mouths anymore,” she said before standing up and walking towards the counter. 

When Hitomi left, the two couples were able to breathe and they all let out a deep sigh. Yuri, being the sanest of the four, broke the silence, “Yena, go buy bread. The three of us will go find strawberry jam,” she ordered and before Yena could complain Yuri raised her index finger, “Go,” she emotionlessly said and started to walk away. Yujin giggled, “Whipped,” she mocked and Yena could only pout as she stood up.

Yuri, Yujin and Wonyoung started thinking of where to buy strawberry jam to please their upset mochi friend. After a couple of minutes, a light bulb seemed to light up on top of Yuri’s head, “Should I call Chaeyeon? University students could easily go in and out of the school gate,” she suggested to which the couple agreed. Yuri dialed Chaeyeon’s number and put in on loudspeaker for the others to hear,

“Hey, Yuri. Sup?” Chaeyeon casually greeted. They heard a little shuffling and a familiar voice spoke, “I miss you guys,” it was Eunbi and they could also hear Chaeyeon’s funny laugh from the other end.

“Can we ask a favor?” Wonyoung asked and she made sure to sound pitiful for the older girls to accept her plea.

They heard Eunbi hum but Chaeyeon thought otherwise, “Hey, we’re on a date right now,” Chayeon said and the three girls heard a thud; they figured Eunbi hit Chaeyeon on her back.

“Yes, Wonyoung, what is it?” Eunbi is now holding the phone because her voice became clearer. They could hear the faint sound of Chaeyeon’s groans.
“We kinda messed up and Hii-chan is mad at us,” Wonyoung said.

“Yena is currently buying bread but you know how much Hii-chan loves strawberries,” Yujin started.
“So we thought if you guys could buy it for us,” Yuri finished.

There was silence and the three girls waited for Eunbi to answer. After a while, they heard Eunbi humming—more like she was trying to tease the three. 

“Please, Eunbi,” Wonyoung had her puppy eyes on even though Eunbi would not see it. She could just hope that it affected her voice in one way or another.

Apparently, Wonyoung still has the charms of being the youngest because Eunbi agreed; disregarding Chaeyeon’s complaints of them not spending much time with each other and how the three just disturbed their hangout. Chaeyeon did not win, though; she only asked for a lot of hits from Eunbi.

Yuri stood up after ending the call and told Yujin and Wonyoung that she will order lunch. She asked them if they want to make her buy their food to which they agreed. Being alone, Yujin and Wonyoung started to drift into their own little world.

“I’m lost,” Yujin said and Wonyoung rolled her eyes.

“What’s with that reaction, Wonyoung?” Yujin asked as she tilted her head to the right and smiling a little—just enough to show her dimples.

Since it was Wonyoung’s favorite thing to do, she poked Yujin’s dimples with her finger and smiled wide afterwards. Her eyes turned into small crescents and Yujin could not help but smile wider. They were both smiling at each other; contented with being each other’s company. They only snapped out of their dream world when they heard a tray being slammed on the table and when they looked over, it was only Chaewon.

“The both of you could go and order lunch now. Leave me alone, please,” Chaewon said with her gaze shifting between the two.

“Nope, we’re good. Yuri ordered for us,” Yujin answered to which Chaewon sighed as she sat down and quietly browsed on her phone.

When Chaewon just had her eyes glued to the screen of her phone, Yujin reached for Wonyoung’s hand and she intertwined their fingers. Wonyoung turned to Yujin, surprised of the latter’s sudden advances,

“Anything wrong?” Wonyoung asked out of concern.

“Yes,” Yujin answered with a straight face. Wonyoung tilted her head with worry written in her eyes.

“What is it?”

“There’s been a lot on my mind lately,” Yujin looked straight into Wonyoung’s eyes; the latter starts getting nervous.

“And?” Wonyoung almost stuttered but she did not.

“And I have been thinking about us,”

Wonyoung waited for Yujin to continue but it was as if the latter wants to hear what she has to say. Her heart started beating faster, unsure of where this conversation would lead. When Wonyoung failed to reply, Yujin continued,

“We’ve been very close and both of us have grown fond of each other. There’s something I’d like to tell you, Wonyoung,” Yujin said and Wonyoung does not see any emotion on her face.

“Hm?” Wonyoung could only hum as she feels her eyes become watery.

“I don’t think I could ever go on without you,” Yujin said and flashed her genuine smile. She waited for Wonyoung to say something back but instead of words, silence was given. Wonyoung only gave her a blank stare; the younger girl is still trying to process what just happened.

“. I think you broke her,” Chaewon commented while eating her salad.

Yujin waved her hand in front of Wonyoung’s face but the latter did not even bother to blink. After a few minutes of Wonyoung just staring out in the open, Yujin started to worry. Yena and Yuri came back yet Wonyoung still did not move.

“What happened?” Yena asked as she sat down next to Yuri.

“Yujin tried to act sweet so Wonyoung’s brain just crashed,” Chaewon answered.

Yujin glared at Chaewon, “Hey,” she said but Chaewon just stuck her tongue out. Yujin turned to Wonyoung again; giving the younger girl all of her attention. She tried poking the latter’s cheeks, even pinching them to get any kind of reaction. When she ran out of things to do, Yujin cupped Wonyoung’s face and her eyes landed on the latter’s plump pink lips. Chaewon, Yena, and Yuri just watched the two while eating their own meals. Yujin started leaning closer and Wonyoung’s eyes grew wider. As reflex, Wonyoung leaned back to distance herself from Yujin and it was a huge mistake because she almost fell out of the chair. Fortunately, Yujin was fast enough to grab her arm and before Wonyoung’s back could hit the ground, the older girl pulled her closer and they end up hugging each other.

Wonyoung’s grip on Yujin’s shirt tightened and her heart beat faster due to the adrenaline rush brought by the shock. Yena whistled, Yuri giggled, and Chaewon snickered as the two still did not pull away. It took some time for them to process what had happened and Wonyoung was the first one to break the hug. Wonyoung was just about to speak when Hitomi suddenly appeared, slamming her tray on the table and forcing Wonyoung to move closer to Yujin so that she could sit.

Knowing that Wonyoung will not speak any time soon, Yujin decided to get their food and put Wonyoung’s in front of the younger girl. The group started eating silently. When only the sound of their utensils can be heard, Yena decided to break the silence, “What’s with this awkwardness?” she said,

“I’m still mad,” Hitomi said but the other five could not take her seriously because of her cheeks which are now a shade of red due to the hot weather.

“Look, we didn’t mean to leave you at the classroom. Chaewon stormed out of the room and we just ran after her,” Yena explained but she zipped right after because Hitomi glared at her. Losing hope, she took out the bread she bought for compensation. Upon seeing her favorite food, Hitomi’s face lit up and her mood suddenly turned bright.

“Thanks,” Hitomi muttered before ditching her lunch and eating the bread instead. The other girls could only smile at her actions. While the others were busy admiring Hitomi’s cuteness, Yujin tapped Wonyoung’s arm which made the latter turn.

Before Wonyoung could look away and avoid her again, Yujin started speaking, “Did I say anything wrong? Are you mad?”

“No,” the younger girl shook her head.

“Then why are you suddenly acting weird?”

“Because you said something weird,”

“I did?”

“Yes and it almost gave me a heart attack,” Yujin tilted her head upon Wonyoung’s reply.

Having read Yujin’s mind, Wonyoung proceeded, “I actually thought you were going to break up with me,” she pouted and Yujin’s eyes widened, “And why would I want that?” Yujin moved closer to Wonyoung and made the latter face her, “Look, I’m sorry if I made you worry but breaking up is the last thing I’ll ever think of. You make me the happiest, Wonyoung; and I would be a fool if I let you go,” sincerity filled Yujin’s eyes and Wonyoung felt relief.

The two girls were caught in a trance brought by their stares. Their friends looked at them in awe, except for Chaewon, who cleared , “Way to go, love birds,” she said as she rolled her eyes and continued eating. Hearing Chaewon’s remarks, Yujin and Wonyoung looked at her and laughed because Chaewon was frowning so much.

“We told you to get a girlfriend already but you never listen,” Yujin stuck her tongue out.

“Actresses can also date—if ever you’re forgetting that,” Wonyoung added.

Yena was about to make fun of Chaewon, wanting to add more fuel to the fire, but the latter raised her fork and pointed it to them. Yena gulped, Yujin’s smile slowly faded, and Wonyoung moved closer to Yujin. “Once I become an actress, I’ll surely audition for a film that involves murder. Want to help me practice?” Chaewon smiled—the smile that would send chills all over your body—and the three just shut their mouth.

Hitomi laughed, her face still stuffed with bread making her cheeks puffier, “Brave of you guys to assume Chaewon will follow your advices,” she commented making Yujin, Wonyoung, and Yena narrow their eyes at her.

“Brave of you to assume that bread is still okay. Remember how I never check for expiration dates?” Yena said and Hitomi’s smile slowly wore off. She stopped chewing and looked for the expiration date of the bread she is currently eating. She stood up, preparing herself to strangle Yena in case the bread is indeed expired. She saw what she was looking for and was ready to head lock Yena to force her into eating the bread; but, the bread was still okay and still had a few months to live. Hitomi hit Yena’s head and the latter complained.

The group was quietly eating lunch when they heard familiar voices calling out their names. They looked over to the door and saw an overjoyed Eunbi and sulking Chaeyeon walking towards them. When they already reached the group’s table, Eunbi put the strawberry jam the kids asked her to buy and gestured for the other girls to move so they could sit. 

Hitomi’s eyes were glued to the strawberry jam and she looked at Eunbi with puppy eyes. Knowing what the younger girl wanted to say, Eunbi just nodded and smiled as Hitomi reached for the strawberry jam and proceeding to hug it like it was her baby. Chaeyeon then cleared , “Now that we delivered that troublesome jam, can we please go and continue our date?” Chaeyeon put her hand on Eunbi’s shoulder. Eunbi just looked at Chaeyeon and the younger girl knew there is nothing she could do about it so she just sighed.

As Chaeyeon sat beside Chaewon, the latter leaned to her, “Break up before it’s too late. She’s taking control of your life. This is a friendly advice; take it or leave it,” Chaewon whispered but she noticed Eunbi was looking at her, “Shut up or I’ll break your bones,” the older girl said while giving Chaewon a cold glare. Chaeyeon leaned towards Chaewon and whispered, “Stop talking before it’s too late. She’s going to rid you of life. This is a friendly advice; take it or leave it,” Chaeyeon quietly giggled as she used Chaewon’s words against the latter. Chaewon just sighed—accepting defeat and continuing to eat.

Eunbi turned her attention to the other girls, “How’s everything? It’s been a long time since we last gathered,” she said and all other girls started talking at once. “Shush. One by one, sheesh,” Chaeyeon scoffed and Eunbi kicked her from under the table.

Hitomi spoke first, “They left me at the classroom earlier,” she said and Eunbi frowned as her brows met. The eldest turned to the other girls, “You guys did what?” she slowly asked and her tone was very scary. Yena raised her hand, “In our defense, Chaewon left first so we followed. We did not know that Tomi didn’t follow,” she tried to explain but the older girl just stared at her blankly. Hitomi watched as the other girls got scolded by Eunbi. Even the youngest, Wonyoung, was not an exception.

“You saw her already but still chose to run for your life to the cafeteria,” Eunbi raised her voice after learning that Yujin and Wonyoung ran away when Hitomi showed up.

“You should’ve seen her eyes. She was ready to kill us,” Yujin said and Wonyoung just nodded.

Eunbi hit their heads, “You could’ve just stopped and explained your side. She only threw paper at you guys. It’s not like it will suddenly turn into grenades,” they just sighed and said sorry, knowing that they will never win against Eunbi.

Yuri cleared , “Apart from the mess earlier, we’re doing well. How about you guys? How’s Gaeun, too?” she asked and Eunbi sat properly. 

“We are barely surviving but we’re having fun, nonetheless. Chaeyeon and I always hangout—“ Eunbi did not finish what she was saying when Chaeyeon cut her off, “How often do you define always?” she asked Eunbi but she was only given a glare so she just rolled her eyes and leaned on her seat.

“As I was saying, Chaeyeon and I are always together—except, of course, when we are in class. We rarely see Gaeun but whenever we bump into each other at the hallway, we would usually chat. Conversations don’t usually last long, though. Oh, and she said Sakura misses us and she also wants us to know that our cherry blossom will visit us on her vacation,” Eunbi said and everyone clapped in excitement.

“Remember when Chaeyeon had this big fat crush on Sakura?” Yena said, wanting to tease Chaeyeon, but it was a huge mistake because the lid of the strawberry jam that Hitomi just opened went flying to her and it hit her head. She was scratching the part hit by the lid when she saw Eunbi looking at her with fire lighting up the older girl’s eyes. Yena smiled nervously, “Or maybe not. You’re both happy now, anyway,” she laughed to shake the tension off but Eunbi does not stop staring her down, “Watch your mouth, Choi Yena,” Eunbi warned and Yena could only nod. Yuri weakly hit Yena’s arm after the latter put her head down.

Wonyoung politely raised her hand, “It’s about time for afternoon classes. We need to get going,” she said and even though it is against their will, they bid their goodbyes to their older friends and parted ways. 

Yujin and Wonyoung walked side by side. The former locked their hands together and swayed it. Yujin made sure to hit Yena, who is walking in front of them, every time their hands swing close to the older girl. When Yena noticed that the two is hitting her on purpose, she turned around, “Stop,” she looked at the two but they did not seem to take Yena’s warning seriously because they were trying to hold their laughter. Seeing the two youngest girls try to keep their laughs to themselves, Yena just started cracking up. 

“We knew you will never get mad at us,” Yujin said and Yena just shook her head while laughing. They reached their room and took their seats. Their teacher was not there yet and since Wonyoung’s seatmate was not around, Yujin temporarily sat on their seat.

“Yes?” Wonyoung asked as Yujin rested her chin on her right hand that is on the table. 


“It’ll be time any moment. Go back to your seat,”

“I don’t want to,”

“Yujin,” Wonyoung looked at her seriously.

“I’ll go back once your seatmate comes or our boring Math teacher comes,”

“Why are you even here?”

“I missed you,” Yujin blinked and pouted.

“We were together just a few minutes ago,”

“Can’t you just answer properly whenever I try to be sweet,” Yujin pouted more and she turned away from Wonyoung as she rested her head on the table.

Wonyoung wrapped her arms around Yujin’s waist, her head now resting on the older girl’s right arm. Yujin felt ticklish as she felt Wonyoung’s breath on her ear.

“Sorry. I’m not used to you trying to sweet talk me,” Wonyoung said and Yujin raised her head. She looked over to her right side and she could feel her face heating up because she and Wonyoung were so close to each other. Their noses are touching and they could feel each other’s breath.

Wonyoung smiled, “I love you,” it only took three words to make Yujin lose her mind. Before Yujin could reply, someone tapped her shoulder and when she turned, it was Wonyoung’s seatmate so she just stood up and quietly went back to her seat. 

Afternoon classes lasted like years but Yujin and Yena just slept through all of them. When the bell rang just in time for dismissal, Yujin and Yena almost snapped their heads because the suddenly raised them. Yujin had her hand on her nape to try and alleviate the pain when she suddenly felt another pair of hands on top of hers. She tried to look over to whose it is but her neck hurts so much. The other person put Yujin’s hands down and started to blow on Yujin’s neck which resulted to the latter leaning forward. Yujin then felt arms on her belly and now she knows who the person behind her is—it was Wonyoung.

The younger girl rested her head on Yujin’s shoulder, “Does it hurt so much?” Wonyoung asked and Yujin wanted to nod but she felt an electrifying pain trying to do the action so she just answered yes in words. Wonyoung stood up to see a clearer view of Yujin’s face and again, their faces were so close. Wonyoung was pouting and worry is written all over her face. Yujin smiled, showing her dimples, to assure Wonyoung that she will be okay. Wonyoung helped Yujin fix her things and their group started leaving for home. 

While walking with their group of friends, Yujin and Wonyoung are holding hands again. It was more of a habit than a necessity. Yujin wanted to look at their intertwined fingers but she could not because her neck hurts like hell. She raised their hands and Wonyoung looked at her with confusion, “Let’s stay like this forever,” Yujin said while staring at their hands. Wonyoung’s grip tightened, “We will and that is a promise,” they looked at each other and smiled. At that moment, everything seemed so perfect; it was as if everything fell into their right place. Not once have they ever thought that challenges are about to come their way.

A month went by and the group is now busy preparing for their college exams. While at the cafeteria, the couples are sitting together while Chaewon and Hitomi watch them. After just a month, many things have changed and fortunately, they have been for the better. It was only recently that Hitomi told the group about her relationship with Miu and how they were together for a long time but she did not bother telling the others because she was scared. The group, however, told Hitomi that it was fine and she did not have to be fearful of how they would react. Long distance relationships were not something new to the group as Gaeun and Sakura maintains their relationship despite being in two different countries. The group’s friendship proved to be strong when Sakura revealed that she knows about the relationship, everyone understood and they were happy that she keeps in touch with a close friend. This rid the group of the worry that Sakura might be lonely even though she is currently residing in her real country. Within the little time that the rest of the group knew Miu, they have grown fond of the girl and Hitomi felt grateful.

Despite Chaewon’s attempts to show how disgusted she is of her friends—deep inside, though, she is happy for them—the couples always manage to get back at her. Feeling outnumbered, Chaewon decided to turn to Hitomi for help but before she could speak, the latter’s phone started to ring. Chaewon rolled her eyes as Hitomi picked up the call from her girlfriend. Now defeated, Chaewon turned her attention to her phone but she kept her ears open to listen to the conversation of the couples in front of her.

“What do you guys plan on doing for the future?” Yena asked.

“That sounds so cheesy,” Yujin teased and Yena started turning red due to the embarrassment.

“It’s not,” Yena tried to defend herself, “You speak of being cheesy when you and Wonyoung is seen as the best couple in town. Holding hands in the middle of the cafeteria, really?” the pouty duck whined. Yujin, being Yujin, intertwined her fingers with Wonyoung more and made sure that Yena could see it, “Can’t do it, can you?” Yujin taunted Yena but what happened next surprised them.

Yena took Yuri’s hand and intertwined their fingers. The latter was surprised and her face was as red as the roses Yujin gave Wonyoung when she confessed to the younger girl. Seeing Yuri’s reaction, the beagle couple laughed, “Yena, take it easy. Yuri might explode,” Wonyoung laughed and Yujin turned to her for a high five. Ever since Yena and Yuri became a thing, Wonyoung and Yujin would always tease the hell out of them—it became a habit of theirs. Yena and Yujin just sighed and they started to enter their own little world leaving Wonyoung and Yujin alone with each other.

They both looked at each other; Yujin’s eyes slowly turning into crescents as her lips curve into a smile,
“I cannot believe I have the world in my hands,” Yujin looked at her hand holding Wonyoung’s. Upon realizing what the older girl just said, Wonyoung started making inaudible noises due to the cringe she is feeling at the moment.

“That’s the worst thing you’ve ever said,” Wonyoung told Yujin but the latter replied with laughter.

When she has recovered from laughing, Yujin turned to the younger girl, “What do we do in college, Wonyoung?”

“Why are you asking me? I’ll be taking fashion design so I could start up my own clothing line,”

“Then I’ll take that, too!” Yujin ecstatically said but Wonyoung frowned at her, “Why is your face like that?” Yujin asked to which Wonyoung pouted, “Come on, Yujin. Don’t you have a dream for yourself?”

“I do. Wherever you go, I’ll go,”

“Not that,”

“Then what?”

“Have you ever thought of what you want to be in the future? What do you want to do? Try not to include me first,” upon hearing the last sentence that Wonyoung said, Yujin was about to argue but the younger girl put her index finger on the older girl’s plump lips, “Come on, Yujin. I know you wanted to be someone,” the younger girl insisted and Yujin could only sigh in defeat.

“I want to be a teacher but that would mean I wouldn’t be in the same college as you are,”


“I don’t like it anymore,”

“Do you really?”

The two stared at each other for a long time before Yujin finally admits, “I was kidding. I can’t lie, can I?” Wonyoung tightened her grip on their intertwined fingers and flashed the older girl a smile, “Do what you want. College is just a few years of being apart. We could meet during breaks and we could also communicate through video calls and all that. Look at Sakura and Gaeun. They are on different countries but they keep in touch. If they could do it, then we most probably could, too,” Wonyoung assured Yujin to which the latter agreed, “Okay then. For you, I’ll make my dreams come true,” Yujin promised.

From that day on, love only grew for the two. They were sure that they were each other’s destiny—that one way or another, whatever comes their way, they will end up together. They were so in love that the rest of the world did not matter. To Wonyoung and Yujin, it was just the two of them.

A few more months passed by and the group took their college exams. After countless sleepless nights, the day they all have been waiting for has finally arrived. Wonyoung continued to apply to the most prestigious fashion school in South Korea while Yujin took her chances at one of the leading institutions that mold future educators. They both studied hard for this faithful day and when they finished, they could only close their eyes and release the burden they kept in their hearts before today. They met at one of their favorite cafés and had a date. There, they talked about how difficult the exam was but they did not forget encouraging each other. They were each other’s pillars; a source of strength, their foundation that keeps them standing.

When they were finally getting their results, Yujin stayed over Wonyoung’s place so that they could check their e-mails together. As soon as they got a notification of a new e-mail, they both looked at each other before holding each other’s hands and clicking open. Seeing that they both got accepted, they jumped in joy and cheered. Finally, they are one step closer to their dreams; however, this marks their first major challenge as a couple. Mentally preparing themselves for college, Yujin and Wonyoung were sure they could get through a few years of college without physically seeing each other every single day.

After a few weeks of joy and happiness, Yujin suddenly became distant. It was unusual since she greets and talks to everyone in the group except Wonyoung. The younger girl felt sad but she still tried to talk to Yujin again. Whenever Yujin is alone, Wonyoung tries to talk to her but the former dismisses their conversation by saying she is busy. When they accidentally go out of the classroom door at the same time, Yujin would be rushing to go outside. Although the reason is unknown to her, Wonyoung kept on trying but Yujin shuts her down every single time. Eventually, the younger girl grew tired and she turned to Hitomi for comfort.

In Hitomi’s arms, Wonyoung cried her eyes out. She let out every frustration that she felt. Despite the different questions running through her mind, Wonyoung continued to understand Yujin more. She thought that there must be something up since the older girl would not shun her just like that. Wonyoung faced the biggest challenge of her life—pretend that Yujin does not exist. 

The pretense went on for days, until it became weeks, and finally, the day of the graduation came. Yujin and Wonyoung still have not talked but their relationship with the group was still the same. It was just the two of them who did not bother asking how each other was. For their graduation, Wonyoung was awarded as class valedictorian. She would be lying if she said she did not expect Yujin to congratulate her. She waited on the day of the announcement for Yujin to come up to her; but the latter never did.

Today is now their graduation day and the group are wearing their togas and caps. They were happily smiling while taking pictures before the start of the ceremony. Again, Wonyoung and Yujin did not bother to bat an eye at each other. The ceremony started and the graduates started to walk down the aisle. Wonyoung was the last one to enter and she swear she saw Yujin looking at her; the older girl was smiling, her dimples were showing. When Wonyoung tried to stealthily look at Yujin’s direction, the older girl started shifting her gaze from left to right. Wonyoung wants to know what was wrong but the only thing in her mind right now is that she needs to be happy because she is finally graduating with her friends. Yujin and Wonyoung can still solve their issues after the ceremony is over so the latter chooses to live by the moment.

Wonyoung got called on stage for her speech. She cleared and started it by greeting the honorable guests, faculty, staff, and parents that were present. She then proceeded to tell stories about their class and batch. In between the funny memories she retold, Wonyoung would give words of wisdom to which the audience receives with a clap. Before she ended her speech, Wonyoung was about to mention her friends one by one but she remembered that if she does that, she has to mention Yujin’s name or else it would be awkward to leave her out. Not wanting to face a dilemma, Wonyoung resorted to generalizing her group of friends as friends.

When the ceremony was over, Wonyoung took pictures with her friends. She made sure that she was able to freeze this moment in a photograph. She approached every single one of them until only one person was left—Yujin. At this point, Wonyoung does not even know if she and Yujin is still a thing or if the latter called their relationship off without informing her. One thing is for sure: this is the last chance for Yujin to come up to Wonyoung and tell her what they are currently. Today is the last day that Wonyoung would hope that there is still something between them. 

Wonyoung looked around to see if Yujin is anywhere to be seen. She tried looking for the older girl’s parents but they, too, were nowhere to be found. Wonyoung sighed; she has been disappointed yet again. With heavy steps, she travelled to the locker room to empty her locker. As she opened it, a white envelope fell out and she immediately picked it up. Her heart started racing as she recognized the handwriting on it. While staring at the envelope, Wonyoung was taken aback when she saw little drops of water falling on the envelope; she was crying. Wonyoung put the letter aside and started to clear out her locker. When all of her things were finally inside the box that she brought, she saw the letter again; now alone in the locker that was once full of her stuff. With a deep breath, Wonyoung took the letter and slowly opened it.

To. My Wonyoung

Hi. I don’t know how to start letters nor how to write them but for you, I am doing this. I am sorry if you feel like I have ignored you for the past month. I was confused and mad. My dad tried to match me with the daughter of one of his colleagues. I did not want to meet her so my dad started throwing a fit (kidding, he was on rage). He told me that if I will not agree to his terms, he could easily ruin you. I was scared because I know what he was capable of. You were doing great at school and had a clear plan of your future so I could not risk that. I did not want to be selfish.

It has been a month and we are graduating. Although, by the time you read this, we have graduated. I am proud of you, Wonyoung. I am grateful that I have shared my senior year with you. And with the rest of the group, our whole high school life. You are a very special person to me. You really mean a lot. When we were together, I always lived in the moment. When we are not, I would always look forward to spending time with you again. You set my goals straight and I am very thankful. If not for you, I would not have known the value of true happiness. You pushed me to the path I wanted. Even though it meant being away from you for quite some time, you still insisted that I take it. I am going to be a good teacher who would guide her students to follow what their heart really desires.

Avoiding you was hard. You know that, right? I resisted so many times to hug you and tell you that I still love you. You kept asking me what you did wrong but I did not answer. I did not even turn to you. I am very sorry for hurting you. You do not deserve that treatment. I do not deserve you. I know that you kept on crying yourself to sleep. I could see it I your eyes. One day, you stopped bothering me and I did not know what to feel. I was relieved because things would be easier but at the same time I felt uneasy. I started doubting but I reminded myself that it is for the better.

I hurt you. I am not denying that. Before anything else, I just want to say that I only want the best for you. Good luck with college! I know you will ace it and be a successful fashion designer. With your skills and determination, I am pretty sure you could start your own company and make it grow. You will reach heights, Wonyoung. I believe in you so I hope you believe in yourself, too. If ever you end up hating me for suddenly keeping distance, I would fully understand.

The time I spent with you was time well spent. I will never regret any of those. If I were to relive my life again, I would keep choosing you. Wonyoung, you made me feel like I could do everything if I had the will to. You were there to cheer for me when I did not trust my capabilities. You pushed me to my limits only for me to find out that I could transcend. You turned me into a better person. You did not just love me—you also cared for me.

If it is not too much to ask, can we meet by the tree near the track? I will wait for you there until I do not know. Maybe until I want to? Until I decide to give up? If you have moved on or had enough of me, just do not show up. It would be torture to see you come and get my hopes up only to hear you tell me that we are over. I may have avoided you for no reason (on your point of view) but my heart still wants you. I will wait, Wonyoung. I will stay there until my heart could handle. I love you. I always have and always will. Sorry for causing you too much pain. If this is goodbye, then I am letting you go. Thank you for the best days of my life.

If this really is goodbye...

For the last time, I love you, Jang Wonyoung. I love you.

PS. I know that one day you will fall in love with someone new; but if he or she breaks your heart like lovers do, just know that I will be waiting here for you.


Tears started streaming down Wonyoung’s face. Her legs felt weak causing her to fall down on her knees. She gripped the letter and envelope so tight that it started to crumple under her palm. Wonyoung bit her lower lip to contain the sobs that were about to escape. She breathed; intermittently inhaling and exhaling until she calmed down. Wonyoung wiped the tears off of her face and looked at the letter again. Yujin had reasons and Wonyoung kind of hates herself for doubting. She was on the verge of giving up but knowing that the older girl still wants to continue what they have, she decided to meet up. Grasping the letter, Wonyoung ran to the supposed meeting place; her heart thumping and mind silently panicking.

As she got near the tree, she could see a familiar frame standing by it and looking at the track. She made sure her steps were light. Slowly, she approached the person that seemed to be standing for too long. When she got closer, Wonyoung wrapped her arms around the older girl’s waist, locking her in a back hug.

A familiar scent reaches Yujin’s nose and she smiles in response. She puts her hands on top of Wonyoung’s. Suddenly, tears started to travel down her cheeks. Yujin sobbed uncontrollably and this caused Wonyoung to fail at holding back her tears. They just stood there; crying silently in each other’s arms. Wonyoung buried her face deeper into Yujin’s back as the latter looked up to stop her tears from falling further. They kept on trying to stop their tears but all was a failed attempt. 

Yujin loosened Wonyoung grip, allowing her to turn around and face the younger girl properly. With Wonyoung’s hand still on her waist, Yujin cupped the younger girl’s face and made the latter look at her, “I’m glad you came,” Yujin said in between her sobs. Wonyoung’s eyes were red from crying too much; Yujin’s were in the same state. Wonyoung opened to speak; trying to calm herself down so that she would say the words clearly, “I’m sorry,” was all she could say before crying hard again.

Seeing Wonyoung shed a lot of tears, Yujin pulled the younger girl closer to her. She hugged her tight; an assurance that she will never let go and that she will always be there to protect her. Yujin rubbed Wonyoung’s back while hushing the younger girl’s sobs. With this gesture, Wonyoung only cried harder. 

She missed this. 

She sought Yujin’s warmth; every day was different without having to rest in the older girl’s arms. She craved for Yujin’s touch; everyday she would feel empty without holding the older girl's hands. She yearned for Yujin’s voice; everyday she was deafened without hearing the older girl’s reassuring words. Most of all, she longed to have Yujin again by her side; everyday she would cry herself to sleep without the older girl’s comfort.

A month seemed like a lifetime. What Wonyoung thought to be the end turned out to be the start of a new chapter. The first part of their story has ended; today, they will start anew. 

It took a couple of minutes before Wonyoung calmed herself down and pulled away. Yujin gave her a small smile and proceeded to hold the younger girl’s hand and pulling her to the bench beside the tree. Yujin sat down and Wonyoung followed suit.

Yujin intertwined their fingers, “What were you apologizing for? I should be the one who is sorry, Wonyoung,”

“I doubted you. I hated you. I tried to understand but I grew tired. I was ready to let you go, Yujin,” Wonyoung looked at Yujin and her tears streamed down again.

“Please don’t cry,” Yujin said as she wiped Wonyoung’s face.

“I’m sorry for misunderstanding you, Yujin. I should’ve been more persistent,” Wonyoung apologized again and this led Yujin to shake her read repeatedly.

“No, you did nothing wrong. It was bound to happen with what I did. I owe you some explanation,” Yujin said and Wonyoung looked at her.

Yujin cleared , “Like what I wrote in that letter, this mess started with my dad wanting to expand our business with one of his partners. Since his partner’s daughter likes girls, too, my dad thought it would be the perfect idea to use me for our business. I snapped at him but he snapped harder. He knew about us and told me if I won’t follow him then you won’t have any dreams to follow. I got scared when he started dragging you to our fight. I know what he can do so I just shut my mouth and stormed off. The next day, I really wanted to talk to you about what just happened but before I got off the car, he told me that he has eyes watching every move I make at school. He said, unless I assure him that I will meet with his partner’s daughter, he will not approve of us interacting or being friends. I’m sorry I gave in that easily. I just couldn’t risk being happy while I know your happiness is on the line. That same day, when my dad picked me up, he said he is proud of me for finally understanding him and being mature enough in handling my problems. He told me that he set up a date for me and his partner’s daughter by the weekend. I just agreed so he would shut up. You know what hurt the most during that time, Wonyoung?” Yujin paused as a lone tear escaped her eyes, “My dad never told me he was proud of me. He never uttered those words before. It hurts because I realized that my dad only cares about his reputation and business; not me. I am his daughter but I feel like I’m just some investment for him,” Wonyoung held Yujin’s hands tighter as more tears fell down the older girl’s eyes, “Weekend came and I met the daughter of his partner. She was pretty; no doubt about that. It was awkward at first but she decided to break the ice. She straight up told me that it was against her will to meet up with me and that she does not want anything to do with me. She said that she resents her father for forcing her into that date and threatening her to transfer schools if she does not obey. Apparently, we were stuck in the same situation and we had no other choice but to follow our father’s orders. She also has a bestfriend, well, that’s how she put it up but I know it was something more than that, and they were very close. Our fathers became close and that’s how they came up with the stupid plan of setting us up to make their businesses bigger. Since we could relate to each other, we started talking and we became comfortable with each other. We knew that our fathers have eyes around us during that time, too, so we acted like we are really getting to know each other. The day ended and I earned a new friend. Her name is Minju, by the way,” Yujin sniffed and Wonyoung put her free hand on top of their intertwined fingers. 

“Minju kept me company when I couldn’t talk to you. Even though I met up with her, my dad was still worried that you would keep me distracted and that you will become a hindrance to his almost successful business expansion. I really wanted to talk to you, Wonyoung. I really really really wanted to hug you and tell you everything is okay. I am sorry for hurting you so much. It is torture seeing your eyes swollen whenever you come to school. Despite what has happened, I only admired you more,” Wonyoung tilted her head at what Yujin just said, “I was worried that I would distract you from your studies. I thought I would affect you so much that you would put aside studying but I was wrong. You were capable of everything after all. I am proud of you, Wonyoung. I was happy seeing you outperform everyone in class even if you are going through a tough time. The day you were announced as class valedictorian, I wanted to hug and congratulate you just like how the others did. I actually took a step closer to you but I realized that I might regret it after. I talked to Minju the night that followed and she slapped me with reality about how dumb I was for not congratulating you. She said that I’m putting up too much of an act and that I am hurting you further. She actually pushed me to talk to you today. I said that would be impossible because my dad would obviously keep us apart but she said that she will find a way. The next day, my dad told me over dinner that he cannot join us to eat after the graduation ceremony because he and Minju’s dad will have a meeting for the business. At first, my mom did not agree but knowing how stubborn my dad was, she gave up. I called Minju immediately and asked her if she had anything to do with the sudden meeting between our fathers and she said I owe her one. She also advised that if I cannot get close to you during the ceremony to talk, might as well do it after. I wrote that letter last night and put all of my hopes in it. I explained everything in case you wanted to call everything off. If you did not come, I would understand, Wonyoung. Even though I will leave when my dad suddenly decides to pick me up since it is late, I would have waited for you still,” Yujin looked at Wonyoung intensely, “I love you, Wonyoung. I know I failed to show that and my promises seemed to be empty words because of what I just did. I am sorry it took me some time before I gathered the courage to face you and clear everything,”

Wonyoung reached for Yujin’s cheeks, “I love you too, Yujin. It’s okay to be fearful of things sometimes. I was scared too but I am happy that I opened your letter and look at us now. Whatever challenge might come our way, let us not falter. We are about to enter college in a few months, Yujin. We will be apart but this problem just made our relationship stronger, right? We have a lot to learn and more things will come to break us but let us not leave each other hanging,” they hugged each other again.

The two of them started catching up until the clouds were painted with red and orange. The sun was setting and their parents started calling them, asking where they were. They stood up and walked to the school’s gate, where their parents were waiting. They were holding each other’s hands and were ready to be honest about their relationship.

As they approached their families, Yujin’s mom looked at her with surprise but Yujin was quick to shush her before she could say anything, “Mom, I don’t care what dad has to say nor how he will react but I want to make things official with Wonyoung now,” Yujin bravely said.

Wonyoung then turned to her family, who were just smiling at her, “Well, you guys know what’s up so I don’t know if I have some explaining to do,” Wonyoung laughed and her parents just hugged her and Yujin.

Yujin looked at her mom expectantly, “Mom?” 

“I’ll be the one to talk to your father. I’m happy that you are happy and doing what you think is right,” Yujin teared up at what her mom said. She took a step closer to hug her mom and cried. When Yujin pulled away and was wiping her face, Yujin’s mom went over to Wonyoung, “Thank you for making our Yujin happy, Wonyoung. Also, thank you for insisting that she follows her dreams. She only listens to you,” Yujin’s mom chuckled and so did Wonyoung. They hugged right after and Wonyoung felt lighter.

Ten years after…

Wonyoung is woken up by the warm light of the sun finding its way to her cheeks through the drapes. She opens her eyes and reaches out her arm only for it to find a soft pillow and not someone she expected. She got up and walked out of their room while rubbing her eyes. As she got down the stairs, she heard noises and laughter from the dining area so she went there. 

“Oh, Wonyoung! You’re finally awake,” a familiar voice said and Wonyoung, having her eyes half-opened, heard running and before she could react, she was locked in a hug and a kiss was planted on her cheek. She smiled at the gesture and she looked at Yujin.

“Yujin calm down. It’s so early in the morning, sheesh,” Yena commented and Yuri hit her, “Let them be. You’re worse than Yujin,” Yuri said and Yena just scratched her nape.

Wonyoung sat down with the three and started eating the breakfast the she figured Yuri prepared.
“So, what are your plans for your wedding?” Yuri opened the topic and the two younger girls just looked at each other.

“We wanted to keep it simple but I ended up getting scolded by Minju,” Yujin said as she pouted.

“You wouldn’t be scolded if you didn’t say,” Wonyoung paused to clear , “Just a simple ceremony will do. Saying our vows and a kiss then done,” Wonyoung said as she mimicked Yujin’s voice.

“Hey, isn’t that what happens on weddings?” Yujin innocently asked and Yena stood up just so she could hit the younger girl.

“No, dummy. Did you just sleep during my wedding?” Yena asked and Yujin laughed nervously. Yuri sighed, “Glad you have Minju with the planning, Wonyoung,” Yujin glared at Yuri.

“Yeah. She is an event organizer and she does her job well,” Yujin turned her glare to Wonyoung.

“Shouldn’t I be involved in the planning too?”

“You should but you at planning,” Wonyoung looked at Yujin and Yena and Yuri tried to hold their laughter.

Yena made a sizzling sound, “And one point for Wonyoung,” she commented and Yujin kicked her leg from under the table. Yena growled at her but it was no use because Yujin just stuck her tongue out. Yujin’s phone started to ring and Minju’s name appeared on screen. She answered it and put it on loudspeaker, “Hey, Minju!”

“Hello, can I talk to Wonyoung? She isn’t answering her phone,” 

“Hi, Minju. I left my phone in our room,” Wonyoung said and Yujin looked at her phone dumbfounded.

“Wonyoung, can we meet up later? I think I just planned out your wedding perfectly,” Minju excitedly said and before Wonyoung could speak, Yujin did, “Only Wonyoung?” she asked, “Yes,” Minju answered and Yujin could imagine the older girl’s straight face.

“Minju, one point, Yujin, zero,” Yena whispered to which Yujin answered with another kick.

“Sure. Just text me the address of the place and time. I’ll be there,” Wonyoung said and Minju said good bye before ending the call.

“I can’t believe I really don’t have any say on this,” Yujin started whining so Wonyoung cupped her face, “You do your thing and make sure the group is complete on our special day,” Wonyoung said to comfort the older girl and like a good puppy, Yujin nodded her head.

Yena and Yuri excused themselves and left the two alone. Looking back at what happened ten years ago, the couple would not have thought that they would end up together. Yujin became a teacher and her students love her while Wonyoung became a fashion designer and is currently the president of her own company. The rest of the group was doing fine as well; happy with their own careers and partners. 

“Can you believe that we are actually getting married soon?” Yujin asked Wonyoung.

“Yes. I always believed we would end up together, Yujin,”

“Thank you for putting up with me all these years,”

“Save the drama for your vows,” Wonyoung laughed as she stood up and pinched Yujin's nose before she fixed her dishes.

Yujin followed Wonyoung to the kitchen as the latter did the dishes. The older girl s her arms around the younger girl’s waist whilst she was washing the dishes, “Stop being so sweet. I’m doing something,”

“Then stop doing it and just cuddle with me,”

“It’s just the dishes, Yujin. I’ll finish it fast,”


“I said wait,” Wonyoung insisted but her pace became faster as she hurriedly finished washing the dishes. When she was done, she held Yujin’s hand and dragged her to the living room. When they were there, the sat down and Yujin put her arm around Wonyoung as the younger girl leaned on her chest. Wonyoung closed her eyes and Yujin did the same. They stayed in that position for a long time until Wonyoung got up. Yujin held her hand and pulled her down, “Stay,” Yujin said and Wonyoung just poked the former’s cheek where her dimple would be.

Wonyoung stood up and rushed to their room to prepare for her meeting with Minju. Yujin followed her to the room and acted like a child asking Wonyoung to ditch Minju or just talk about the plan over the phone. Yujin even went as far as suspecting that Wonyoung is planning a surprise for Yujin during the wedding that is why Yujin never gets the chance to know what is up. Wonyoung denies everything and just clowns Yujin’s actions. 

Fast forward to a few days and it is finally the day Wonyoung and Yujin waited for. When the host called for them to finally enter, they held hands and looked around until their eyes landed on where their group of friends were sitting. Their wedding was simple yet elegant; from the decorations to the venue itself, everything reflected the couple. They slowly walked down the aisle and when they finally reached the front, the guests sat down. They both looked at each other with wide smiles plastered in their faces. Everything felt surreal yet here they are, savoring the moment. As they said their vows to each other, they could not hold back their tears. When they finished, they hugged and they kissed.

Yena was the first one to run to the newlyweds and the rest of the group followed suit. They did not miss this opportunity to get a picture together since this is one of the rare moments that the group is actually complete. Everyone congratulated Yujin and Wonyoung before they went out and rode their car.

Although some things might have been better left unsaid, sometimes courage is all that is needed to overcome challenges. At times, one might think that a problem is too impossible to solve; it happens but it does not mean that it is indeed unsolvable. Fate gives us choices and it is up to us which one we will choose. No matter how much we resent fate for giving us trials, at the end of the day, we learn from them and become thankful that they happened. Fate might be cruel at times and we will be left with no other choice but to it all up; however, time will give us the answers we need. If Wonyoung left the letter unread, she would have lived all her life with unanswered questions. If Yujin did not write that letter in the first place, none of this would have happened and she would end up regretting everything that she did not do. Everything happens for a reason and most of the time, we just have to trust ourselves and choose the path we want to take. Lastly, not everyone is granted a reversal; but even without it, we should learn to be contented with what we were given and settle for what we have.


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La_FeraAa #1
Chapter 1: I read Happier before and I really felt frustrated at Wonyoung for not reading the letter, 10 years earlier. So thank you a lot author-nim for this alternate version. The writing is very neat as well. So sorry for not commenting on Happier as I really didn't know what to say after the read (I kinda was speechless after reading the letter's content huhu). Thanks once again.
Chapter 1: this was longer than what I expected but it's really great!!!! I enjoyed it :>
exquisitemyoui #4
Chapter 1: Wonyoung and Yujin, truly radiates soulmate vibes. Savage Chaewon and Hitomi, Whipped YulYen, Chaeyon, Sakura, Eunbi and more. Love this group!
Thanks for this reverse/alternate story
Semonee #5
Chapter 1: oh damn
xithmeh #6
Chapter 1: Omg..... This is soooo gooodddd T_T You have my tears!!! Thank you for making a beautiful fic huhu
Chapter 1: I almost teared up. Faith is really somethin'...
Relationship goes through hell, real ones get through it.

I like the closure happened in here.
Chapter 1: I love it!
Chapter 1: I think this one is edited and the author upgrade it just wow