Chapter 2

Untitled (still can't come up with one)

                Mitsuki just stared outside feeling from the events earlier. His heart finally calmed down and his face is back to its normal color after a few minutes. Although it wasn’t that easy as the events kept replaying in his head.

                “I’ve never felt so tired in my life. Even baking for hundreds of people didn’t even make me as tired as I am right now. I think I really need to get out of this hospital soon.”

                “Just what am I supposed to do here anyways?” 


                Just as he was thinking of things he could do to pass the time, Mitsuki’s stomache started to growl. “Augh…now I’m hungry. I don’t think Iori brought my wallet here though. What am I supposed to do?”


                Then, Mitsuki heard a knock on the door. The door slid open and a girl with light blonde curly hair entered the room carrying a try with food. “Izumi Mitsuki-san, right? Good morning! I brought your breakfast.”


                ‘Oh! A cute girl!’ Mitsuki thought to himself.


                “Eh? Are you alone in this room? Aren’t you lonely?” The blonde girl asked.


                Mitsuki smiled at her and replied, “My little brother was just here earlier, but he needed to leave for school. He might be back tonight. But, if you don’t mind, why don’t you accom-“


                “Mitsoooki~! We’re back!” The loud blonde nurse entered the room again.


                “Geh, they’re here again.” Mitsuki muttered.


                Yamato entered the room as well after Nagi. “Oh, Tsumugi. You’re here. Is it time for his breakfast?  I guess we have great timing, huh? We’ll take it from here then.”


                “Ah! Yamato-san…err..Doctor Yamato! Nagi-san! Izumi-san did seem a bit lonely here, I’m glad you’ll accompany him.” Tsumugi happily told the two men. She then faces towards Mitsuki’s direction, “Your breakfast for today is a healthy bowl of soba! Our resident sobaman, er, cook put extra love and care in making them. They’re really good, so I hope you’ll like it.” Tsumugi bows, bid them goodbye and left the room.


                Mitsuki thought loudly, “Soba? Well, she did say it’s good I’ll trust her then.” As Mitsuki was about to grab the chopstick from the tray, Nagi took it and said, “Mitsooki~ why don’t I feed it to you? I think it would taste even better that way.”


                “Yeah, we’ll help you out. I can personally feed it to you as well. Preferably with my mouth. But you might faint, so I’ll just feed it to you normally.” Yamato said, again with his charming smile, as he slowly went nearer to Mitsuki.


                “You two…” Mitsuki grabs the chopsticks from Nagi’s hand, “I can feed myself. I don’t need your help with that.”


                “Well, if you need anything, just let us know, we’ll just accompany you right now then” Yamato said sitting on the sofa near the bed.


                Mitsuki just stared at Yamato, a bit bothered but decided to let it go since he was really hungry.


                The two men just stared at the patient silently as he finishes his breakfast. Suddenly, Nagi went near to Mitsuki’s face, “Wha-what is It, Nurse Nagi?”, and removes the small piece of soba on the now blushing patient’s face.


He then pulls away, smiles and mutters, “How cute.”, which made the poor patient blush again.


‘I don’t think my heart can take this anymore. Please calm down, heart!’ Mitsuki panics.


Nagi stares directly at Mitsuki’s eyes “I’m sorry, Mitsoooki. I can’t really control myself. You’re being way too cute right now.”, leans forward and kisses Mitsuki on the lips.


Both Yamato and Mitsuki’s eyes widened.


“Ah..oi..what..” Mitsuki struggled to straighten his thoughts. He puts a hand on his lips trying to process what just happened.


Yamato pulled Nagi away from Mitsuki, “Oi! Nagi! Didn’t I tell you not to be too aggressive?!”. He furiously scolded the blonde nurse.


“Oh, Yamato. Did you just get jealous with what I did? Why don’t you do the same then? Besides, this might make him remember us faster.” He taunted the furious doctor. It made Yamato frozen on the spot that he was standing, and started to think.


Mitsuki who now regained his composure, and is now furious and ready to scold Nagi, stood up and shouted, “WHAT THE HELL WA-“


But before he could continue what he was about to say, Yamato grabs his arm, “Sorry, Mitsu. Even I can’t control myself. Maybe Nagi’s right, this might be a faster way for you to remember us.”, and kisses Mitsuki on the lips as well.”


To be continued! >-<

(So....because I really wanted to end this fic fast before I ended up getting writer's block...the progress of events are really fast...haha sorry about that ^-^')



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