Chapter 3

Cross Road


While lying down on my bed, I recalled back to last night at the convenience store, ever since then, I kept thinking about that girl. I'm normally not like this, I'm not the kind that is expressive or concern about others even my best friends know that - they even call me heartless sometimes.

But yesterday, seeing her like that, it triggered something in me to hold out my hands and wipe off her tears. I was quite surprised myself, I did that. I didn't know what came over me.

Little did I know, she was from the same school as me, until this morning, we actually crossed path at school. That's when I knew she was a schoolmate. I didn't know what to do and there's this one time I caught her looking at me, she had this confused look on her face.

She probably thought why I didn't acknowledge her? I asked myself.

"Argh, I shouldn't have done that," I grumbled, feeling embarrassed as I rolled and rest my head on my right arm.

"Well, I am a guy and thought I was brave enough to pat her head and gave words of encouragement but I still have my ego. It was at school and I'm one of the popular kids, why would I acknowledged her at school, why should we be friends." I squawked.

So I pretended not to recognize her, though Jongin did ask me after both of us crossed path with her at the canteen during lunch. "Hey Sehun, isn't that the girl we saw at the convenience store last night, near your new apartment?"

"Yeah, so?" I questioned him back with a poker face. He then let out a laugh. "You never change huh? You can't just give someone hope and then you don't bother about them..." He nagged.

"So, you're telling me, what? I should acknowledge her or something? Just because of a few words I said? I just meant well." I interrupted casually before he could finish what he wanted to say. "A-and here I thought y-you did change." He said in between laughs.

After that time at school, the whole day I actually felt sorry for being a jerk. Suddenly I had the urge to visit her again at the store, I quickly got up from my bed and got dressed. Upon reaching the store that was only about 10 mins away from my house, disappointment washed over me when she wasn't there for her shift. Honestly, I didn't even know why I felt disappointed though, it's not I liked her or anything. Due to the disappointment, I left the shop with a heavy heart and made my way home.

A few days later, I decided to make another surprise visit again but she wasn't there either. I did saw her at school but I didn't know what to say; it might be weird too as I seldom make any conversation with the girls in school. So, I made up my mind to give up as to see her again at the store. 

Today, school ended early, so I went straight home since it's very seldom for me to get off from school without having football practice. I decided that I will have some rest at home today. When I reached home, I took a shower, had a change of clothes and lie down on my bed. Almost instantaneously I fell asleep.

'Shawty, Imma party till the sun down...'

I woke up to the sound of my ringtone. 

"Hello? I'm at home now mum. Why?" I picked up the phone in a hoarse tone.

"Sorry there's no food at home darling. Can you go out and get some food for yourself?" My mum said from across the line. As expected, there won't be any dinner, like always.

"Ok mum. Will do. Bye." I just hang up without waiting for her reply to avoid any unintended squabbles.

My parents were rarely at home as they're always busy with the business that they have no time for me. Dad was always away and mum had to take care of the business here. So, basically, I have to fan for myself, which is why I'm always roaming around the streets. It gets boring just staying at home with no one to talk to or do anything. I rolled over on my bed to checked the time, it was almost 10 pm.

She shouldn't have called me, at least I can sleep till morning. I complained. As I was lying down on the bed, I could feel my stomach grumbling.

"Guess I still have to get up and buy something to eat." I sighed.

I got up and went straight to the toilet to get a quick shower. I got dress and left the house.

"Hey! Jongin, where are you?" I asked him over the phone.

"Home. Why? What time is it now? Why are you calling me at this time?" His voice sounded a little hoarse. 

"My parents are not at home and I thought we could meet up for supper. I'm super hungry right now."

"Hey sorry Sehun. I've had dinner with my family already and I'm pretty much full right now. But if you need me to accompany you, I'm alright."

"No, it's okay. Go have some family time. I wouldn't want to disturb you. Bye." I hang up.

So, what shall I have for supper? Hmm... I asked myself.

I walked around the neighbourhood, unable to decide what to eat, I ended up having dinner at the usual street vendor shop along the main road. I went in and ordered myself tteobokki, 2 plates of blood sausages and a drink. I slowly chewed my food as I don't have to rush home anyway.

After I was done, it was almost 1 am in the morning. Since I already had a good sleep just now, I was pretty much wide awake. So, I decided to go for a walk, I plugged in my earphones and played the songs on Spotify. I walked aimlessly till I reached the river,

Wow, I'm so far from home, I thought when I saw a vacant bench by the river. 

So I stopped and sat down while enjoying the nice cold autumn breeze. As I was enjoying the breeze, I could see a number of people having their night jogs, that's when I actually noticed the beautiful night view of Han River. I took out my phone to take pictures of the night view and I uploaded it on my Instagram.

Within a minute, I already had 30 likes. Wonder if these girls actually sleep at a time like this. That's what it is to have fans, I guess, I wondered to myself.

Time passes so quickly while I was enjoying the cool breeze and the beautiful scenery, it was already 3.45am. So I stood up and make my way back home; I still have school later, didn't want to be late, though I'm always am. While I was walking home, I suddenly felt hungry again. Then I remembered that there was a convenience store near my house which was the one she worked at.

So I decided to visit the store before I went home. As I entered the store, I went straight to the aisle where they had bread, took the one with chocolate filling afterwards I went to the fridge to get coca-cola for myself. As I was walking to the counter to pay for things I've taken off the shelf, I noticed someone familiar. It was her. She stood there, seems so engrossed with whatever she was looking at under the counter. I purposely walked quietly to the counter and waited for her to greet me but unexpectedly she didn't even notice me.

Suddenly she said, "...a waterfall forms slowly as rivers erode rock and break it apart..." 

Geography? I smiled to myself.

She's going through her notes at this hour of the night? When she will be having school in a few hours? I actually felt concerned. 

I couldn't help but to reply to her, "Yes, please tell more."

She quickly kept her notes back and was about to greet when she realized it was me. I could see her cheeks turned pinkish red in colour. I chuckled to see her flustered face, somehow I enjoyed seeing that side of her - she seems cute that way. 

She kept mum and just took the items to scan. So I decided to ask her a question,

"Did you change your shift? What time are you getting off work?" While asking I took out some cash to pay for the items I bought. She returns me the change and said thank you. 

I felt confused, did she even heard me or not, I wondered. "Did she not heard me...?" I said as I left the store.

I wondered to myself why didn't she replied to anything I said. I was sure she heard it though.

Is she trying to ignore me? Just because I didn't acknowledge her at school? I asked myself.

I contemplate a lot about what just happened. Kept wondering what time she might end work.

Oh! Why don't I just wait for her? She might end work soon, she's got school later anyway. Impossible that she will go straight to school from work right...? I said to myself. 

While leaning against the wall of the store, I ate the bread I bought but I didn't even drink the Coca-Cola as it is already so cold outside. I kept checking the time as it was cold and when I was just getting slightly agitated waiting for her when she came out of the store - stretching her back probably due to the long hours of sitting. That was when she realized I was standing here waiting for her.

She had a questioning look on her face and she just stood there, that's when I thought I should say something.

I push myself off the wall and said, "Oh, finally! You didn't answer my previous question about the timing of your shift so I figured I should just wait for you," I gave her a smile but she seemed shocked by my presence.

So I offered, "C'mon it's late, I'll walk you home," I then turned to my left and started walking, not knowing where she lives, I just made a random guess. I knew I was going the wrong way when I realized that she didn't follow me, so I turned to look at her, waiting for her to say something. 

"My house is this way actually," she pointed to the other direction.

“Wow! Finally, you said something to me for the past 20 minutes or so.” I said feeling a little pleased. Then I continued, "And of course, lead the way,"

I walked side-by-side with her but both of us were quiet during the walk. I could sense that she felt awkward with me walking her home. I was wondering why myself, that I actually offered to walk her home, so unlike of me. I could see from the corner of my eyes that she was stealing glances at me, so I decided to break the silence.

"Don't you have school later?"

Not that I didn't know she will be having school later, I was just trying to find something to talk about, to break the awkwardness.

When she replied, "I do actually, but…,” she paused. “I have commitments to fulfil.”

I looked at her and simply said, “Such a responsible girl. That’s good."

I was taken aback when she asked me this question, "Were you waiting for me earlier?"

I tried to act cool and gave her an honest answer. "To be honest since the day I was with Kai, that wasn't the last time I came here. I came here quite a few times but it was always a grumpy old lady behind the counter instead." After I said that both of us laughed simultaneously.

“She is always grumpy, God knows why. My life probably more than hers and I'm not even half as grumpy as her," she rolled her eyes bitterly. “Anyway, we're here already.” She stops right outside a run down looking building. “You didn't have to walk me home, I'm used to it already. But thanks anyway!" She told me with a wide smile.

That was the first time I saw her smile, I was caught by surprise but I quickly looked up at the building so that she won't notice.

She let out an awkward laugh while rubbing the back of her neck, “It's not much but it's enough,” as she looks down with embarrassment.

"Hey don't get me wrong, I didn’t think about it like that.”

"Well, you better get going now. It’s really late and you have school later. I don’t want you to blame me for waking up late if we were to continue talking like this." I claimed.

I took a few steps closer as I was about to pat her head and bid goodbye when she looked up at me. Both of us stood there, just staring at each other. I could see the blood slowly rushing up to her cheeks. I couldn't help but smile and laughed at her flustered face again. She immediately looked down, so I took the opportunity to pat her head like I intended to.

"See you around,” I said as I turned around and made my way home.

By the time I reached home, it was close to 6 am. I won't have time to take a nap, I told myself.

So I decided to have a hot shower and made myself breakfast before I left for school. I left my house at about 6.30am, I plugged in my earphones and slowly made my way to the subway station. I almost reach the station when I saw a girl walked past me, briskly making her way to the station too. I knew it was her but being me, feeding on my ego, I pretended I didn't know her. I took larger strides as I wanted to follow her.

What's there to rush, we'll just probably go detention at most... I said to myself.

When we reached the platform, I kept a distance from her, didn't want to show her that I was following though I always kept her within my sight which made me wonder even more, why am I being too concern with her.

Upon reaching, we came out of the train and walked towards the stairs. Unknowingly, she was walking right beside me.

"Hi. Good morning." A sudden urge to actually acknowledge her existence. "Good morning." She replied without looking at me as she continued, "Hurry up or we'll be late. I'm trying not to go detention for this." 

"Umm... Ok." was all I could say. I kept up with her pace comfortably though I could see she was panting, it made me smile. 'She never fails to put a smile on my face...' I thought.

Unfortunately, when we reached school, luck wasn't on her side. As we entered the school compound, we have sight of Discipline Master, Teacher Yong, gathering all the students who were late and among them - was Jongin, Baek & Chan. I grinned, knowing that we were the usual suspects who were never on time. Then I turn over to look at her, she had sweat trickling over her forehead and I could hear her cursing under her breath. 

"I guess it's going to be a long day at school today," I said as I got closer to where Teacher Yong was standing. My best friends looked at me with a wide grin on their faces.

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