Suga claus


                                                                                            ~Christmas Day~


They all raced down stairs to the christmas tree, excited to open their presents.

jimin gasped in shock "T-There's nothing here!"

Jungkook started to cry

"NO PRESENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHHHHHYYYYYY!!????!?!?" j-hope screamed in horror as he dropped to his knees

"I-i don't understand... why didn't we get any presents??" namjoon questioned "It's not fair!"

Jin started grabbed the cookies and milk and then walked over to the trash can and threw them away "I guess we won't need these anymore" 

But Taehyung still had hope, he ran over to the trash can and started to dig out the milk and cookise "Wait! There's still time!! Santa Claus still might come!"

"FORGET SANTA!!!!! SANTA DOESN'T CARE ABOUT US ANYMOMR!!!!!" jin screamed in frustration as jimin followed soothe and kicked over the trash can

Suga thought to himself, that no matter what santa says, he knew that his friends deserve Chrisimaha joy and presents.Suga made a sollem swear that this would be the first and last year that they would go without Christmas presents.


                                                                                        ~1 years later~


Suga formulated a plan to make sure that his friends would have christmas presents. He would dress up as sants claus and secretly give them gifts.\ they would never have to be unhappy on christmas again. so suga stayed up all night sewing himself a santa claus outfit out of a gucci sweater and fuzzy slipers. and then ran out to the store to buy their gifts. Suga bought Namjoon some clothes, he bought Jin some Disney Princess stuff, he bought Jungkook a camrea, he bought Jimin comic books, he Taehyung a big doll, and he bought J-Hope some sneakers. He then wrapped their gifts and then decided that to keep with tradition, he would have to go down the chimney to deliver their gifts. so he climbed upto the roof top and shimmyed down the chimney, almost getting stuck two times during his discent. He had to keep himself from screaming so he wouldn't wake the others. Just then he made it down the chimney into living room. And lovingly placed the presents under the Christmas Tree. But Just then Suga heard voices from up stairs.

"Is that Santa?!?" squeled Taehyung as he ran down the stairs

Suga quickly tried to skery up the chimney to hide, but sadly failed and only made it half way before Taehyung reached him.

"Santa???" Taehyung said in a bright, hopefull voice as gazed up at sugaclaus

"Ho ho ho!" Said Sugaclaus as he skeried up the chimney the rest of the way

"It really is Santa!!!" Taehyung yelled in excitement as the rest of the members came runnig downstairs to see what Taehyung was yelling about

"What are you yelling about Tae??? We're trying to Slepp!" snapped Namjoon

"You Guys! I just saw Santa!!!!" yelled Taehyung

"No you didn't!! SANTA DOESN'T CARE ABOUT US!!!!!!!!" J-hope screamed

"Yes he does! He gave us presents!!" said Jungkook "Look!!"

Everybody cheered in exicitment. And then tore open their gifts.

"Radical! I got some clothes!" said Namjoon

"Neet-O! I got Disney princess stuff!" said Jin

"Cool Beans! I got a Camera!!" Said Jungkook

"Hotdog! I got Comic Books!" said Jimin

"Oh Snap! I got a big doll!" said Taehyung

"Jeezy Pete! I got some sneakers!!" said J-Hope

"But where's Suga??" asked Namjoon

"Let's check his studio" stated J-Hope

They all go to check his studio. Meanwhile Suga had climed back up to the roof, changed back into his regular clothes and ran back to his studio to hide. Just Then the other memebers started to knock on the door.

"Suga are you in there??" asked Jin and then Jungkook opened the door

"yea" as he crawled out from underneath his table

"I was wrong! Santa does care about us!! And he brought us Presents!!" said J-Hope

"Raelly?! he did!?" said Suga faking surprise

"Yaeh! But he didn't bring you any!!!" Jimin said in a mockery way

"Yaeh! Santa hates you!" Jin said while laughing

"Stop it guys, He already knows Santa hates him" Namjoon said sarcastic like manner

Suga just stood there in silence as a tear rolled down his cheek

They all laughed and left to play with theire Christmas gifts



                                                                                                        ~4 years after that~



It was 5 years since Suga becme Suga Cluas, evey year Suga worked hard to bring the members of BTS amazing, wonderful christmas presents, and everu year they continued ti make fun of him for for not getting any. All he ever got was the milk and cookies the members left for Sabnta, which he ate while hiding under the table in his studio, while crying at the insults that his memnbers directed at him. 

It was chrisimaha day and Suga had lovingly prepared gifts for all theb menmbers.

"Zoo wee Mama!" shaoted Jungkkook excitely "I got 52 packs of ramyeon!"

Holy wow, I got egg with bacon!" yelled Jin

"Yyowzah! I got Fruits!~" said jimin 

"Gee wilikers! I got pig slice!" Screamed V

"Golly! I got chocolate!" Said J-Hope

"Jinkies! I got sweat!" said Namjoon  

"What did you get Suga?" questuioned Jimin in mockery way, then realized Suga wasn't even there "Dang! Where's Suga??"

they all left to go find Suga. They went Suga's studio and Jungkook pujt in the password to open the door and they all saw that Suga under the table, eating all of Santa's cookies and drinking all the milk!!!!!

"What the hack attack man!!" sceamed JIn 

"Thats' for SANTA!!!!!! NOT YOU!!" yelled J-Hope angrily as he SNATCHED the cookies and milk away from Suga 

"I Purposly made 102 cookies and bought a gallon of milk because i wanted to show Santa how Thankful we are for our Presents!!!!!! But you're fat self had to go and TRY TO EAT THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jin screamed "YOU'RE DISGUSTING!! I HATE YOU SUGA!!!!"

"it was anccident..." whispered Suga sadly

"Oh! yea! You accidently stole the cookies and milk before santa goth here, and you accidently hid in your studio, and accidently tried to EAT THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jin Screamed 

Suga started to cry.

"I can't belive you've done this" said Namjoon

"See this is why Santa hates you!" said Jimin

"But i thought since i difdn't get any presents, then at least i could have some cookies..." Suga said sadly 

"NO!" they all shouted in unison and then Jin delivered a Wicked Backhand with his knarled and crooked fingers.


They all stared to throw cookies at Suga. And they dumped the milk on him. Suga ran away sobbing into his hands, dripping with milk. But he slipped on the milk floor. They all laughed at him. But Suga just got back up and ran away to the snowy rooftop, sobbing.

"Bye, fatty two shoe!" yelled Jimin

Suga wiped away his tears and looked up, only to see Santa Claus! He gasped.

"Santa!" suga gasped in surprise

"Ho Ho Ho!" Santa Claus sang out merrily

"I don't understand, Santa, why didn't I get any gifts for the last 5 years?" asked Suga

"You know what you did..." Santa said while he eyed him knowingly

Suga lokks down at the groud not says anything.

"But you have been doing a good job giving your friends gifts to bring them Chrristmas joy, even though they don't deserve it" sais Santa matter-of-factly "So I think that you made up for what you've done and you deserve Christmas presents now" Santa said as he handed Suga a buch of Presents "Merry Christmas, Suga!"

"Thank you so much, Santa Claus!" Suga said as he gave sata a big hug

"Ho HO Ho!" said Santa Claus as he let go of Suga and junped down the chimney into their living room

"Eew! Who's this old guy?!" said Tae

"Gross! He's So old!!!!!" shouted Jimin

"What the Heck is he doing in our house!?!?!" J-Hope shouted "And why did he come down our chimney?!?!"

"Somebody get this old guy out of our house!!!!!!!!!!" yelled Namjoon

"No, it's me, Santa Claus!" Said Santa

"Santa Claus!?!?!?" they all exclaimed 

"oh, sorry we thought you were just some gross old guy" said Namjoon

"eh he he, pleaase don't take our presents away" J-Hope said nervously "we locve you"

"Well I can't take away your presents, because I didn't give them to you" Santa said

"WHAT!!!!!!" Everyone shouted

"I haven't given you guys presenrs in 5 years, you're too bad, Suga's been giving you presents this whole time and all you guys have done was make fun of him, yelled at him, hit him, and threw cookies and dumped milk on him." Santa said shaking his head in dissapointment

JImin gasped "But h-how did you know, Santa!?"

"Because i was watching the whole time" said Santa

"Jin hit Suga!" said Namjoon

"it was an accident.." Jin lied

"Really Jin?! You're going to lie right in front of Santa?!?!" said J-Hope

"Shut up!" said Jin

"Well all you guys owe Suga an apolagy, and then i can give Christmas Presents" said Santa " But Remember, if any of you misbihave again...I'll know.."

They all went to the roof.

"Um....Suga? We just want to apolagize for how we've been treating you for the last 5 years..." explained Jungkook hessitantly 

"Yaeh... Santa told us about how you've been the one bringing us presents all thuis time...." said Jimin "Now I kinda feel bad for being mean to you and calling you names all the time. oops."

"Yeah sorry" thye all said in unison

"It''s okay guys,  i forgive you" said Suga

"So what did Santa bring you for christmas/!?" asked Taehyung excitedly

"Zowie! I got meat! a basketball! an Ikea catalog! a blanket! and money!" exclaimed Suga

They all cheereed. Just then Santa's Reindeers landed on the rooftop and Santa announced that he had to leave.

"I have to leave now!" Santa annouced "Be good now!"

"We will!!! Bye Santa!!!!" They all replied as they waved goodbye

"Ho ho ho!" exclaimed Santa joyfully

"What did he just call me?!?" questioned Jin

"A hoe." Jimin snickered out with a smirk


                                                                                                               ~The End~


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Chapter 1: Lmao 'a hoe'
I love that they thought Santa was just some gross old guy xD