Chapter 3: New house

Married to this IDIOT

Yuri was coming to her house and she saw her umma and her appa, smiling.

"Came, sweetie. On our car" her umma smiled.

Yuri rided on the car, scared by her parents' weird look and weird talk mood. She saw a small, but pretty cute and nice house.

"Surprise, Yul-baby, this is your new house" her appa said.

Yuri oppened her eyes. She was surprised and scared. A new house by herself was a big responsability.

"A new house?"

"Of course isn't amazing? Because of your engage with Minho, you'll live with him, to train" her umma smiled.

"Our baby is already grewing up" her appa smiled.

"Great, I have to share a house with a jerkface!" Yuri thought.

Yuri and her parents walked and saw Minho and his family: his parents and his sisters Sulli and Sooyoung.

"We'll leave you!" they all smiled and outed of scene.

So, Yuri and Minho were alone.

"Let's in?" Minho asked.

"For sure" Yuri smiled.

"Aigoo, her smile is so cute~~" Minho thought.

(Yuri's smile)


They entered and shocked. That house was beautiful. There was a living room, a kitchen, another necessary rooms and 2 empty rooms. That were for the people sleep.

"I'll get a room and you'll get other! I don't want to sleep with you, you chucklehead!" Yuri shouted.

"The second room might to be for the baby" Minho said.

"Really, you DO want to have a baby" Yuri glared.

(Yuri's glare)


"Oh, right" Minho blushed.

They started to unpack things. Minho's stomach was sounding. He was hungry.

"What? Your tummy is annoyed of you?" Yuri laughed.

"No, you idiot! I'm hungry! Make me food" Minho asked.

"No way! What am I? Your mommy?" Yuri asked.

"No! You're my fiance! Pweashe!" Minho said, with aegyo.

(Minho's aegyo)


"Aish, why is his aegyo so cute?" Yuri thought.

"Fine, you frog. I'll make you food" Yuri said.

"Yay" Minho celebrated.

Yuri cooked food by kitchen. It smells deliciosly and Minho wanted to see. But Yuri appeared on the door, dressed of cooker.

"Nothing of see, Minho! It's a surprise!"

(Yuri looks)


Minho waited with the annoying and seducer smell of food. Finally, it came.

"Eat well" Yuri smiled.

"Mmm" Minho mumbled.

(The food)



Minho eated the delicious food. Then, he sitted on the sofa, daydreaming with the food. Yuri was in her room, smiling at that aegyo. Their life togather wasn't starting so bad as well. Then, Yuri went to living room. They saw a paper, a yellow one, were was written.

Dear Minho and Yuri, you need to start to act as a real couple. We maked this mission for today: You need to go to the Luna Park and have fun together. You can invite some friends if you want. Have fun as well~~                                                                          

"No way! This is We got married or something?" Minho asked.

"You did heard, or better, read! We have to go there" Yuri ordered.

"No way! I'll not go alone with an idiot to have fun" Minho said.

"Think you dumb! You're blind? The paper said that we can invite friends, idiot!" Yuri said.

Minho blushed.

"I'll call Fany unnie and Yoongie to come" Yuri said.

"And I'll call Onew hyung and Taeminnie to came" Minho said.


Haha, they was more intrested in the aegyo and on the food than on the other. Haha, I didn't forget the theme you guys! Next chapter, the Luna Park!

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LonelyAid09 #1
What a cute FF you have
plus it's OnFany and MinYul
Please Update Soon!

Waaa, this is nice~~ Please update soon! Yay! Onfany between Minyul! My two biggest OTPs!
i wait for your update ^^
Woaah they're getting married XD
I love comedy feat romance! Hwaitiiiiing!!!
Liyeeex3 #6
I love the plot so much!! Update soon!! ^^