Chapter 2

Winters End

Raven's p.o.v 

Playing with Skylar was fun but I wish I could play with mommy and daddy. Daddy has been gone for a while now and mommy is starting to get stressed, I asked mommy where daddy had went and she said he had to go away for a while and that he will be back soon. Skylar has been very on edge lately saying that he can sense something mean before he goes to sleep, I have to sleep in bed with him so he doesn't cry. Mommy told us to never go outside whenever it's dark she says that something scary will come and eat our souls. I believe mommy because she wouldn't lie to us, I think. Hm I need to find Skylar, he is suppose to be playing with me right now but he's no where to be found. Might as well try to find him. 

Skylar's p.o.v 

I was hiding from Raven because she said she wanted to play, we're playing hide and seek but she doesn't know that yet. Currently I'm hiding in a tree, I don't know how I will get down but I will. Mommy always said don't go misbehaving but would you call this misbehaving? I guess not I mean Raven is the one that misbehaves between me and her. I wanted to jump down because I was getting bored and the sun was beginning to set and I didn't want to stay out here with the scary monsters mommy keeps talking about. I was scared to jump down because I was really high up but I have no one to blame but me, now I have to find a way to get down from the tree. After a short amount of time I decide I want to jump but it might hurt a lot and I might break my bone. I jumped waiting for pain to blossom but I didn't feel anything. I opened my eyes seeing my mommy, I was really happy but the look on her face was telling me that I won't be forgiven easily this time. I look to the ground feeling embarrassed and nervous of what she might do. 

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