Traffic Jam

Traffic Jam

Kyuhyun sighed he heard all the other cars honking their horns. He looked to his side as someone touched his hand. It was his beautiful husband Hyukjae. Hyukjae gave him a quick kiss before turning around and checking on their children sitting in the back. They were all fine for now. Their oldest, 12 year old Hyunjae, was quietly reading, their second oldest, 10 year old Hyunsik, was playing a game on his handheld computer, their middle child, 6 year old Kyung, was sitting looking out the window, their second youngest, 5 year old Hana, was trying to get Kyung's attention and their youngest, 3 year old Micha, was fast asleep. Hyukjae smiled before turning back to Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun was lightly tapping his fingers in the steering wheel. Hyukjae giggled, which caught Kyuhyun's attention and he turned to look at Hyukjae. "What's so funny?" Hyukjae just smiled sweetly at him. "You're still like a child. You can't just sit still." He giggled again. Kyuhyun stuck out his tongue which made Hyukjae laugh more.

They were still stuck in the traffic jam 20 minutes later and that's when the chaos started in the car. Hana had gotten bored of trying to get Kyung to pay attention to her and so she tried to get Hyukjae to talk to her. "Umma? Why aren't we moving?" Hyukjae turned to her. "There's loads of people trying to use the road at the same time sweety, so we can't move very fast until all the people in front of us can move." Kyung then turned around. "Umma, I'm bored." Hyukjae sighed a little. "Didn't you bring your game like I told you to?" Kyung shook his head. "I couldn't find it umma." Kyuhyun turned to Hyukjae. "It's in his bag in the boot, I put it in there earlier after I almost fell over it." Hyukjae turned back to Kyung. "You'll just have to find something to do. I can't go and get it now. And you know not to leave your game on the floor." Kyung looked upset. "But I'm bored umma, there's nothing to do. And I only out it down for a minute." Hyukjae sighed and opened the little glove compartment in front of him. He pulled out a few pieces of paper and a few pens. "You can draw or you can play I-spy with Hana."

Hana started jumping in her seat. "I wanna play I-spy." Hyukjae smiled. "There, now it's settled then." He turned back to the front while they started playing. Kyuhyun kissed him. "I love you Hyukkie." Hyukjae kissed him back. "I love you too Kyu." The peace lasted about 10 minutes. Micha woke up and started crying. Hyukjae tried to calm her down while she was still in the back but she wouldn't stop. He then undid his seatbelt and then climbed into the back. He undid Micha's seatbelt and lifted her out. He climbed back into the front. He sat and cuddled her until she stopped crying. Then he started playing a little game with her. Kyuhyun watched them with a smile.

Then Hyunsik started throwing a tantrum. Kyuhyun turned around to deal with him. "What's wrong Sikkie?" Hyunsik pouted. "Appa, my battery just died. I can't play my game anymore." Kyuhyun tried not to laugh at Hyunsik's cuteness or the fact that he was a gamer like him. "Did you charge it before we left?" Hyunsik shook his head. Kyuhyun sighed. "Then that's why the battery went dead. You'll have to find something else to keep yourself occupied." Hyunsik sighed. "How long until we get there appa?" Kyuhyun shook his head. "I don't know Sikkie, it depends on when this traffic gets moving." Hyunsik sighed. "Appa? Do you have your computer with you?" Kyuhyun rolled his eyes. "Yes Sikkie, I have mine with me. And before you ask, yes you can use it."

Kyuhyun leaned over Hyukjae and grabbed his bag off the floor. He opened it and took out his computer. He handed it to Hyunsik and Hyunsik smiled. "Kamsahmnida appa." Kyuhyun smiled back and put his bag back on the floor. Hyunsik was quietly sitting playing his game again. Hyukjae smiled at them and looked down at Micha to find her sleeping again. He gently moved to the back and placed her back in her car seat. He then gently took the book from Hyunjae, who had also fallen asleep. Hyukjae checked on Kyung and Hana, who were still happily playing I-spy. He climbed back in the front and smiled. Kyuhyun sighed in relief when the traffic started to move, although slowly.

Kyung and Hana squealed in happiness since they now had new things to use in their game of I-spy, Hyukjae giggled at their cuteness. Eventually the traffic lightened and theu managed to move faster. As they reached their destination Kyuhyun had to wake Hyukjae, who had fallen asleep at some point, and Hyunjae. He left Micha sleeping and lifted her out of the car.






Hello, here is the actual chapter if Traffic Jam, I'm sorry it took so long to upload it, I have been really busy with college work.

This didn't really turn out the way I imagined, but I'm quite happy with it.

I hope you enjoyed this

Comments are appreciated, I like to know what people think

HangengHenryZhouMi xx

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niajae0411 #1
Chapter 1: sweet appa and umma.. Kyaaaaaaaaaaa *o*
awwww....cute!!!!i like it like that~~
kyuhyuk and their 5 children...perfect family!!!
Rizu-Q #3
hyukjae so mommy, and I surprised that Kyuhyun being this patient in taking care their children
lovely family!!!
EriiAR #4
wooahh!! O.o Five kids?!
They did have fun at home!! xD
hahaha thanks for writing! (:
OMG. HAHAHAHA. Will this be a genderswitched one?