This Brain's For Hire~ Reviews




Is it a review you're looking for, you?


 Author(s): Include your co-author if you have one.
Summary: Preferably something that is not in your foward/description.
Link: A valid link to your work.
Genre/mood: Comedy, angst, romantic, cheerful, horror..
His rubric   (100/100)
Originality: (20/20)
- Does your plot draw in readers?
Your storyline: (15/15)
- Is your story a prime example of cliche?
Vocabulary and grammar: (10/10)
- Appropriate wording.
Content: (15/15)
- Does your story make sense?
- Did you put in time/effort in the story appereance? Imagine it as being a book cover.
Authors style: (15/15)
- How is your character(s) development?
Overall enjoyment: (25/25)
- Would I willingly read this on my own?





        Copyright@Dwight, 2012      &
Copyright@Kokojjang, 2012


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Woah, if you're still open I'd like to request haha.
Thought I might request! :)
Hope it's still open!

Author(s): b2utyfulshawol

Summary: It's no big secret that Choi Minho has gained an irrepressible reputation as the university's resident womanizer, but when the past decides to intrude into his already charmed life, he'll realize that the simple things in life is what he really is missing out on.


Genre/mood: Comedy, Romance, AU