
Maternity Dress for My Wif- Husband
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*For this "Dr Jang", please just picture her as Jang Nara. Idk how she came on my mind while planning this ><*

The Lee couple are waiting to meet their personal specialist for Donghae’s weekly checkup and consultation in the said specialist’s office. Donghae is in his 3rd month of pregnancy and truthfully, everything is starting to get a lot better compared to his first few weeks. Donghae shivers. Just the thought of those terrifying days is making him nauseous- not like he has not been anyway. But going back to his first week of pregnancy, it was a total mess. He still remembered how both of them freaked out on what to do after Donghae was confirmed to be pregnant. Hyukjae- that bastard, intended for his sensual “I want you to carry my baby” whisper to Donghae on their first wedding night to just be something to trigger their drives, but yeah, you reap what you sow.

On a bright side, the chaos only last for several hours. Seeing Hyukjae’s reaction, Donghae couldn’t guess if the news of him pregnant made Hyukjae happy or the other way around. His inner sensitive soul kicked in and he started to bawl his eyes out, spluttering stuff such as “you don’t want a family with me”, “I should have known”, “I will give the baby to someone else but please don’t leave me” and more to Hyukjae. Hearing this, Hyukjae was immediately knocked into his senses. He panicked and straightaway went to gather his big baby into his arm, whispering strings of apology for a good ten minutes while showering Donghae with soft kisses. He made it clear that he was just utterly surprised and there was no way in hell for him to deny his own child.


“Baby? Hae??” At the sounds of Hyukjae’s snapped fingers, Donghae finally woke up from his flashbacks.

“Uh? Yes- Oh Dr Jang, you’re here!” Donghae fixes on his sitting position and bows a little. Hyukjae grinned in amusement.

“Daydreaming again?” He whispered.

And for that, he received a good pinch on the waist from the beloved husband.  Both of them cleared their throats and prepared to start on their consultation session. Dr Jang let out a light laugh at the husbands comical interactions with each other and began to flip Donghae’s medical file open.

“Alright so your last checkup was on the 25th… and you were supposed to have an ultrasound check but since you were tired so we’ve postponed it to today..” Dr Jang briefly recaps on what happened during their last session. “So now, I will first run a checkup on your temperature and blood pressure before we proceed to the ultrasound check, are you ready?” She asked.

“Never been more ready!” Donghae chirped, and Hyukjae nods along at this.


Dr Jang called in the nurse in charge to prepare the necessary and began on the checkups. It takes less than half an hour to complete them and Donghae was asked to lie down on the bed while Dr Jang sets up the ultrasound machine. Hyukjae went to stand beside his husband and Donghae immediately holds out his hand for Hyukjae to grab on.

“Hyukkie, I’m nervous.” Donghae said, yet the smile never left his face.

“I know baby, I am too.” Hyukjae replied, and the nervous expression is shown more on his face compared to Donghae’s.

“Alright, all set. Donghae, will you please lift a bit of your shirt up for me to a

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Chapter 1: So cute
Imagining him.in maternity dress and squealing
Chapter 1: Donghae in maternity dress. That is something I would have wanted to really see for real. Kekeke!
Thanks for sharing.
Chapter 1: This is so cuteeeeee i cannot handle it
Donghae being a big baby as usual
Been so long since i read some eunhae mpreg story
Really craving for on
And thank you for making it possible for me
Chapter 1: Aww so cute i think hae in maternity dress kkkヾ(^▽^*)))❤