Chapter I

A Dare (And It All Begins)


"Should I set you for a blind date?" Hoseok offers Jungkook. The guy haven't dated too long.

He looks at him, he shakes his head off. Blind date is not his thing.

He have burried his self in work. Vice President Jeon Jungkook had dedicated his self in work, he have reached this far. Dating is out of his taste, he have forgtten the feelings how to date or how to love– for two years now.

When Kim Taehyung had left him– he forgot how to date and to love. For Jungkook Taehyung was all the best he had in life, and when he left, Jungkook's world shuttered.

"You should give it a try Kook, I mean Vice President Jeon." Hoseok still pushing things.

"I have tried it before, hmm. And it didn't work. So, why doin things all over again?" he reason.

"You haven't still forgets him?"

He didn't respond.

"Are you still waiting for him to come back, Kook?" Hoseok asks in worry. He knows, that Jungkook still hoping and waiting for Taehyung to come back.

Why Hoseok needs to asks when obviously he knows it then? Yeah, everyone is right, he is still waiting for him.

"We were worried about you. Two years is already long. Kook, what if he won't comes back? Or either—"

He raise his hand up, waving it, that's his way to protest and to stops Hoseok blabbering things like, what if Tae comes back but its too late for him. He really fears that.

He change the topic instead, "You have to come with me if I met the Interior Designer who will be working with us for our new project to be launch soon, that is more important than to set me for a blind date." he smirk, he even up his brows.

Hoseok have nothing to against for it. He was working with the Vice President, and he was the General Manager, so, he don't need to say a thing.


Jungkook doesn't know why he suddenly feel nervous. Not that it was his first time to meet an Interior Designer who would work for their projects, he always interferee with some works, not that he doesn't trust his people but he always make sure that everything is settled fine. His Secreatry told him that the new interior firm who will work with the project is the new firm that the Chairman request to work with. Maybe, that was the reason why he was nervous.

His father is the Chairman of the company he's working for. Jungkook knows well his father, he only wants for the best.

"Vice President Jeon, are you all right?" Secretary Chou asks him. Seems the girl finds him nervous.

He cleared his throat. "Ye–yes everything is all right. I just feel nervous." he admits.

Secretary Chou smiles, its only this time she saw Vice President Jeon got nervous.

"What on earth could make our Vice President nervous?" General Manager Jung speak in behind.

He waited for him to come face to face. "I don't know. I just felt nervous suddenly. Maybe, we– we work with a new Interior firm." he honestly says.

"Relax, Vice President Jeon. Everything is going to be fine." General Manager Jung assures him. "I quite, made a back ground check with the new firm we were working for, it says even it is a newest firm in the city, they always made a good impression with their clients. So, we don't have to worry. And besides its your father who chose them." Hoseok even taps his shoulder.

"Oh! And I heard, that the Designer will be working with us is an eye catcher, he's too handsome. Maybe, it was him who you are waiting for." Hoseok says grining wide, he said everything but he never forgots to tease Jungkook.

He snorts, for Jungkook if it is not Taehyung, well, he's not the one he is waiting for nor willing to date with. Kim Taehyung was the only one for him.

The Designer asks them earlier if he can meet them after work and its up to them to choose the place. They made a reservation at Bien-être around seven And, its five to seven, they headed in. They just need to wait for him inside.

"Good evening." the waiter cheerfully greets them.

Its Secretary Chou who speaks "We're here for the reservation I made under the name of Jeon Jungkook."

"This way Miss." the waiter guides them.

As they settled in their table and seats, Jungkook and Hoseok are busy discussing business things when a deep voice speaks "Good evening. I'm—"

Taehyung eyes widen, mouth agapes the introduction had been left unsaid, when a two heads perks to him. A sudden realization hits him, the Vice President he'll be working on with the new project is definitely his ex-husband Jeon Jungkook.

On the other hand Jungkook world stops. He hadn't expecting this. Taehyung is in front of them, the Kim Taehyung he loves before and the Kim Taehyung he will love over and over again. And the feelings are coming back again, no– he means, the love and the longing for Taehyung is more deepen now. He wants him back, and he was certain for it.

As he looks in his eyes, the past are flooding like a flash floods.



Jeon Jungkook doesn't know why his blood boils everytime he sees Kim Taehyung. The guy didn't even do anything against on him that can mades him fury or to annoy him. He just don't wanna see him.

Just like now, Kim Taehyung is approaching towards them, wearing his boxy smiles on his face like everytime he does. Seeing him can only make his head aches, brows ups, cold expression and he doesn't even dare to smile at him.

"Hi!" Taehyung cheerfully greets them.

Namjoon and Jin says their hi to Taehyung in harmony, but Jungkook, well, he just looks at him coldly. He doesn't like to hang out with Taehyung, and he doesn't know why. Not that he hates him, but he just can't explain.

"Kook, Tae says hi." Namjoons speaks. He knows the guy didn't even bothered to greet Taehyung. They should be used to it.

He snorts, rolled his eyes. "Do I need to—"

Taehyung suddenly blurts out "It– its okay hyungs." he stills smiles. He's really used with Jungkook sudden mood change if he's around.

Brows still ups. He really doesn't like him, and now seeing Taehyung still smiling can even make his bloods boils twice.

"I need to go now hyungs." Tae excuse his self. He knows staying there with his hyungs while Jungkook is still around is not a good idea. Tae can't afford to starts a day with some bad vibes spreading around.

"Already?" Jin asks in surprised. "Stay for awhile, come on Tae." Jin pleaded.

He wants to but when he glimpse at Jungkook, he knows the guy doesn't wants him to stay.

Eyes are glaring at him.

So, he made an excuse, "I really have to go now hyung. Professor Lee said that he'll meet us earlier today."  then he left.

Jungkook smirks. He knows, he won in his little game of him.

"Be nice to Tae, Kook." Jin commented when Tae is already meters away from them. He can't help the cold treatment of Jungkook given to Taehyung.

Taehyung is one the the closest relatives Jin's had. Jin knows from the very starts when he introduces Taehyung to Jungkook, the younger didn't even bat an eyelashes to the older. The fact that Taehyung is older than Jungkook, he should then pay respects for him but he's too stubborn to not to.

"I'm trying." Jungkook says in protest. He doesn't want to deal same issues all over again.

Okay he tries— he tries very hard but he always ended up not liking Taehyung even more.

Joon caressed Jin's back, soothing him. Joon's understands Jin, he always wants the best for his cousin. Tae is away from home and Jin is doing everything just to make Tae feels that he's not alone. And with Jungkook's doin' and how he treats Tae is not helping, though.


Taehyung always wonders why Jungkook hates him. He always given him cold shoulders.

The first day he met Jungkook, he thought they could be a good friends but later on he knows that would be impossible.

Tae quite admitted to his self before that he was attracted to Jungkook, but after he knew him along the way their first met, he decides not to. He sets aside his little crush thing with Jungkook.

Jungkook could only hurt his feelings like how he every seconds let him knows that he hates him.

"Tae-Tae!!" a happy voice a not so far from him calls out his name.

"Chimminie!" he happily exclaim as he runs to him.

He was too happy to see his bestfriend. He haven't seen him for awhile. He's too glad that his bestfriend Park Jimin decides to show up.

He always whines at him. He really wants him to be together, always. Taehyung knows Jimin well, the reason why he was around because he doesn't have any date today.

Lately, Jimin is going out with one of their school campus crushes. He's going out with the school athlete basketball player Min Yoongi. And Taehyung knew that well.

Jimin shares everything to him. Every details of his life. Theirs no secrets between them.

"Penny on your thoughts?" Jimin asks. He have seen Taehyung walking with some thoughts on his mind. "Mind to share it with me?"

He just smiled at him. Not that he doesn't want to share his thought to him, but– maybe today wasn't the right time.

Why would he mind to share him now when all they need is to catch up those times they missed?

Their would be a lof of talking they need to talk later.

The morning class went well. He and Jimin talks about meeting up at a school cafetaria after class.

They eat their lunch together, have some talks and ready for the next class they have.

As they were walking side by side after lunch and non-stop talking about some things, a sudden pain Tae felts in his head, Tae suddenly feels dizzy. There is something have hit him so hard.

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