Chapter Eight: Punishment

Don't Forget Our Little Kiss!


Taking a deep breath Lian knocked on Kim Joon’s door. With out waiting for any kind of vocal acknowledgment she entered. Walking in she saw Kim Joon on his couch with two girls in his arms.  One was pouring a drink for him as the other one was kissing his neck. Sighing in disgust she knew he was too caught up in the moment to see her enter. Lian hated how he gets so jealous when she is with another guy but she is suppose to tolerate him and his as she likes to put it, even though they are part of the gang.

Clearing the girls stopped what they were looking. She didn’t recognize both of them and figured that they must be new girls because they didn’t just get up and leave like the ones that knew about the gang would. Kim Joon just looked at her waiting to see what she would do. Before if any girl didn’t leave Lian would bear her teeth, them out and make them leave. But this time?

“Well I am here like you wanted me but if you don’t have anything to say I will go attend to my guests.” She said with a smirk knowing this would piss him off. She figured that word about one of those boys being her first love already reached him.

“Get the out!” Kim Joon said to the two girls who tried to go back to what they were doing before Lian came in because she had sounded so casual. 

With out another word the two girls left scared that if they didn’t they would be harmed. They may not know the relationship between Lian and Kim Joon but they knew about the gang and there is no way they wanted to come up missing in the papers only to later be found dead somewhere because they didn’t follow Kim Joon’s orders.

Once they were out of the room Kim Joon motioned for Lian to sit next to him but Lian did not abide by his orders. “Sit… I said sit down Lian!” he said after he noticed she wasn’t listening to him. Getting frustrated Kim Joon got up and grabbed Lian’s hand throwing her on the couch while saying, “You belong to me! This means not associating with any guys no matter what history and doing what ever the I tell you to!”

Feeling her back crack a bit as she was flung on the couch, Lian just closed her eyes as she listened to him. “What ever!”  she said not really caring. “They are leaving tomorrow to go back to South Korea any ways! Can’t you just let me live in a dream for a little while?” she asked him sitting up looking defenseless now.

Looking down at her Kim Joon’s eyes went dark. Lian knew he held sympathy for her because of the life she was leading and everything that has happened to her but he still saw her as his. “I can’t because then you will expect it of me more often and not only that but what if they come back another year? Can you break it off then? No! I will go with you tomorrow to drop the off. You are not to be alone with them, understood?” he explained and as he did his voice got louder and angrier.

Tears slowly started to escape Lian’s eyes as these words came from Kim Joon’s mouth. Standing up she looked up at him and deep into his eyes. “You will regret say such words to me. You think I am yours and I may be because I owe the boss my life but if he were alive right now he would not stand for this.”

Kim Joon couldn’t say anything to this and so Lian was going to leave but she couldn’t even pass Joon. He immediately grabbed her arm, which hurt her.

“Let go!” she hissed but flinching in pain. He didn’t do as she wished. Lian could fight back but she knew it was no use because it would just complicate things even more. Tightening his grip she squealed a little bit. Opening she was going to say something again but the door opened to reveal a confused Keiseop and Kevin.

Kim Joon froze when he saw two of Lian’s guest in the doorway that knew close to nothing about the gang. They were both asking for where the bathroom back here was but when they saw the sight they stopped in mid sentence.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Kiseop yelled as he walked up to them seeing Lian’s hand slowly start to bruise.

Kevin came up to hold Kiseop back not wanting to make any judgments as to what was going on. Kim Joon let go of Lian’s hand and said “Nothing, just telling my wife that I was lonely and wondering why she had a bruise on her hand.” Looking over at Lian he motioned to explain to them how it happened so a fight wouldn’t break loose.

“Calm down! After I dropped you guys off in the room I went back out in the club to clean up and almost fell off the stage but my friend Jisung caught me and saved me from breaking my leg, I should be thankful.” She said as if on cue and having the lie planned hours before the injury was caused.

“Wife? Huh? I don’t believe that story!” Kiseop said becoming confused as to how his first love could already be married

Laughing Lian said, “I’m not married, Kim Joon just likes me and is jealous that’s all. Don’t mind him Oppa! The bathroom is right down the hall and to the left. I would show you myself but I have to give Kim Joon tonight’s earnings and balance the account book.” She continued to lie through her teeth but it was convincing since she was pouring affection all over Kiseop.

Inching the two out step by step she tried to keep them oblivious. Once they were gone she would have to brace herself for her punishment because she broke everything that Kim Joon told her not to do. She ignored him, flirted with another guy, and indulged in her first love as if he didn’t exist, not to mentor lie about not being with Kim Joon.

As Lian watched the two boys walk down the hall she saw Kiseop constantly look back just to make sure she was really ok and she nodded with a smile waiting for him to disappear around the corner. Once he did Kim Joon closed the door to his room. Grabbing the back of Lian’s head he pulled her back and then just slammed her face into the door and whispered in her ear, “Don’t ever do that again. Lying is not good love. Get ready we are going out, there is trouble over at Lee’s.”



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foamtwt #1
They met and had such a perfect moment :(
But she had to die? :'(
Anyways, I loved the story.
Please write a sequel to this story it is so good. I love your writing
Love it <3
well depending on time and what people want I could do a sequel........ but i want to work on my other stories firs. Comment and tell me if you want me to write a sequel.....
Yeah sadly it is... From the very begining she was fated to die.... Its sad I know but kiseop will never know that....
ghiseop #7
is that really the end.?? awww...~~~ how sad :((
gonenuts4strbux #8
protective kiseop <3333<br />
please update soon! :)